Half-A Day

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Today is Meadow's birthday and you can bet I'm filled with excitement. My little sister's turning 21 and I'm super proud. Alyssa's 16 which makes me prouder. Breanna will have two aunts and mom to look up to. She told me she'll celebrate her 21st in Tokyo. That's so lit! Dad's a little sad because he'd want her b-day party here. But she's 21! An actual grown up. I would go to Tokyo but I've got two kids at home. Luckily, this is a school week. The next day me and Bryce rolled out of bed early. I did my morning routine and got dressed. I needed to get in my jet for Tokyo. The jet leaves at 11:00 at night. That's when I come home. Breanna and Jace were asleep. I smiled. "Wake up, cuties!" I said. They woke up, rubbing their eyes. "Mommy, I don't wanna go to school." Jace whined. I rubbed her hair. "You have to. Cmon, go brush your teeth and wash your face." I said. They nodded and went to the bathroom. Bryce smiled and kissed my lips. I melted in the kiss. "I'm excited for Tokyo!" I said. He chuckled. "Tell Meadow I said happy birthday." He said. I nodded. "I need to make sure my bag is packed. This is a one day trip." I said. He nodded as I walked to our bedroom. I checked everything in my bag. I smiled and zipped it up. I wrapped it around my shoulder. I heard the door closed. The kids must be getting dressed. I smiled and ruffled my hair. Bryce walked in. "All set?" He asked. I nodded. "All I need to do is call Mead." I told him. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. She answered. "Hello?" She said. I smiled. "Hi sissy! Happy birthday!" I said. She chuckled. "Thanks." She said. "Just wanna let you know I'm coming to Tokyo. Ok?" I said. She cleared her throat. "Lizzy, I thought we talked about this." I said. I was confused. "About what?" I asked. "That it's my 21st birthday and I want to be just me and my friends. You've been to all my b-day parties. Besides, you have kids to take care of." She said. I sighed. I admit, we did talk and I've been to all her parties. I shrugged. "I finally have Jace and I'd wanna spend more time now that I have them...are you sure?" I said. "Yes! It's not like you'll miss my 22nd. It's just you have kids now and they need you. I'm fine!" She said. I smiled a bit. "Ok, bye sis and happy birthday." I said. "Thanks! Bye!" She said. I hung up. Bryce looked at me. "What?" He asked. I sighed. "Change of plans so are the kids ready?" I said. He almost spoke till we heard two doors open. Jace was dressed and awake. Breanna didn't have nothing but pjs. I smirked. "Looks like mama has to dress her princess." I said. She giggled and took my hand. Bryce smiled. "Cmon buddy, let's go make breakfast." He said. "K!" He said, racing downstairs with him.

In Breanna's room, I laid out a few outfits for her to pick. She sat on the bed, occupied with her JoJo Siwa stuffed unicorn. I sighed happily. "Ok, hon. Which one do you wanna wear?" I asked. She got off the bed and looked at them. She pointed at the one in the middle. "I want that one!" She said, smiling. I chuckled. "K, change out of your pjs." I told her. She undressed and changed into this:

She slipped on her high tops and I brushed her hair a few times

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She slipped on her high tops and I brushed her hair a few times. "I want the bow!" She said. I nodded and grabbed her pink bow from her Halloween costume. I put it in her hair and she smiled. I laughed and we came downstairs. Bryce cooked pancakes, Jace was eating from his plate. I helped make Breanna's and gave it to her. I also cooked bacon and eggs. We enjoyed a nice morning together. They were excited about Christmas shopping and mostly, making Christmas cookies. Bryce was happy because his family will get to meet them. We also talked about thanksgiving. I already know what I'm thankful for. Bryce checked his phone clock. "It's 7:40! Time to go!" He said. The kids got off the chairs to grab their backpacks. I smiled and put on my jacket. Bryce grabbed his keys. We made a beeline to his car. We would take mine but he wanna be the driving dad.


We kissed them goodbye and drove back home. I canceled my ride to Tokyo. Finally, peace to ourselves. Me and Bryce chilled on the couch together. We had a corona and margarita while we watched Fuller House. Classic couple/parents time. I missed the kids but they'll be home. I smiled and kissed his lips. He melted in the kiss. He wrapped his arm around me. I cuddled on his chest. He smiled. "I love you." He whispered. I chuckled. "Love you too, babe." I said. I took a sip of my drink. Bryce finished his corona. Only Phil can't take what's in a corona. "Question, how come Meadow wants to celebrate her 21st without her family?" He asked. I sighed. "She's now a grownup. She'd have a party with all her friends and boyfriend in a club. A b-day party at home is with family." I told him. He nodded in understanding. "She's right I need to be with the kids right now. We're just getting started as parents and I don't wanna miss it." I said. He looked at me in awe. "Me too." He said. I smiled excitingly. "I'm excited to decorate for Christmas! I'm also happy to see your family during the holidays!" I said. He chuckled. "They already love you and the kids." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "They haven't met them." I said. He smirked. "Yeah but still." He said. We laughed. My phone buzzed. The timer stated 11:30. My jaw dropped. I quickly got up. "It's time, hon! Let's go!" I said. He was confused. "Why?" He asked. I huffed. "You didn't know? It's half a day at school! The kids would be there and go home early." I said. He snapped his fingers in remembrance. "Damn it! Sorry." He said. I nodded as we raced upstairs to get dressed...again. We picked the kids up and drove home. Overall, I was happy so I could spend more time with them. Bryce felt the same. The kids changed to their pjs and we did as well. We played board games, watched many shows and I ordered pizza. Breanna wanted to see Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse and Dylan liked Power Rangers Samurai. Me too, honestly. We had so much fun and became tired out. Me and Bryce likely. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Breanna and Jace yawned as well. I smiled softly. "Time for bed, babes." I said. Jace yawned. "But I'm not sleepy." He said. I playfully rolled my eyes and picked Breanna up. Bryce picked up Jace as we carried them to bed. In Breanna's room, I placed blankets over her's body and kissed her cheek. She smiled. "I love you, mommy." She whispered. I chuckled. "I love you too." I said. She fell asleep as I walked out. Bryce quietly closed the door in Jace's room. He sighed. "He's asleep." He told me. I nodded. "Breanna is too." I said. He smiled softly as we made our way to bed. We climbed under the blankets and I laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Goodnight, hon." I whispered. He slightly chuckled. "Night babygirl." He said. We almost went to sleep till...thump! "There's a monster in my closet! It's gonna eat me!" Jace yelled. We sighed and laughed. "I got this." He said, rolling out of bed.

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