Betrayals & Fights

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This afternoon with my love was the best ever. We gladly had time alone and not any distractions. This morning we went out for a restaurant breakfast and shopped for groceries as well. Our fridge were kinda empty. We came home and put our groceries away. I figured Bryce could come and spend time with my family for a little bit, so they could get to know him. As long as dad won't give the protective father speech. I smiled and laid against the counter. "Babe?" I said. "Yeah?" He said, grabbing a corona from the fridge. I smirked. "Remember we talked about you meeting my family? How about we do it now?" I asked. He smiled. "You sure?" He asked. I nodded. "You don't have a choice. We'll have four kids in the future so you need to meet my family." I joked. He chuckled and kissed my lips. "K, beautiful." He said. I cheered. "Meadow told me she's back from New York so pretty much, everyone's here." I said. He nodded. "Just let me finish my corona." He said. I laughed. "During our family trip, Phil snuck a corona in the house and the next day he was throwing up in the toilet." I said. It made him spit out his drink and chuckle. Yup, it was a little funny. "When he visits, try to hide those beers." I joked. He smiled. "Got ya." He said. Thankfully, we're already dressed. "I need to get my phone." I said. He nodded and I took off upstairs. I walked in our bedroom and found my phone on the nightstand. It started buzzing with my best friend, Anna on dial. I befriended a couple of people who became a YouTuber or vine star. Anna Ross is a vine star and is now everywhere on TV and commercials. I'll tell more later. She was there when I was going through a breakup with Bryce. Also I seen her at Simone's wedding. She sent me a text. "YOU NEED TO SEE THIS." It said. She also sent me a link to a video. I pressed the link and YouTube came on my screen. Hollyscoop news video started playing. 'OMG! Since the drift of Lizzy and Bryce, things went hot and heavy between him and her sister Meadow! The two were spotted at a nightclub drinking and partying, the video shows Meadow twerking and grinding on Bryce, talk about an WTF moment! Meadow's friend appeared to be pulling her away from Bryce after she did a dance on him. As we ladies agree, this is known in girl code to never mess around with your sister's BF! No matter if they're broken up! The big questions are how is Lizzy reacting to this? What do their Fast and Furious actor dad Paul Walker think? Did Meadow apologize for dancing on Bryce? That's all for Hollyscoop!'

Almost tears and mostly anger filled inside me. How come I didn't know this sooner? Oh yeah, I was busy trying to get over Bryce. Now my own sister? At a club? How could she do this to me? I'm more than angry. I'm mostly hurt and confused. Now I'm not sure about bringing Bryce to my family because of this. I should bring him another day. I'm glad Anna finally told me not after three years since this happened last year. "Lizzy!" He called. I quickly slipped my phone in my pocket. I walked out of the room to see him. "Are you ready?" He asked. I sighed. "Bryce, um...this really isn't a good time. Are you sure you wanna go?" I said. He nodded. "Yes. What's wrong?" He said. I huffed and nodded my head no. "Nothing! Just a little under the weather." I said. I came downstairs and he smiled. "I'm sure you'll get better seeing your family." He said. Another text was sent to me. Please don't let it be Meadow. It was from Skip. I breathed a breath of relief. "Who's that?" He asked. "Skip. He said they're all at grandma and grandpa's house with my aunts and uncles. Lets go!" I said. "K!" He said. I grabbed the keys and we left the house.


I want to confront Meadow about what she did but I can't ruin this time with my family. She literally hurt me and I already feel a stab in my heart. Why would she go out and drink? It's so unlike her and she's twerking and grinding on my boyfriend and hadn't apologized? Wow. Just wow. Bryce looked at me. "You ok, babe?" He asked. I fake smiled. "Yeah, I'm good." I said. He continued the drive to Sunland in Glendale. That's where Rebecca and dad grew up. I cheered quietly at the excitement of seeing my grandparents and the place he grew up in. He finally parked behind Skip's Maserati. All of their cars were parked together. Some in the driveway. I heard laughing from the backyard. We got out the car and walked up to the doorstep. Me and Bryce exchanged nervous smiles. I giggled and rang the door bell. The door opened and there was my grandma. She smiled. "Hello sweetie!" She said, hugging me. I hugged back. I smiled. "Hey grandma. This is my boyfriend, Bryce." I said. She smiled sweetly. "Hi Bryce!" She said. Bryce smiled and hugged her. "Great to meet you grandma Walker." He said. She scoffed. "Please hon, call me Cheryl." She said. I chuckled as she led us inside. "He's a real keeper." She whispered in my ear. I chuckled more. Aunt Stephanie and Felicia were in the living room with my baby cousins. I introduced Bryce and greeted each of them. He played with one of my cousins which is so cute. I laughed. "Is everybody outside?" I asked. Aunt Felicia nodded. "Yup! So is Paul!" She said. Bryce sighed, feeling nervous again. I chuckled and patted his shoulder. My cousin Remi played with his hair and giggled. "Awww! She likes you." I said. He chuckled and handed her to Aunt Felicia. We followed grandma to the backyard where food and drinks were on the table. This is kind of like a family gathering. The boys saw us and smiled. "Hey guys!" Phil said. I chuckled. They grappled me in a group hug. I smiled. "Awww! This is cute!" I said. "I hope it's not." Phil whined. Stew laughed and Skip kicked his shin. He yelped in pain. I playfully rolled my eyes as we parted. Bryce smiled. "You remember Bryce? Right?" I asked. Skip nodded and gave him some dap. Phil rolled his eyes which made Stew chuckle. "Cmon, Phil." I whispered. He sighed and shook his hand. Skip crossed his arms. "He's still warming up to him." He whispered. I nodded in understanding. Alyssa met my eyes and tackled me for a hug. She also tackled Bryce for one. We exchanged laughs.
She smiled. "I missed you! And finally, you brought him." She said, joking at the last part. I chuckled. "Yeah and I miss you too." I said. Dad and Jasmine saw me and immediately smiled. So did Meadow. I almost made a frown and instead walked up to him and Jasmine for hugs. She looked a little confused. Bryce made his way to me. He smiled. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Walker!" He said. Jasmine elbowed dad's arm. He sighed and smiled. I chuckled. "Nice to see you, young man." He said, shaking his hand. He returned the gesture. "You too, sir." He said. I smiled. Meadow walked up to me. Still almost frowned. She smiled and giggled. "Hello, what about me?" She asked. I fake smiled and hugged her. She hugged back. I hid a frown behind her back. We parted. "So how are- I cut her off. "I'm thirsty, imma go get a drink. Do you want anything?" I said. She sighed. "Nope. I'm good." She said. I nodded and made my way to the table. I grabbed a bottle of juice and drank it. Phil grabbed a can of soda and twisted the cap. He noticed me standing there, watching Meadow. I huffed and took another sip. "Hey." He said. I kept my eyes on her. "Yeah, Phil?" I said. He chuckled. "Why you're watching Meadow like a hawk?" He asked. I sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it." I said. "Why? What happened?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Phil, just let it pass because we're spending time with our family." I said. He smirked. "Ok. But I'm watching you." He said, walking off. Bryce was chatting with the boys and I wanna join him. I'm still upset at Meadow and I can't show it in front of everybody. Meadow almost walked up to me till I ignored and joined them. She watched me in confusion. They smiled once they saw me. I returned the gesture. "I wish we have another vacation." Stew said. I nodded. "I know. The Bahamas was a little crazy but overall great." I said. We laughed. Bryce smiled. "Maybe I could join you." He said. I nodded in agreement. "I'm thinking Mykonos? That place is magically beautiful!" I said. He chuckled. "K." He said. Phil, Stew and Skip smiled. "Cool! I never been to Mykonos." Skip said. I smirked. "To be honest, I had a girls vacation with my friends in Mykonos. It was really fun! The ocean was unbelievable and enough for some lit surfing!" I said. Phil and Stew smiled widely. "What?! Awesome!" They both said. I laughed as they cheered their drinks together. The vacation involved me, Stacey, Riley, Lexi and Anna. Simone couldn't come because she was planning her wedding. Funny thing...Meadow wasn't there. "Everyone, lets eat!" Uncle Cody yelled. Everyone made their way inside for dinner. Meadow looked at me. I looked away and walked with the guys inside. Alyssa caught up behind.


We each made our plates and some of us sat on the couch, while the rest was on the floor next to the end table. Phil, Bryce, Stew, Alyssa and me was on the floor eating. Skip was on the couch with Meadow. Luckily, I was between Alyssa and Bryce. Meadow laid her eyes on me so I kept mine's off her. Some of my aunts and uncles were standing or sat near the couch. The TV was on so we watched a couple of shows. Shows our parents used to watch.
They're surprisingly funny. The whole time I talked with everybody, Meadow not so much. I know she's beginning to notice but I don't care. Nighttime came and everyone was just occupied with drinks and talking. Alyssa was asleep on the couch. Remi and Maverick slept in Aunt Stephanie and Grandma's grasp. Bryce was inside chatting with the boys. Phil even smiled towards him. Guess he's now warmed up to him. I wanted time by myself for a bit. I was outside, sitting on the porch. The evening was really peaceful. It doesn't change how hurt I am by Meadow. I know she wouldn't do this...when she's sober. It also reminded me of our mom. She used to drink and now she's clean. I'm just hurt and confused. The door opened. I turned to see Meadow. I sighed and looked forward. "Bryce told me you're here." She said. I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? I'm just here for fresh air." I said. She sat next to me on the stairs. She sighed. "What is going on, Liz? You've been ignoring me all day! You didn't even bothered to sit next to me during dinner. What's wrong?" She said. I fake smiled. "I'm sorry. Why don't you ask Bryce? You both been getting pretty steamy in a club." I said sarcastically. She was confused. "What? What are you talking about?" She asked. I fake chuckled. "I forgot. You were drunk and can't remember. You don't remember grinding on him in a club last year? After we broke up?" I asked. It took her a minute till she realized what I meant. She covered her mouth in shock. I growled and got off the stairs. "How could you do this to me, Mead?! I'm not angry, I'm actually fucking hurt and confused as to why your ass drank and twerked on my boyfriend right after we broke up!" I growled. She huffed. "I'm sorry, Lizzy! I really am! Mom and I talked and we had an argument and I was so upset at her." She said. I scoffed. "Give me a break!" I said. "It's true!" She yelled. "Give me a damn break! You're telling me she made you so angry that you drove with your friends and got drunk?  Fuck it. She would never make you drown your sorrows." I growled. She crossed her arms in disbelief. "How would you know?" She asked. "Because I went to visit her." I said. Her jaw dropped. She gulped. "What?" She said, voice cracking a bit. I nodded. "Yes I spent a three day trip in Hawaii with her. She's literally the best and we grew closer than ever. We went swimming, we went to a cafe where you two used to go to. We even cooked together." I explained. This made her shed a few tears. Why is she upset? I should be upset! She betrayed me and didn't even apologized. I huffed. "Why are you crying, Meadow? I should be crying. You made out with my boyfriend, you didn't tell me and instead I had to find out because of the freaking media!" I growled. She sighed. "You never even told me you were going to see her. You didn't even ask if I could come! I would've been there and all of us would've be closer!" She yelled. I shrugged. "Oh here's an idea...grow the hell up! I don't need to ask you if you wanna see her, that shit's up to you. Ok, I'm sorry I bonded with my mother without you. I'm sorry you drank because of her drinking in front of you, I'm sorry you never made a bond with her! Bitch, she was my mom before you! With everybody calling you her first born, reality check I am. It would've been my freaking job to watch you and Alyssa- she cut me off. "But you weren't there, were you?" She said. "She had a reason to give me away! She talked about you and dad in all those letters she sent to me! She practically told me about you! Quit acting like a brat and grow the hell up. Stop drinking your issues, go see your mom and mostly, I want you to stop coming to my house cause frankly, I need to keep my boyfriend on a leash now." I growled, getting in her face. She growled and pushed me off her. "Get out of my face, Lizzy." She said through gritted teeth. I growled and punched her. She grabbed my hair. I grabbed hers as we made contact with the ground. We got up and I slapped her across the face. She did the same.
I pounced on her, making me fall on top of her. I grabbed her hair, raking her head like a basketball. She managed to kick me off of her. She got up and we grabbed each other's hairs, kicking each other in the belly. She rolled me over her and thankfully, I rolled back on my feet. I slid my foot, making her trip and fall. I got on her back, raking her head side to side. Our fight didn't last when the boys stepped out. Their jaws dropped once they saw us and quickly ran. Phil pulled me off Meadow and Skip pulled her away. We kept trying to fight each other but they had a grip on us. "What is this?!" Skip asked. "What are you guys doing?!" Phil yelled. "Lizzy!" Bryce said. I groaned and got off Phil's grasp. "You know what? I can't do this. I'm leaving. Tell Jasmine and dad we're tired and going home. I'm done." I said, making my way to the car. I didn't look at anyone when I did. Not even Meadow. She sighed while wiping a tear. "Yeah, I agree." She whispered. She walked to go inside. I sat in the car as Bryce said goodbye to them and got in the drivers seat. Our ride home was silent.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu