Photograph Part 2

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'Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul, and its the only thing that I know, I know. I swear it'll get easier for you, remember that with every piece of you, hmm, and that's the only thing we take with us when we die'

She did nothing but hug me. I hugged back tightly. "You're here." She said, the cry in her voice. Tears formed in my eyes. I missed her for a long time. "How did you find me? What are you doing here?" She asked. We parted. "I came to see you. It's been four years. I don't know why we lost touch." I said. She sighed happily. "My grown up girl." She said. I smiled and we hugged again. I looked around the house again. Man, no offense but its clearly a dump. "What happened to your house? Its so messy. There's even beers and pill bottles." I asked. She sighed sadly. That's when I figured it out. "You have a drinking problem. You're probably still doing it." I said. She nodded her head no. "No. Not anymore. I been in rehab for two years and in therapy. I struggled with depression, that's why I drink. I got arrested for an DUI and lost my teaching job. I made a couple of mistakes and that's why Meadow wasn't with me. I'm clean now. I'm ready to be apart of everyone's life, even yours." She explained. I smiled. "I totally understand people make mistakes. But why is your house still a mess?" I said. She sighed. "Money's tight. I'm working at a job close to here and I'm trying to make money to fix the house too." She said. My brain clicked. I'll help her clean out the house. "Let me help you." I said. Her jaw dropped. "Really?" She asked. I nodded. "Its no prob! We could throw away the beers, get a handyman for the window, clean the floors and wipe dust." I said. She nodded, smiling. "How long you're here?" She asked. "Only three days so I can spend time with my mommy." I said. She looked at me in awe. "Let's get to cleaning. I have the supplies in the bathroom." She said. She almost walked away till I stopped her. "Wait, is there somewhere I could sleep for the night?" I asked. She smiled. "Is the couch ok?" She said. I shrugged. "Sure." I said.


Me and Rebecca cleaned her home. I cleaned the broken flower vase, she unraveled the plastic off the couch and I called the handyman for the window and hole. He came a bit later while we still cleaned. I sprayed and wiped dust in everything and threw away the bottles and hookah. We cleaned the dishes. The window was fixed and the hole was covered up. The house was finally the cleanest. I smiled. She also smiled and chuckled. "All done!" She said. My stomach growled for a minute. "Hungry?" She asked. I nodded. "Maybe we could go out for lunch." I said. "Yes! I know this nice cafe me and Meadow always go to." She said. I smiled widely. "K, just let me get settled." I said. "You can use the bathroom for the shower and getting dressed." She said. I thanked her and opened my bag.


Rebecca took me to the food cafe where her and Meadow used to go. It was really great and filled with Hawaiian customs. She smirked and put a flower necklace around my neck. I laughed while she put on hers. We ordered and began talking, like we would do. "How's Meadow?" She asked. I smiled. "She's good. She's sometimes in New York for modeling and joined dad on his Reach Out Worldwide foundation." I said. "Have you joined?" She asked. I shrugged. "Come to think of it I haven't. I been really busy, you have no idea." I said. "You could never be busy to spend time with your family." She said. I nodded in agreement. "I always made time for them. I took my own brother to get his wisdom teeth out." I said. She chuckled. "That must've been funny." She said. I chuckled. "True." I said. "How's your dad?" She asked all of a sudden. I smiled. "He's great. Happily married to kind of a psycho at first but we got along well." I said. She nodded, chuckling. "Anything else? Rockstar?" She asked. I chuckled. "Your rockstar is indeed still working on her music." I said. She smiled. "I'm so proud of you." She said. I returned the gesture. "Thanks." I said. Our foods came and we started eating. They're so good! Never tasted Hawaiian food in my life. We continued catching up on each other and the conversation went a little long. I liked that it did and becoming close with Rebecca. I told her about Bryce, the girls and my new music I'm doing. Our stomachs were full and we left the cafe. We decided to take a walk on the beach. I smiled as I felt the breeze and peaceful sounds of the waves. "This feels great." I said. She nodded in agreement. "I know. Wanna know a secret? I've went to the beach with your dad when we were younger." She said. I chuckled. "For real?" I asked. She chuckled. "Yup! Us, his friends and his brothers." She said. "You guys grew up in Glendale." I said. Somehow I wanted to know more about their childhood. It must've been wild and fun because they're from Cali. "What else happened?" I asked, anxious to know. She smiled. "We used to go to a Christian school there. Me and your dad known each other since we were kids. All the crazy times we had as teens." She said. I smirked. "Drinking? Partying? Or being chased by the cops?" I guessed. She chuckled. "Not being chased by police." She said. I nodded in understanding. "I really wish you could come to LA with me. You could meet the boys and Alyssa. Hopefully Meadow's there because she could be in New York still." I said. She rubbed my back softly. "Sweetie, I can't move to LA." She said. I nodded my head no. "I didn't mean move, I meant come to visit. Whenever you can." I said. She smiled a bit. "I'll try. I promise." She said. I cheered and grappled her arm. I sighed. "I just hope dad will be fine with it..." I said. She put her head down sadly. "What's wrong? I doubt him and Meadow would be upset. Maybe Meadow a little but nobody would be." I said. She sighed. "Hope so. Even his wife." She said. I playfully rolled my eyes. I fully doubt Jasmine would hate her since she's there to visit her two daughters. I hugged her. She hugged back. "I'll still be by your side." I whispered. She slightly chuckled.
"Thank you, baby." She said. We parted and continued walking on the sand. This time we were headed home because it was getting dark. "Feel like watching a movie?" She asked. I looked at her. She smirked. I laughed. "Yeah!" I said. I took a shower and changed to my pjs. Rebecca cooked dinner and I finally got to do the mom/daughter with her which is cooking. We ate and watched movies till we became sleepy. She left to her bedroom while I got under the blankets on the couch. "Goodnight." She whispered, adding a kiss to my forehead. I smiled sleepily. "Night." I whispered.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant