School Fights & Backpacks

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A very well sleep is what I needed. It's been a long-dramatic night. I'm a little concerned about the world knowing about us adopting Bella. Of course, things were ok when I did an interview explaining about Jace and Breanna. Maybe I'm thinking too much. She'll need to manage our whole status because she's in our care. My worries are if it overwhelms her, she's only fourteen. First our friends and family need to know before the media. Lexi is throwing a valentine party with everybody in her house on the 13th. Meadow, Alyssa, Simone and obviously my brothers are invited. The girls will probably gush seeing Bella. It'll be a total extravaganza considering Lexi's planning it. My sleep was indeed so relaxing. It's almost like I completely forgotten last night. That is...until our alarm clock went off. I groaned, turning sideways and pulling my covers over my head. Bryce yawned, putting on his glasses. He stopped the alarm and stretched. Myself was still trying to sleep. "Baby, wake up. It's morning." He whispered in his morning voice. It sounded for real hot. No question. My body wants to keep sleeping but my mind remembers we need to get the kids ready for school. He pulled the blankets off my head and I groaned. "Let me sleep! Last night was crappy. I need a break." I whined. Bryce chuckled. "We'll have all the breaks on Valentine's Day." He joked. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "You remembered." I said sarcastically. He wrapped his arm around my neck and we cuddled more closer. I turned to the alarm which stated '7:00.' Damn the kids! "We need to get them up." I said, referring to the kids. He nodded in agreement and rubbed my sides. I felt an amount of protection in his arms. We kissed passionately while pushing the blankets off us. We rolled out of bed and left the room. The house was eerily quiet meaning they were still asleep. Bryce took a deep breath. "Ok, how should we do this?" He whispered. It'll be weird if we woke them up together so let's go separate ways. I hummed in response. "I figure you wake those two, I'll wake up Bella." I instructed. He raised an eyebrow, smirking.
"Are you sure? No bullshit?" He asked. I huffed and groaned. "Yes go!" I quickly said. He smirked and start off to Jace's room. Surely, she'll scream get out or throw pillows around. That's fine because I'll pull up more than pillows. I sighed and discreetly opened the door. She slept with blankets over her body. Her long hair planted on the pillow, revealing her face without makeup. The sunlight shone brightly from the window. She looked so peaceful and calm. Just incredibly different from yesterday. I walked over to her bedside, shaking her arm gently. "Wake up, sweetheart. Time for school." I whispered calmly. Bella stirred a bit and awakened. She looked at me confusedly. I returned the gesture. "What's wrong?" I asked. She sighed, getting up from the pillow. "I thought you were gonna ignore me all morning since last night." She told me. Ridiculous, I would never ignore her even after what happened yesterday. Things happen. I grabbed her hand and held it softly. "I will never ever ignore you. Ok? That's something I could never do to all three of you. It hurts even more if I do. You can't go to parties without asking me or Bryce. Most importantly, there was alcohol and I never wanna see you do that. Ok?" I said firmly. She looked down and nodded. I pulled her chin up gently, caressing her hair. "Cmon sleeping beauty, school time." I told her. Bella couldn't help but chuckle. Things are going real nice now. I smiled and left the room so she can get dressed. Their bathroom door is closed which meant the kids are awake. "How did it go?" Bryce asked. I sighed happily. "Good, just good." I said. He smiled widely and hugged me. I laughed and hugged back. We went to our bathroom to do morning routines and showered. On cue, everybody came out of their rooms fresh and dressed. Our jaws dropped as we bursted into laughter. Bella chuckled, realizing we all got ready on time. We stopped to catch a few breaths. "Ok, face washed and teeth brushed?" Bryce asked. "Yup." They said in unison. I nodded, smirking. "Dressed with backpacks?" I asked. "Yup." They said in unison again. Bella's backpack was black and titled with a basketball number 78. It made me feel bad due to her being unfortunate in foster care. I snapped out of my thoughts when everyone went downstairs for breakfast. I followed behind. The kids settled their backpacks on the couch and I turned on Disney for them. Bella was busy scrolling on her phone. We were fixated on cooking breakfast. I cooked the pancakes and eggs, Bryce poured cups of orange juice and making toasts. By the time we finished, it was 7:58. "Breakfast is ready!" I cheered, smiling. The kids quickly rushed to the counter except Bella who walked normally. Their jaws dropped, seeing the buffet we created.

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