37 | betrayal

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May: come home right now

I read the text under a desk, because we're not allowed to use our phones. I assumed it's either May or my father, because the boys are in the same class with me.

Me: why??

I typed and waited.

May: just come. Quickly.

She emphasized the word 'quickly' way too much for me to ignore her. I don't know what's going on, I just hope it's not about the war. I can't do war right now, I already have one in my head.

"I need a parents approval for the trip if you're not over 17! Don't forget that, or else you're not going anywhere!" Shouted professor McGonagall.

Oh yeah, the trip. I totally spaced on that. They're going to the Loch Ness lake for a few nights to study the Merpeople. Sounds pretty boring.

"...I'm sure Hagrid has told you all about- yes, miss Montgomery?" She finally noticed my raised hand.

"May I be excused?" I asked.

"For what?"

"I really need to go somewhere," I insisted.

She narrowed her eyes to have a better look at me, because I'm sitting in the back, and then she groaned and let me go.

I immediately got up from my seat and as I was leaving the classroom, I accidentally glanced at Draco. He gave me a questioning face, wanting to know where I'm going. He's still supposed to watch over me, after all. I provocatively smiled and left.

My way from the castle to Hogsmeade took me a good thirty minutes, if not more. I stopped in the village and apparated to the front of my house.

I stood there for a while, remembering everything that happened the last time I've been there. It was just a week ago, but it definitely feels like ages.

I didn't even step both my feet into the entrance hall and Tweeky was already hurrying me to the living room. When I saw the worried look on her face that's not usually there, I knew something's happening.

I rushed into the living room and found May with my Father, both nervously walking around the room. When they realized I'm here, their eyes opened more.

"Finally! What took you so long!?" Asked me my father and judging by his voice, he's angry with me. Like, a lot.

What have I done this time?

"Way to Hogsmeade is long...what's going on? Why are you both so angry?" I asked and folded my arms. No welcome-home tea, I guess.

"Tom-" stuttered aunt May, I don't know if she's more angry or worried.

Before I could do anything to defense myself, my father shouted "Expelliarmus!" and pointed his wand at me.

It didn't make me fall, but I wasn't far from that. I tipsy walked backwards and my wand fell out of my jeans pocket to the ground.

"What the-" I couldn't explain myself what's going on, why is my father against me?

"See? She's not prepared!" He said to May and nervously moved his hands.

I haven't seen him this furious in ages.

"Stop this madness, Tom," begged May.

I let them argue and made a few steps to the wand and kneeled down to pick it up.

"I don't know what you two are talking about," I mumbled, still in the kneeled position.

"She's weak, look-" he said and turned to me.

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