Wisdom Teeth Aftermath

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River spent the night and went back to the future. Bryce left earlier for a photoshoot. I released a new song with freaking David Guetta. Next week, I'll have the video shoot. I did my morning routine and got dressed. My phone buzzed. I answered.
"Hello?" I said. "Hey, Lizzy its me." Jasmine said. I smiled. "What's up?" I asked. "Me and Paul's on a field trip with Alyssa and Skip's in New York with Meadow. Can you take Phil to get his wisdom teeth taken?" She said. Say what? Phil need his wisdom teeth pulled? I sighed. "Ok, what time he has to be there?" I said. "At 11. Its 10 now so please hurry." She said. I nodded. "Ok, I'll be there." I said. "Thank you." She said. I hung up and ruffled my hair. I went in my purse and pulled out the camera Lexi got me for Christmas. She knew sometimes I talked about doing vlogs. This one will hilariously be about my brother's teeth aftermath. Like a home video.

I grabbed my car keys and left the house. I texted Bryce I'll be with Phil. I got in my car and drove to dad's house. While driving, I turned the camera on record. I smiled. "Hey guys, its Lizzy and welcome to my very first home video. I never made videos showing my life behind the cameras so I'm excited today. I'm on my way to my dad's house because my brother Phil needs to get his wisdom teeth pulled. And I so love spending time with my siblings but I also like to mess with them so I'll be filming Phil after his teeth's pulled. This is gonna be funny!" I said. I parked in the driveway. Phil walked out the door and closed it. I waved at him. I smiled. "Hey!" I said. He chuckled and waved back. He opened the car door and got in. We both hugged. "Hi." He said. I chuckled. "Hey, I missed you. Did you miss me?" I said. He looked at me. I laughed. He shrugged and chuckled. I started the car and drove out of the driveway. "Don't you hate everyone's busy and they can't take you to the doctor?" I asked. He smiled a bit. "I'm glad you're here. You always got time for us." He said. I looked at him in awe. "That's so sweet." I said. He took a deep breath. "I'm nervous." He said. I rubbed his hair. "It'll be ok, I'll be there." I said. He chuckled. "Thanks mom." He said sarcastically. We talked the rest of the way to the dentist. I checked in for him and we waited 3 minutes. I took the camera with me and filmed him. "You ready Phil?" I asked. He sighed while smiling. I chuckled. "Is it scary?" I asked. He took a deep breath. "Nope!" He said. That made me chuckle more. The dentist walked in. "Phil Walker?" She called. I smiled. "That's you." I said. He nodded and got up. "I'll be here when you're done." I said. "K!" He said, before leaving with the doctor.

*****two hours later*****

"Ok guys, Phil's now done and I'm going to see him. He's probably super drugged up by now." I said in the camera. I came to the dentist room where Phil sat on the chair. I chuckled. "Hi, how you're feeling?" I asked. He smiled while gauze with his blood was in his mouth. "I feel so good right now. I feel good! I feel better than a motherfucker." He said. My jaw dropped. I shushed him. "Phil, be quiet. Don't cuss out." I said. "Oh its bad? I'm sorry, I shouldn't had said that. Whoa." He said, being half loud. I chuckled. "How did he do?" I asked. She smiled. "He did great. When you take him home, make him a smoothie or apple cider. Anything that's super soft." She said. "Is hot chocolate ok?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes, all that's soft." She said.
Two nurses helped Phil off the chair. He kept giggling to himself and slowly kicking his feet up. My mouth couldn't stop the chuckles coming out of it. I filmed as we walked towards the car. One of them opened the car door and helped him inside. "Phil, you feel like getting a shake?" I asked, once he was strapped in. The nurse smiled and closed the door. "Thank you! Thanks so much. They're so nice." He said. I chuckled. I sat the camera on a spot where it could record everything. "You feel like getting a shake?" I joked. "Yes! I want a shake...with strawberries and whip cream and lots of candy." He said. I chuckled. "Ok, we can stop at McDonald's." I said. I started the car and drove to McDonald's in the drive thru.

