Get Out!

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The Uber stopped once my house was in appearance. I got out the car. Bryce's car was gone so he wasn't here. Thankfully. I don't want her fingers all over him. I opened the door and quietly snuck inside. I heard a thump. I went upstairs and looked in the guest room. She wasn't there. She wouldn't be downstairs either. I slowly went to our bedroom and saw Sofia in her underwear...with no pants but a shirt on. She saw me and quickly got off the bed. I'm seriously gonna kill her. She sighed. "You don't understand." She said. I scoffed. "Understand what?" I asked. "I understand the feeling of being in love with him. Its ok. I understand." She said. I looked at her as if she's stupid. I fake smiled. "You got to be so delusional and stupid." I said. She looked at me in shock. "I'mma let you go and have cops deal with your crazy ass." I said, almost leaving. She pulled me. "Do not touch me!" I growled. She kept pulling me. "Listen to me!" She said. "I said DON'T TOUCH ME!" I said, pushing her harshly to the ground. She pushed me back and I fell to the floor. I groaned as she kept kicking me but I grabbed her legs and made her trip. I got on top of her and started punching her. I pulled her up and smacked her across the face. She slapped me the same. I harshly pushed her against the wall. She groaned in pain. She tried to run but I tripped her over. She began crawling so I grabbed one of her legs, trying to pull her back. "You trying to run huh? Wanna run bitch?" I growled. She tried to get to the stairs but I got on her back and punched her head. I pulled her up. She gave a wicked smile. "This is for drugging my friend *punch* stalking my friends *punch* stalking my boyfriend *punch*" I said. She kicked me in my right leg. I held it in short pain. She pulled me up and threw a couple of punches. I kicked her in the stomach. We made eye contact filled with hatred. I growled and pushed her onto the stairs. We both flipped over till we hit the ground. I tried to get up though pain inflicted my body. I grabbed her hair and punched her again. I regained my eye sight when I saw her on the stairs, holding Bryce's guitar like a stick. She growled and tried to hit me but missed. I grabbed the guitar and whacked her in the head. She fell on the stairs and groaned in pain. I whacked her twice and threw it aside. "You don't think I dealt with crazy bitches like you?!" I yelled. I punched once again. I pulled her up but she slammed me hard. She grabbed my hair and I yelped. She tried to throw me onto the table but I reversed and threw her onto the table. She screamed in pain once her back hit it. I kicked her in the stomach which made her drop to the floor. We grabbed each other's heads and kept kicking each other. It went on till we were in the living room. I grabbed a glass cup and whacked the glass on her. She threw me onto the fridge. I groaned in pain. She slowly got up from the ground. She almost got to me till I crawled around. The large glass windows in one was behind me. "I waited a long time to meet him. He had my heart before you even did. You cheated on him with somebody who looks like your dad. You never loved him." She said. I scoffed. "I had Bryce before he even became famous. I knew him more than you could ever. Wonder why we went back together? Because we knew we still love each other. We all go crazy on love, right? You're obviously an insecure, crazy-ass whore wanna be a rich whore. Get a life." I said. She growled angrily. "You don't know nothing about me." She said. "Go to Hell Sofia." I said. I managed to get up but she jumped and I got out the way. She crashed through the window and fell on the grass. I breathed heavily and held my back. Blood was trickling on her head and arms. Suddenly, the chandelier lost control. It swung and fell on Sofia. My jaw dropped. Her eyes were now closed. She was dead. Literally gone.

Later, I called the police and the ambulance arrived. I explained about Sofia stalking the girls and me. I was outside sitting on a gurney as they gave medical help for my bruises. "Lizzy!" I heard my man's voice. He got out his car and ran up to me. I hugged him. He hugged back tightly. "Are you ok?" He asked. I smiled a little. "Yes I'm fine babe." I whispered. He kissed my forehead. Lexi came with all the girls except Simone inside. They ran to me out of worry. I hugged Lexi. We got in a group hug. "We're really sorry this happened." Kendall said. I nodded. "Its ok. You just need to be careful of who you befriend. She's not like that Sarah Stalker girl who's nice and calm." I said. They chuckled. "How's Simone? Bet she's mad we ruined her bachelorette." I said. Deana nodded in disagreement. "No, Sofia ruined it. We told her she's the one who drugged her up and been stalking us. She's just glad its all over." She said. I smiled a bit. "And I'm also glad you're ok hon." Bryce said. We kissed passionately. "Also babe, we're putting a security system in case we meet another Sofia." I joked but in a serious tone. He nodded. "You all set for Canada?" Lexi asked. We nodded. Hailey smiled. "Alright! Bye cuties!" She said. The girls waved and left. Bryce's arm wrapped around me as the crazy night finally ended.

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