Tampons, Horses & Pampers

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(This is Logan up top)


Bella POV
It felt incredibly humid once my eyes opened.
My curtains were closed but the hotness creeped around my room. A little sweat was under my eyes and throat. I yawned groggily, finding myself surrounded by pillows because of my last night seizure. My whole body felt complete tiredness. The hot weather was making it worse. I slowly got up but immediately felt something heavily dropped between my legs. It wasn't long until I noticed a big red stain on my blankets. OH SHIT! I managed to grab my bag and rushed to the bathroom. Nobody's in there, yay! Heavy drops fell from between my legs. This is freaking embarrassing. My period is already here but I was certain it was coming next week. I pulled my pants down, noticing the blood got on my underwear and some on my right leg. I used the tissues and wiped them off repeatedly. I opened my bag to see brand new underwear alongside the bag of tampons I bought with Jayla last week. My brain clicked, remembering the instructions of how to use one. I began putting the stick in my vagina perfectly and pulling my pants up. The problem is I'll need to hide these from Mom. She always tell me to have pads instead of tampons because it's a better choice. I threw away the wrapper and flushed the toilet. I washed my hands and grabbed my bag. Of course, I'll need to change pants because of my "accident." I closed the door, pulling out a new pair and throwing the stained one in the laundry basket. Guess my period is what triggered my seizure. They're usually worse whenever it comes. I changed my bed sheets and dropped the old in the basket. All I hope is I'll keep up with tampons and make sure Mom doesn't notice. "Bella! Breakfast!" Dad shouted. "Just a minute!" I shouted back. I went back to the bathroom for my morning routine.

Lizzy POV
"You want me to what?!" I complained. I'm currently on the phone with Simone about babysitting her baby cousin today, Mia's little brother. What's amazing is they're thinking about adopting a baby sometime. She laughed. "Can you please watch Mia's little brother while I'm gone?" She asked. I scratched my head nervously. This is kinda hectic considering I'm watching three kids. Now three kids and a baby? "I would girl but- she cut me off. "I know! I understand because you have three kids but Riley's vacationing with Skip, Stacey is hanging out with her family and Lexi has an interview today. Me and Zack are visiting his grandparents. What am I gonna do?" She said. I inhaled a deep breath. Rachel needs somebody to watch him while she takes Mia for a vaccine shot since she had a bad fever last week. God forbid this turns into Mommy Daycare center. I smiled. "Ok. I'll watch him until you get back." I told her. "You will?! Yay!" She cheered. I laughed. "By the way, what's his name?" I asked. "Logan. He is really cute!" She said. I looked down and giggled. "I'm dropping him off around 10pm sharp because she has to get Mia there before she pukes again." She said. Whoa. No time to waste then. I hummed in response. "Any instructions about Logan?" I asked. To babysit him, I have to know his good habits and bad habits. "Don't worry, I'll text you right now. See you soon!" She said and hung up. Jace and Breanna was on the couch next to me watching Animal Planet. They liked seeing animals up close on the TV and off. "Mom, ever wonder if we had another pet? Like a horse?" He asked. I waited patiently for Simone's text. "A horse huh?" I asked. "Yeah! It'll be so much fun! We get to ride him everyday and talk to him because horses listen to people's problems." She added. I looked up and chuckled. "Guess they do." I mumbled. Bryce fake smiled while eating bacon. "They also poop wherever they want to and lives in a barn. Do we own a barn?" He said. Brian wiggled his tail, running off in the hallway. Jace cheered happily. "Ooh! Can we get a barn?!" He asked. Breanna rolled her eyes. "No!" She told him. My attention laid on my phone for babysitting Logan's list. "I was asking Mom. Mom, can we- I cut him off. "Nope." I quickly said. He groaned quietly, turning to Bryce. "Dad, can I- he cut him off while scrolling on his phone. "No." He said. She covered her mouth to giggle. Jace huffed and crossed his arms. I didn't realize Bella walked in. "Morning everybody!" She said, smiling. She was holding Brian in her grasp. He kept licking her cheek. We finally looked up from our phones. "Morning princess." Bryce said. "What took you so long? Was it cause of the gifts?" I asked, smirking. Bella cleared her throat and smiled. "Yup. I was busy playing with them." She told me. I nodded. Bryce smirked. "Well, I can't wait until we bring you to the studio for some songs." He teased. She giggled, covering her mouth shyly. "Dad..." She trailed off. My phone finally buzzed for Simone's instructions on watching Logan.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Where stories live. Discover now