Pool Party Mayhem

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Recap; Bryce's sister came to visit, she bonds with the kids, Bella had a seizure and Delilah soon finds out. Lizzy and Delilah argued about her disappearances from the family.


I stormed off upstairs and made my way to Bella's room. I've had enough of Delilah's bullshit. This is not my fault, she better know it is hers because she was awol from the whole family. Her door was half-opened. I slowly opened to notice her yawning while watching TV. Even though she takes the pill, there's still a chance she'll have a seizure. I playfully knocked. Bella saw me and smiled. "Hey." She said softly. I returned the gesture. "Are you ok?" I asked. She slowly nodded. "Just a little exhausted." She told me. I looked at her in awe and sat beside her on the bed. I studied her tiredness state. She inhaled a deep breath, scratching her head. "Wanna go to sleep now?" I whispered. Bella nodded her head no. I raised an eyebrow and caressed her hair. "Really? Are you sure?" I asked. She smiled nervously. "Mom, about my friends coming over..." She trailed off. My brain clicked. Her friends were coming tomorrow for a little get-together in the pool. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Would you be ok if I invited three boys? They're just friends of Jayla's! There won't be anything crazy going on I promise! Can you please keep Dad—I cut her off by giggling. "Princess, it's all good. I'll keep Dad in control and you have nothing to worry about. Let me know if anything's wrong. This time we're truly trusting you to be responsible. Make good choices. Ok?" I said firmly. She nodded in understanding and smiled. "Thanks Mom!" She said. "Also...wear a not too revealing swimsuit." I added. Bella chuckled. "Luckily I did some shopping." She muttered. We chatted in agreement which had us laughing. One of my dreams is bonding with my daughter about fashion. "Mom? Bella?" A soft voice called. We turned to see Breanna near the door. I sighed sadly. She cried once she saw Bella shaking on the ground. It felt scary for one ten year old girl. Bella opened her arms. "Come here, cutie!" She cooed. She hopped on the bed and into her arms. They hugged tightly. I smiled, rubbing her back soothingly. They parted. "Bels, are you ok? Aren't you getting better?" She asked, referring to her condition. I almost spoke until she assured me it's fine. "Yes. You see? My medicine helps prevent my insane headaches before I have a seizure. The disorder...can't be cured but that's why I have good medicine to treat it. There will be times when you see stuff you're not prepared for but don't be afraid because you'll get used to it." She explained. Breanna sighed. "What if I see you have one?" She asked, referring to a seizure. I smiled softly and patted her shoulder. "You stay calm, call me or Dad- Bella cut me off by whispering in her ear. She nodded in understanding and smiled. I shrugged. Whatever she said means she'll know what to do without worrying. "Again, remember to call me, Dad or Aunt Meadow." I told her. Bella fake smiled. "I'm having a pool party tomorrow and I want you and Jace inside." She said. I mentally groaned. Here we go. Breanna frowned. "Why can't I join?" She whined. I cleared my throat and raised an eyebrow. "Sweetheart, your sister will have her friends over. You can only play in the pool if she lets you or until everyone leaves. Ok?" I said firmly. She groaned, crossing her arms. "Ok." She mumbled. I giggled and rubbed her hair. Jace playfully knocked. "Mom, Dad wants you to know Aunt Delilah is leaving. She also wanna say goodbye to us." He told me. Breanna cheered and smiled. "Yeah, let's go!" She said. My eyes diverted to Bella. She sighed sadly. She probably think it's her fault because of her condition. My hand intertwined with hers. I smiled confidently. "Guys, Aunt Delilah would love to say goodbye to all of you. I know she hasn't been around lately but she loves you regardless. Cmon, go ahead and say bye." I said, kissing her forehead. She smiled warmly. The kids raced out of the room as I heard their footsteps. I'm not really on speaking terms with Delilah right now but to the kids, we're still family.


The Next Day.

Cheering. That's all everyone heard in the morning from Bella. It is full excitement over planning her first party and we helped put balloons around the backyard. Breanna used cute streamers as well. She is so amazingly creative. Bryce ordered two packets of pizza for her friends with sodas. All I'm concerned about is if she'll make good decisions. Last time was completely crazy but I really trust her that nothing would happen. I flipped through channels in the living room while Jace played on his Nintendo. Bryce was on his way with food and drinks. I smiled. "Jay, are you excited about this movie?" I asked. He looked up confusingly. "What movie?" He asked. This will be funny! I pretended to think for a second. "Could it be Mortal Kombat?" I asked. Jace smiled widely. "Yeah! I forgot to ask you! Can we please see it?! It's on HBO!" He beamed. I smiled sheepishly, rubbing his hair. "Not today baby. Bella's friends are coming." I told him. He scoffed. "I know! Can we watch it after? Please! Please! Please!" He begged. Curse my video game obsession. I played that game with Grant so many times. "Is that even a question?" I said, laughing. "Yes!" He cheered happily. We continued talking about the movie until the girls came in. Bella is wearing her swimsuit and a blue pair of sunglasses in her hair.

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