Basketball Practice Go Wrong

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Bryce's eyes never left mine. I don't blame him, this news seem really insane. I've thought about wanting to adopt for a while. It's really been stuck in my mind since Breanna's birthday. I sighed. "Please say something." I begged. He managed to clear his throat and took a deep breath. "Lizzy, how long you thought about this?" He asked. I smiled and rubbed his hand. "Since Bri's birthday." I told him. Bryce caressed my hair softly. He smiled warmly. "This is so beautiful! It reminds me of us visiting that orphanage. All those cute little kids. Paparazzi just had to ruin the fun when we left." He said. True, paparazzi have no respect for us having privacy by snapping pictures outside an orphanage. Breanna and Jace thankfully hadn't dealt with cameras directly in their faces. I smiled and kissed his lips. He melted in the kiss. We parted. "Everything's fine. Imagine if we adopt a child." I assured. He looked down and sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I would love to have another baby or kid with you babe. Trust me. But the new year just started and we'll be working so much. Breanna and Jace will start middle school- I cut him off. "After summer. You know? When they turn eleven? They're not there until they turn eleven." I corrected. He stood dumbfounded. I felt myself about to laugh. I cleared my throat. "Babe, adoption runs by first meeting marriage couples like us, getting information about the kid we picked and have our first week with he or she. Wow it sounds like we're on Instant Family." I said, raising an eyebrow. We chuckled. "That movie was funny. It doesn't mean adopting kids will be easy. You remember all the crazy things those parents went through?" He said. I laughed hysterically. He looked at me confusedly. "You're saying we'll deal with attitude, screaming and especially one hurting their foot by stepping on glass?" I joked. Bryce playfully rolled his eyes and got ahold of my hands. "Lizzy, you know what I mean. These kids probably went through so much. It's our job to remind he or she that they're loved no matter what. They lost it thanks to neglect, abuse, abandonment or resentment." He said. Aww! He's definitely right. Even though I will not go through back-talk or whining about who wouldn't eat dinner. I nodded in understanding and cupped his face. "I know. It breaks my heart too. This is why I'm not sure if I'll agree if you don't want this decision." I told him. He scoffed, smiling. "I didn't say I didn't want the decision. I'm just saying we need to figure out how to squeeze this through our schedules." He said. Oh my gosh, really?! We can adopt a child?!
My jaw dropped. I smiled widely and hugged him. He laughed and hugged back. "Yay! We're getting a kid!" I cheered. He hummed in response. "Remember we gotta squeeze them through our schedules." He reminded. I scoffed. "Bryce, you released a third album and went on tour last summer. We decided to tour together with the kids for my album. This is not new to you. Besides, I'm only doing a magazine and radio interview tomorrow. It's fine." I sassed. He groaned, flunking himself on the pillow. I smiled innocently. "Fine! You got me!" He muffled through the pillow. I laughed and rubbed his hair. "First we need to break the news to the kids. Just in case we adopt a little baby, I don't want them to think we're ignoring them." I said. He quickly got off the pillow and his eyes widened. "Who said we're getting a baby? This had me freaking out because I thought you mean we're getting an actual baby. It'll make our schedules more stressful, even more stressful for you as a mom. I'm completely good if we adopt a kid under twelve nor thirteen." He said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smirked. "You sure? You really are?" I asked. Bryce quickly nodded. In a second, I breathed a breath of relief and cheered.
"Good! I thought you wanted that! I agree we should get a kid under twelve or maybe a teenager around fourteen." I agreed. He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back. We almost start making out until my brain clicked. I parted from him. "We can go to the orphanage on Tuesday." I said. He nodded in agreement. I nodded and got off the couch to stretch. Bryce yawned, stretching as well. "Cmon, let's go nap. The kids are probably worn out too." I told him. He nodded and got up from the couch. We walked upstairs, hearing nothing but quietness. I checked Breanna's room while he checked Jace's. She was fast asleep in bed. Her empty McDonald's bag on the nightstand. I smiled and kissed her forehead softly. I carefully closed the door behind me. Bryce did the same. "He's asleep." He whispered. I motioned that Breanna is too. We came to our room and flunked ourselves on the bed. We quickly fell asleep.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Where stories live. Discover now