18 | ginny

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Draco being nice, what a dream, I though when I woke up in the morning. First mom, then Draco? What a night.

But I soon realized the Draco part wasn't a dream. It really happened - we were talking by the fireplace and I made him smile for the first time. He wasn't mean or moody...what a night.

It's finally Friday, the breakfasts are especially good on this day, and I'm walking to the Great hall to get some food. The November is slowly ending, which proves the fresh white layer of snow on the grass and rooftops outside.

When I walked into the Great hall, a pleasant smell of coffee and breakfast hit my nose. The boys and Ginny are all sitting by a Slytherin table, so I decided to sit next to Theo.

I greeted everyone and placed a small kiss on Theo's cheek. I wonder what mood he is in today.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked him while stuffing my mouth with omelette and bread.

"Yes..." he mumbled under his nose.

"I wanted to go to your room but you were locked,"

It's true, before the dream with my mom, I really did want to visit him and sleep next to him.

I felt Draco's eyes at me, so I checked if I'm not just imagining it. When I did, our eyes met for a second and then he looked away. He's sitting in front of me next to Leon and sipping from his black coffee. The silver rings on his veiny hand are shining as the sun rays reflect it.

The atmosphere in the Great hall is very kind and chill, considering there's a war coming. It's like the silence before a huge storm - everyone's trying to stay calm, but I don't know how long will this calmness last.

After a while, Pansy came for Draco and they both went somewhere. Before he left, he gave me another look, which I couldn't explain to myself. And men say we are complicated.

"How many classes do you have?" I asked Theo with a kind voice.

"A lot,"

Leon sighed and frowned his face at him. I think he's done with Theo's attitude as well as I am.

"Ginny, why don't you two go out together? Amelie could use a girl friend, right?" Offered Leon with a hope.

Or a girlfriend.

"Sure!" She said with an excited voice and smiled at me.

I smiled back, but I'm still worried about Theo.

"If something was wrong, you'd tell me, right?" I whispered to him and put my head on his shoulder.

"Everything's fine,"

I had only five classes today, and the last one is Potions with Slughorn. I'm kind of worried how things between us two are, after last Friday's dinner.

The Potions classroom is my favorite. It's a dark room with very small windows, there's always a foggy air from all the potions steams.

My worries about Slughorn hating quickly faded away when he offered me to make and Amortentia. I instantly agreed, because I didn't want to disappoint him.

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