Bryce vs. Adrian

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2 weeks later.

Our Christmas and New Years with the kids was lit! Me and Bryce drank wine instead of cider for the countdown. The girls and his friends were invited. Meadow came too with her best friend. The kids slept during the countdown and luckily, their doors were closed while everyone was here. I'm happy for 2020! Big things are coming my way now. Most importantly, being engaged to the love of my life. We agreed to announce our engagement next month. Let's not waste time, everyone will be happier about this! This was our everyday routine.

Morning struck and we rolled out of bed. I did my morning routine and took a shower. Bryce went to wake up Breanna and Jace for school. We needed to get up around 7am to get them ready for school. This be easier if they're homeschooled. We got dressed and check to see if they're getting ready. I walked in Breanna's room. She was jumping on the bed happily. I laughed. "Baby, why you're jumping on the bed?" I asked. She stopped and pouted. "I don't wanna go to school." She whined. I looked at her in awe and kissed her cheek. "I know, hon! How about we can get ice cream when I pick you up?" I said. She cheered and hugged me. I chuckled and hugged back. "Cmon, let's get your clothes on." I said. She nodded and took off her pjs. I raided through her closet and found this:

 I raided through her closet and found this:

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I smiled and laid it out. She began to put them on. "I'll go check on your brother." I told her. She nodded and I closed the door behind me. Jace walked out of his room, dressed and wide awake. He smiled. "Good morning, mom!" He said. I returned the gesture. "Morning, sweet! Someone's ready for school." I said. He playfully rolled his eyes. "Is Breanna taking too long?" He asked. I chuckled. "It's a girl thing you don't understand." I muttered. I rubbed his hair. "Is breakfast ready?" He asked. I almost spoke till Bryce came out of our room. He sighed. "Liz, it's 7:40! We gotta hurry!" He said. I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? The kids need breakfast!" I said. He shrugged. "We can stop at McDonald's." He said. Jace smiled widely. "Yes!" He cheered. I playfully rolled my eyes and smiled. "Fine." I said. I went back to Breanna's bedroom and she's all dressed...except the hair. I grabbed the brush and brushed her hair a few times. Yesterday, she didn't even cry when I washed it. I braided it into two braids. She smiled and got off the bed. We head downstairs and they grabbed their backpacks. We walked outside to Bryce's car. They were in the backseat while I got in the front with him. He pulled from the driveway and onto the road.

We ordered from McDonald's and bought them happy meals. We ate our breakfast before parking in front of their school. Kids were beginning to notice the Subaru. I chuckled. "Happens every time." I said. He nodded in agreement. "My friend always talk about how cool the car is and they'd wanna ride in it." Jace said. He smiled. "That's cool! Got your homework?" He said. They shared nods. The school bell rang. I smiled softly. "Have a great day!" I told them. We kissed their cheeks and they raced to the school. "I can't wait to see them grow up." I said. He scoffed. "Really? I wish they'd stay little forever." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "I wish they were homeschooled and we could've had homemade breakfast." I joked. We chuckled. He drove on the way home.


We pulled up in front of the house. He actually dropped me off because he had studio hour early. I kissed his lips and waved. He left as I walked up to the doorstep. The door was half opened. That's weird. We securely locked it. I sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked from the car. "The door's half open and we closed it." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "Are you freaking serious? Is somebody in there?" He asked. He got out of the car and walked up to me. "We need to call the police." He said. I rolled my eyes. "How can you be sure? People have came to my house. People I know." I said. Bryce sighed. "What if it's not? There's always that." He said. We slowly walked in. Thankfully, the house had everything we left behind. "Stay here." He told me. "Where are you going?" I whispered. "Upstairs." He said. Seriously? We have a big house! This guy could be anywhere! He would not be upstairs. "He could be anywhere, Bryce." I whispered. He held my hand and kissed me. "I'll be fine. Just call the police." He whispered. I nodded as he quietly went upstairs. I pulled out my phone and almost dialed 911 till a hand covered my mouth. I tried screaming loudly. "Guess who?" His creepy voice whispered. Somehow I recognized it. I growled and hit his face with my elbow. I was free from his grasp. We locked eyes. My brain clicked in memory. I gulped. "Adrian?" I said. He nodded, smirking. "It's me Lizzy. It's been a long time since high school." He said. I scoffed. "Yeah. Those days are really over." I said. He smiled. "Easy, babe. I came to here to visit our little son." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "Our son? Since when you give a damn about Jace? You never contacted me after you knocked me up. Not to mention, you've hurt me and tore my confidence. But I'm better than your low-life ass were. You're not his father. He won't ever see you in a million years so what I need from you is to get the hell out of my house!" I yelled angrily. He chuckled a little. "Why? Your popstar boyfriend gonna save you?" He asked. "Hell yeah." That familiar voice said from behind. He turned and he punched Adrian harshly. I swung a kick between his legs. He fell on the floor and groaned in pain. He started punching him repeatedly. I dialed 911 and pulled Bryce off him. "STAY YOUR ASS AWAY FROM MY FIANCÉE AND FAMILY!" He growled angrily. Adrian had a bruised eye and bleeding lip. I didn't care because I've had those wounds thanks to him. He finally knows what he'll get for hitting a woman.

The police arrived and arrested Adrian. I added a restraining order against him. I don't want him near Jace and Breanna ever. Surprisingly, this got on E! News and our phones were ringing nonstop from our family and friends. I let mine's know I'm ok. I've only told Meadow the intruder was Adrian. The problem was resolved when we picked up the kids for ice cream. In the living room, they were watching Descendants 3. We joined them on the couch. I took a sip of my milkshake and sighed. Why does stuff from my past have to come and bite me? But who cares? I love the life I have now and my family. Bryce caressed my hair. "You ok?" He asked softly. I smiled and nodded. He returned the gesture and rubbed my sides.

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