"He's Not a Stranger."

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Rising up on Saturday is too fun! Bryce stayed in the studio until 7am. He clearly needed more sleep now. The alarm on my phone went off. I yawned, rolling out of bed. I stretched and ruffled my hair. Bryce was still sleep. His cheeks felt warm as I placed soft kisses. He stirred a bit and opened his eyes groggily. I shushed him with my finger. "Go ahead and sleep babe." I whispered. He nodded, falling back asleep. I done my morning routine and showered. I went through the closet and changed into this;

 I went through the closet and changed into this;

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Crazy knocking was heard. It made Bryce turn sideways frustratingly. I opened the door, revealing Jace smiling. "Good morning- I cut him off. "Shush! Daddy's asleep!" I whispered. He nodded in understanding and smirked. "Is breakfast ready?" He asked. Something smelled horrible. I bent and smelt his breath. Shit! It really stinks. That's clear he didn't brush his teeth which mean no breakfast. I raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Jace, did you brush your teeth?" I asked. He smiled innocently, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yes I did...no flossing." He said. Eww! I smirked and motioned him to go brush his teeth for real. He groaned, heading to the bathroom. Breanna came out of her room. She yawned and wiped her eyes. I smiled sweetly. "Hi, babygirl! Good morning!" I asked. She returned the gesture. "Morning! Don't tell me Jace's breath hurt your nose." She said, smirking at the last part. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Don't remind me." I told her. Breanna giggled. My eyes diverted to Bella's door closed. She maybe still asleep. I'll need to make breakfast so somebody's gotta wake her. "Baby, can you wake up Bella? I have to cook breakfast." I said. She nodded, smiling. "Sure!" She said. I rubbed her hair and walked downstairs. "Don't forget brush your teeth and wash face!" I shouted a little. Breanna gave a thumbs up before going to her room. I went into the kitchen, pulling out ingredients for spinach eggs and blueberry muffins. The kids love spinach eggs so much. The stove was on as I added oil, eggs, pepper and more. Brian was awake eating off his plate. Someone's feet touched the floor and came to the kitchen. Jace. He shown his cute pearly-white teeth. He smirked, winking. "I look good!" He said. I laughed. "True! That's my handsome boy." I agreed. He stood by the counter and played with his hair. "What are we having for breakfast?" He asked. I hummed in response. "Do you know what goes with spinach?" I teased. He cheered, raising his hands up. "Yay! Spinach eggs!" He cheered. I laughed and motioned him to quiet because of Bryce. He smiled sheepishly. "Oops. Where's the girls?" He said. I almost spoke until yelling and slamming doors echoed throughout the house. "STOP! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" Bryce yelled annoyingly. He rolled his eyes. "That explains a lot." He mumbled. I huffed and stirred the spinach and eggs. What could they be screaming about? "Please go tell your sisters to come down." I told him. Jace nodded and left. My blueberry muffins were in the oven so I needed to pick up the pace. No matter how loud or disturbing our family could be. I turned off the stove and pulled out the muffins from the oven. "You better get back here!" I heard Bella. "I'm telling mom!" Breanna shouted. "Get back here, little brat!" She yelled. Their problem unraveled as they ran downstairs to the kitchen. Jace followed behind, breathing heavily. I rolled my eyes. "What is going on now?" I asked. Bella growled. "She took my phone!" She told me. Breanna nodded in disagreement. "No I didn't! She wouldn't let me play games on it! She's too busy talking to her boyfriend!" She said, using air quotes. Boyfriend? Taking phones? Jace sighed. "I tried getting the phone back from her until they ran around." He admitted. She thumped his forehead. He yelped in a little pain. "Ow!" He whispered. "Breanna, stop!" I growled. She silently pouted. I turned my attention to Bella who grabbed the phone from her hand. "Now, is it true? About the boyfriend?" I asked. Jace giggled quietly. I motioned him and Breanna to sit on the couch. They flunked themselves on the couch. Bella groaned annoyingly. "Ugh! It's nothing! It's my friends I'm chatting with!" She told me. My gut tells me she is wrong but my heart wants to believe her...only so we won't be fighting again. I inhaled a deep breath. Someday I'll regret doing this. "Ok. You're just texting your friends and you have no boyfriend whatsoever that we're supposed to know about?" I asked. She quickly nodded. "Yes, totally!" She said. Right there, I swallowed my gut and smiled. "I believe you. I'll deal with Bri messing with your phone though. She's been crabby to get Instagram lately." I told her. Bella chuckled, making herself a plate. I began making the kids's plates. "Kids, come eat!" I said. They got off the couch and grabbed the plates. I focused on making mine with Bryce's while wondering if I could be wrong about who Bella's talking on Instagram.

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