An Eventful Friday

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We growled silently as I took the wheel on the way to Bella's school. God, what have she done this time? Smoking. Everybody in the universe know smoking gives none other than cancer. It's freaking toxic, makes you stupid, adds bad nicotine to your lungs. Vaping is much worse too. I huffed. "I'm going to kill her." I growled. He took a deep breath. "Babe, I'm too frustrated to even discuss about killing her." He told me. My hands were becoming warm due to the anger I'm processing. "Does she even know how terrible smoking is nowadays? And she's fourteen! Most people are getting cancer or arthritis shit all because of fucking cocaine!" I growled. Bryce grabbed my hand and rubbed it. "We need to be calm once we get there. She's already angry with us because we told her to stay away from Hayden." He said in a serious tone. I scoffed and fake laughed. "Hayden? You mean her online creeper that wants pictures?" I joked. He rolled his eyes. "Is there anything else Principal James told you?" He asked. I inhaled a deep breath before I scream. "They were caught smoking outside the janitor closet. The vice principal caught them red handed." I explained. He sighed. "That was a good thing." He mumbled. I nodded in agreement as we parked in the parking lot. "Showtime." He whispered. We got out and closed the doors. I walked up to the entrance, making Bryce open for me. The hallway was cleared out which meant everybody's in class. We'd be very mobbed if the halls were full of people. We followed the right path to the principal's office. Emotions is all over the room for both of us. I've never been so angry toward a child of mine before. She needs to learn responsibility and respect as well. I snapped out of my thoughts when Bryce opened the door. Principal James saw us and smiled. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Dunham!" He said. Bella sat in the middle chair. She seemed really nervous yet scared. Hm, not surprised because I'll be throwing bombs when we get home. Him and Bryce politely shook hands. I fake smiled. "Now where were we? Oh yeah! What is wrong with you smoking?!" I said, growling at Bella. She almost spoke until Principal James did.
"Those two girls Molly and Jade are always smoking outside the school or inside. We have strict rules about drugs, smoking, vaping or alcohol found on any school premises. You understand because you supposedly have done things to encourage no smoking." He said. I crossed my arms and fake chuckled. "Oh we have." I said. Bella looked down sadly. Bryce nodded in agreement. "We understand, sir. Continue." He told him. Principal James shifted himself in his chair. "If any student is caught doing drugs or smoking, we highly recommend suspension or go with a warning. It's really dangerous, Bella. Think before you sniff the white line." He said firmly. She playfully rolled her eyes. "Where did you get that from? The Finish It commercial?" She joked. Ooh! I need to choke this girl until she spits out food! I angrily smacked her arm. She jumped, rubbing in slight pain. "Watch your mouth young lady." Bryce said sternly. I cleared my throat and sighed. "Sir, we'll go with the warning. She'll never be caught smoking again." I assured. He leaned back onto his chair. "Very well. Bella can go back to class before lunch and she'll be taking a sobriety test just in case." He finished. Our eyes widened. A sobriety test? If she was drinking and driving but smoking? Bella nodded her head no. "I wanna go home! You can take me home as punishment! Please! I'm tired of this!" She begged. Principal James decided to give us space to talk. Bryce scoffed. "You think after this, we'll let you off the hook? Nope." He said. She rubbed her hair frustratingly. "Please! Everything's too much for me right now. All I want is to come home. I hate this." She said. Tears fell from her eyes. Crying isn't gonna solve anything. I inhaled a deep breath. "Bella, you got caught smoking. Are you freaking aware of how many kids got sick cause of it? You're fourteen years old! It messes with your head and gives you cancer! Don't even joke about those commercials because it's the truth. They're just as worse as drugs! Why the hell would you even...why did you smoke?" I growled angrily. She sniffled, wiping more tears. "Because my friends think Hayden's a creep! We got in a argument and I couldn't take it anymore. You all believe he's a stalker but he stuck by me whenever I go to every foster home. He loves me more than life itself- I cut her off by cupping her face. "Sweetie, we love you so much. I love you more than anything in the world. You were our first thought when we came to the adoption agency. That love will never change. Hayden is none other than some man who wants more than you. I am happy waking up everyday to say good morning to my eldest daughter. But you got to know smoking doesn't help. What exactly do you feel after using it?" I said. She sighed sadly. "Terrible." She mumbled. Bryce wrapped his arm around her neck. "Right. It doesn't help you feel good. If you're ever feeling sad, that's why we're here. We'll always be there for you and we'll always protect you." He said softly. She couldn't help but cry in his arms. My heart keeps breaking any time I watch it. I've thought of her running into my arms if she's upset or crying. Let's face it, she isn't ready to call me Mom or believe if I love her. They parted, letting her calm down. A dark lady came in wearing a purple pantsuit. She smiled sweetly. "Excuse me? I'm Vice Principal Ida. I'm here for Bella's sobriety test." She told me. Bryce and I mentally shared a decision. I cleared my throat, smiling. "Yes sure. We're planning to take her home after and can you notify teachers about the homework? She can't miss anything." I said. She quickly nodded. Bella got off the chair, following her into her office.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum