Here's To Us👰🏻❤️

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"Ugh babe! I can't find my jacket!" I growled. "They're probably in your closet right?" He said from the bathroom. It was 8am and we were getting ready to fly to Canada for the wedding. The plane leaves at 9:00. I found my jacket in the closet. Thank you! I quickly grabbed it and put it on. Bryce came out, brushing his teeth. He was dressed already. He just forgot to brush them. Our suitcases were packed on our bed. We were staying in a hotel along with the girls and Simone's family. Bryce finished brushing his teeth and grabbed our bags. I smiled. "Today's the day. I'm excited yet happy." I said. He returned the gesture. "I know. I'm just glad I have the cutest girl as my date." He said. We kissed passionately. I grabbed my bag while he had his. We left the house and closed the door. Bryce honked the car. We put them in the trunk and got inside. I rested my head on my fist. He smiled. "Sleepyhead." He said. I slightly chuckled as he drove off.

We got to the airport and got in the jet till 9:50. We went inside the plane and found our seats. We ordered breakfast and watched Netflix from my tablet. The plane ride took 3 hours. It was all the time I needed to relax and I'm so better now.
Bryce had headphones on, listening to music. I nudged his arm. He yanked one off his ear. "Yeah?" He said. I smiled. "We're here babe." I said. He nodded and took off his headphones. The plane finally landed. Yes! Canada baby! We got our bags and walked out of the plane. The sun out but it got a little cold. Thankfully, I had my jacket. Our ride that's taking us to the hotel was here. I'm so happy to be here. Though I'm a Cali girl, this was the place I grew up in. We put our stuff in the trunk and got inside. The driver drove off. Bryce wrapped his arm around me. I smiled. "Feels great to be back. I haven't been here in a while." I said. "Really?" He asked. "Yup. My family moved to Cali because of me in L2M. Grant wants to be an artist too and that's why they're still there." I said. He nodded in understanding. "So you're gonna perform during the wedding?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, the wedding starts with us singing the song. Even as Simone walks to the alter." I said. He smiled. "This gon be lit!" He said. I laughed. "I know right?" I said. He groaned. "Why is it so cold?" He asked. I scoffed. "We're not in California. Canada's the cold country. I painfully lived through the cold times. I always been a more hot girl." I said. He smirked. "You're right about the hot part." He whispered. I laughed and nudged his arm. He kissed my cheek. We finally got to the hotel and signed ourselves in. We're in a hurry because the wedding will an hour. We unpacked our bags and got ourselves ready. I was dressed in my bridesmaid dress with my hair in a long ponytail and Bryce was in his tux. He was fixing his tie. I could tell he was struggling a bit. I smiled and fixed his tie for him. He returned the gesture. "Thanks baby." He said. I smirked. "You look handsome." I said. "You're so beautiful." He said. I thanked him. My phone buzzed. It was Lexi calling. I answered. "Hello?" I said. "You guys coming? Hurry!" She said. "Yes we are! We're on our way!" I said. "See you there." She said. I hung up after Bryce motioned me to hurry. We left the hotel but thanks to the cold, we wore jackets. We got inside the same car and drove to the church. My heart was beating out of my chest. I smiled excitingly. Bryce saw my reaction and chuckled. My best friend's now ready to marry the love of her life.


We made it to the church and I caught up with the girls. Bryce had a seat in the crowd. I even saw Skip there as well. He's probably Riley's wedding date. Lexi handed me a mic. I smiled. We got here a little early so its not starting yet. I had two parts in the song. The chorus and a verse. The girls thought it be important if only I sing the chorus. Me and Simone been much tighter since kids. Stacey took a deep breath. "I'm so nervous." She said. Deana scoffed. "Why? You're not the one getting married." She said. We agreed with a couple of yeahs. I chuckled. "I know what she meant." I said. Stacey smirked. "Thank you Lizzy." She said. Lexi sighed. "Its ok. I am too." She said. I smiled. "Our Simone's all grown up." I said. They nodded in agreement. Lexi looked at the her wristwatch. "Its time." She said. We took a deep breath. "Anybody ready?" Deana asked, holding the mic. We each nodded nor said yeah. The song started playing.

(Deana is Amy, Lizzy is Christina and Lisa, Stacey is Katherine, Lexi is Lauren, Riley is Dani)

The song stopped once we were all aligned at the alter. Zack's brothers or cousins were there on his side. Skip waved at me. I waved back. Simone stood in front of Zack. He smiled. She returned the gesture. She looked super beautiful. "Please join hands." The priest said. They held hands and kept eye contact. "Family and friends, we are gathered here today in the house of Christ to celebrate these two souls in holy matrimony. Do you, Zack Siler take Simone Davis as your Offaly wedded wife? To have and to hold? And in sickness and health?" He said. Zack smiled. "I do." He said. He looked at Simone. "Do you Simone, take Zack Siler as your Offaly wedded husband?" He asked. She shed a tear and I looked at her in awe. "I do." She said. He smiled. "If anyone's in denial that these two shouldn't be married, speak now or forever hold your peace." He said. Nobody answered. Thank lord! "Ok, the rings." He said. A little boy gave Zack the ring. He must be either his little brother or cousin. Simone giggled and he put it on her finger. "By the power invested in me by God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He said. I gripped my bouquet of flowers excitingly. Zack put the veil over Simone's head. She shedded more tears. "I love you Zack." She whispered. "Love you too." He whispered. They shared a passionate-heartfelt kiss. Everybody clapped and applauded. We girls cheered and Lexi hugged me. I hugged back. Simone and Zack held hands and walked the aisle together. Bryce smiled at me. I smiled. This is truly the most beautiful wedding ever.

After that, we were in the reception. Go ahead and guess, it was lots of fun! It really was. Us, the family and friends talked about the day we met Simone and Zack. For me I was a little nervous but all good.
We began eating and their wedding cake came too. I was next to Bryce and he chewed a piece of chicken. I chuckled. "Seriously?" I said. He shrugged. "I was hungry." He said. Finally, it was time for my favorite part; dancing and throwing the bouquet! We each danced on the dance floor and I laughed once Bryce danced near me. For the couples and newly weds, there's slow dancing. Me and Bryce looked into each other's eyes as we danced. Over and Over again by Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande was playing. He smiled. "Remember the day I met you?" He said. I nodded. "You were the boy with glasses but you were pretty cute with them." I said. He chuckled. "And you're the most beautiful schoolgirl who shown any interest in me." He said. I cupped his face with my hands. "That's not why I fell in love with you. I loved you because you're respectful, sweet, kind and yet super handsome." I said. We kissed passionately. He twirled me around. Our bodies intertwined as the song played. "By the way, can we finish watching Avengers Endgame on your tablet?" He asked. I chuckled. "You're lucky I'm a big fan." I said. Its true. It wasn't just Fast and Furious I loved. I really liked the Avengers. What's off topic and what shouldn't be mentioned about is I had a crush on Captain America. That's off topic for the wedding. I looked at Simone and Zack dancing together. They're really meant for each other. "We can finish the movie once we get home." I said. He nodded. All of us girls waited as Simone finally threw the bouquet. Everyone tried to catch it but it fell to my hands. I smiled widely. Everyone clapped and cheered. Bryce mouthed 'I love you' to me. I returned the gesture. I raised the bouquet in the air and cheered. Deana laughed. After all the partying, a limo was waiting outside to take the married couple to their honeymoon. We left the reception, waving goodbye and cheering. Confetti was blown into the air and flowers were thrown. I smiled and Bryce hugged me. Before they left, Simone went to hug me. I hugged back. Soon the girls joined in a group hug. "Miss you girls." She whispered. "We'll miss you too." We whispered. We slowly parted as Simone caught up to Zack. They got in the limo and it drove off. I looked at the girls. They gave me the same look. Its official. Our best friend has a new life and things are gonna be different now. But she'll always be part of L2M. We'll always be.

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