Meadow's Engagement

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Breanna's room was closed. I made it upstairs and heard soft cries. My stomach felt a hundred twists in one second. She didn't deserve what happened earlier. Sabrina is a dumb bitch that isn't allowed in this house at all. If she comes, I'll kick her ass or call the police. She is the whole reason why my babygirl's crying now. I opened the door, seeing her face down on the pillow. She sniffled while tears fell from her eyes. I sat beside her body and rubbed her back comfortably. "I'm so sorry baby." I muttered softly. She sighed. "Why me?" She whispered. I looked at her confusedly. "What?" I asked. Breanna turned sideways and made eye contact. Her eyes were red puffy. "Why did I came from Sabrina? I hate I came from her. She practically hated me like she wished I weren't born. I wished you been my mother from the beginning like Jace. I hate Sabrina! I hate her!" She cried, bursting into tears. A tear fell naturally from my cheek. I hugged her. She hugged back tightly. "You are my daughter. You already were when you and Jace was at the doorstep. I love you from the bottom of my heart. It breaks my heart to know how much you dealt with as a little girl. No doubt I wished I carried you inside of me. Nothing could change how much you mean to me. That woman don't deserve your tears right now." I said. We parted. "I love you mom." She said, smiling. I returned the gesture and kissed her forehead. "Love you too my baby." I said. Breanna smiled warmly. "Hey, is Bella and Dad coming back?" She asked. I nodded. "Yup. All we gotta do is pick up Jace from Phil's on the way. Time for your first shower so you could change." I told her. She cheered and got off the bed. She pulled out new clothes while I gathered her bath robe, soap bottle and wash cloth. I went to the bathroom, turning on the shower head. They're growing up so much so they don't need baths anymore. Breanna came in and closed the door. "Picked out your clothes?" I asked. She nodded, taking off her dance clothes and getting in the bathtub. The water was fully warm as she squirted soap on the cloth. I smiled. "Alright. Scrub from shoulders to feet, scrub between and don't miss the- she cut me off. "I got it mom! Trust me! I got it!" She said annoyedly. I chuckled and walked out. After showering, she used her pink JoJo Siwa lotion and dressed into a new outfit. I always make sure to check the labels due to many people getting cancer off of aluminum in the products. I wrapped her hair in one messy bun and grabbed my keys. "Ok! Let's go!" I said. She nodded and followed me outside to the car. "Yay! Front seat!" She cheered, opening the door. I laughed and fired up the engine. She mumbled JoJo Siwa while I drove onto the road to Phil and Skip's.


I screamed happily. "She's engaged!" I squealed. Bryce laughed, playfully cheering. "Yeah! Congratulations to her!" He said. He and Bella came back an hour later after I picked up Jace. The kids were in their rooms. Bella's song will soon be finished this summer. Excited but I'm a little concerned about her schoolwork though. Between music and school, it'll be hard to manage while dealing with epilepsy. Meadow's happily engaged! I hugged him. He hugged back. We parted. "What happened?" He asked. I laughed and shrugged. "She literally called me and asked if I'll be her maid of honor. I was confused for a second until I got the hint." I explained. He chuckled and kissed my lips. I melted in the kiss. "That's amazing babe." He said. I smiled warmly. "So beautiful. Soon she'll be carrying two or three babies." I slightly joked. He raised an eyebrow weirdly. "Two? Three?" He said. I hid my giggles and rubbed his hair. His hands wrapped around my waist. I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck. "When's the engagement party?" He asked. Meadow doesn't want an engagement party. All she wanna do is spend a few hours with her fiancé and not make a large celebration. I fully respected it though it would be nice to cheers up to their upcoming marriage. We parted. Bryce breathed a breath of relief. "I'm glad we're spreading news which brings mine." He said.
Hm, his news seemed to give a hell of one irritation for a single day. Hint; Delilah. This time it'll be something better and different. I smiled. "Well what is it hon?" I asked. He inhaled a deep breath and held my hands. "It is something I haven't mentioned to you before. You know my parents divorced when I was younger. He moved out and got remarried to Delilah's mother. The real truth is...her mother adopted three daughters." He explained. My eyes widened. She adopted three girls? That would mean the kids have four aunts besides Alyssa and Meadow. Damn, just damn. I fiddled with his fingers. "What are their names? Did he ever think about how you feel? Your father nearly made a life-changing decision." I said. He nodded in agreement and sighed. "I know. I officially let it go because Mom moved on and so did he. He told me when I was ten years old when he invited them to spend Christmas with us. Me surviving four sisters was...damn." He said, chuckling at the last part. I covered my mouth to giggle. I felt the same with Phil, Skip, Grant and Hunter. "Again, what's their names?" I repeated. He smirked. "Mary, Edith and Sybil." He told me. Wow. Sounds really different. I inhaled a deep breath and smiled. "That's something you don't hear everyday." I said through gritted teeth. We laughed. "I'd love to meet them. I have lots of questions to ask." I told him. He scoffed, kissing my lips. I kissed back. "I'll answer whatsoever." He whispered. We parted. He hummed in response. "They all heard about you thanks to me. They'd love to meet the kids and get to know you." He said. I looked at him in awe. "Aww. Now we must think about Bella's schoolwork. She can't manage music while going to classes. That's why you should give the song a rest." I said. He nodded. "I wanted to talk about this before. School does come first and her health too. Haven't we discussed her hospital trips?" He mentioned. I almost spoke until the door knocked. "Who is it?" I called. "It's Bella!" She called from the door. "Come in." He said. The door opened which shown one happy-smiling Bella. "Mom, I don't know if Dad told you but it's almost done. My single!" She cheered. I laughed and hugged her. "That's amazing baby. I'm so proud." I said. She giggled heartedly. "Thanks mom." She said. Bryce cleared his throat. We parted. "Princess, me and Mom were almost discussing your hospital visits. Last time you had your regular doctor check-up." He added. She nodded confusedly. "It's normal Dad. Are you talking about check-ups on my epilepsy?" She asked. I nodded. "Or check-ups on your medicine if you've been taking them." I said. Bella nodded her head no. "It depends if I'm having seizures for like, every two or three times a week or could mean the medicine's not working. They'll need to change the pills." She said. We nodded in understanding. She hasn't had them four or three times a week. Its only one or two a week which shouldn't be bad. "How many do you usually have?" He asked. She shrugged. "I lost track." She quickly said. I smiled confidently. "Only two or one. That's progress isn't it?" I said. She smiled out of relief. Bryce wrapped his arm around my neck. "Yup! I just hope the doctor agree." He said. I nodded in agreement. Bella pulled out her phone. "Anyways, did you guys hear?! Aunt Meadow's engaged!" She squealed. We laughed more. "We know. She pranked me by asking me to be her maid of honor." I said. She stopped giggling once her phone buzzed. "Sorry, gotta take this." She said, leaving and shutting the door. We shared confusion. "What was that about?" He asked. I scoffed. "Friends obviously. Cmon, tell more about your three musketeers." I joked but in a serious tone. He chuckled and flunked himself on the bed.

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