At the drive thru, I ordered me a caramel frappe and fries. Phil got the strawberry shake. He tried to kick his feet up on the dash. "This feels nice! Shit." He said. I laughed. I drove out of the drive thru and on the way to dad's house. I turned on the radio. Songs from Ariana, Post Malone and Taylor played. The whole time Phil danced very weird and funny. He sipped on the shake and stuck his tongue out. I chuckled. "You don't like it?" I said. He nodded his head no. "How does my tongue look? It should be better than Miley's, she always flash her tongue." He said. I laughed once more. "It looks good." I said, chuckling. He laid his head against the chair. He sighed. "Eww, my mouth taste gross." He said, touching his numb lips. "You had surgery on your mouth." I said. He kept rubbing his lips. A little blood got on his finger. His jaw dropped. "Gross! Girls will not dig this. I'm supposed to be sexy!" He said. I covered my mouth with laughter. Can't believe he just said that...and I caught it on camera. This is so good! "Can you do an impression?" I asked. "Impression of who?" He asked. I shrugged. My brain clicked. I smirked. "An impression of Brian O'Conner." I said. He smiled a bit. "'Ok. I am the buster, you need to go to hell and you need to go back to Barstow. My eyes went shit when I saw Mia and I'm an undercover cop.'" He said. Too much chuckles filled my mouth and I tried to calm down. I smiled. "Good job, that was good." I said. He tried to bow. "Thank you, come back next time." He said. I chuckled. "Ready to go home?" I asked. He huffed. "Will Skip be there?" He asked. I chuckled. "No, Skip's gone." I said. He sighed. "Great, lets go." He said. I laughed a lot more.


Later we got home, I helped Phil out of the car. I brung the camera and set it on the counter. It was still recording. Man, his grip around my neck was a little tight. "Cmon, Phil. We're home!" I said.
He nodded his head no. "No, I gotta get my wisdom teeth take out." He muffled through the gauze in his mouth. His eyes were drowsy and walking sloppy, meaning he was really high as hell. I tried to sit behind the table but he stood on top of it. I turned the camera to him. He threw his head on my chest. "No, I want my bed." He whined. I sighed. "You wanna go to bed?" I asked. "Yes, please. Take me there woman!" He whined. I laughed and rewrapped his arm around my neck. I used my strength and managed to help him walk the stairs. Once we came to the stop, he collapsed on the floor. Not unconscious but started to whine. "What's wrong?" I asked. He covered his face and groaned. "My mouth hurts." He whined. I looked at him in awe. "Ok, I'll get you to bed. But I won't carry you." I said. I lifted both his legs and dragged him to their room. I got him from the floor and he flunked on the bed. He looked at me, his eyes slowly closing. "I want my shake...I want my shake." He whispered. With that, he finally fell asleep. I breathed a breath of relief. I was tired of carrying him from the stairs. I super speeded downstairs and got the camera.


3 hours later, Bryce came home but he knew where I was at. Phil woke up and was eating on the couch. We were watching TV, having bro and sis time. I faced the camera. "What's up guys? Its been 3 hours and Phil woke up from being drugged. So right now we're eating snacks and watching TV. It was too funny of how he was acting. Now he looks embarrassed." I said, turning the camera to him. He looked and slightly chuckled. "I was a little embarrassed." He said. I scoffed. "He was mad. He even told me not to tell Alyssa nor Skip." I laughed. He playfully rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, imma enjoy my popcorn." He said. I chuckled. I turn the camera back to me. "So that was it. That's what happens when you take your sibling to get their wisdom teeth pulled. I'll be back with more home videos for all my closer ones to enjoy. Peace!" I said, giving the peace sign. I ended the recording. He looked at me. "Home videos?" He said. I nodded. "Lexi got me this camera for Christmas so I'm thinking of making home videos, of me and my family and friends. Doing vlogs would take much time while I'm doing work." I said. He nodded in understanding. "It's pretty cool. Someday, we'll have those to watch when we're old." He said. I smiled and got up from the couch. "I'm going home. You'll be fine on your own?" I said. He scoffed. "Duh, I'll have Stew over." He said. I nodded and put my jacket on. "Bye sis!" He said. "Bye bro!" I said.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Where stories live. Discover now