Photograph Part 1

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'We keep this love in a photograph, we make these memories for ourselves where our eyes are never closing, hearts are never broken, time forever's frozen still'

I looked through pictures in my scrapbook. Its filled of all my family memories. My birth family memories. Meadow gave me the book because she thought I could see more of my family members. We already placed pictures of our Bahamas vacation in there. It made my heart melt seeing all of this. I saw a picture of Alyssa when she was so little. Another of Meadow as a baby with dad holding her. Dad looked much younger in this pic too. I flipped another page and noticed the same picture of me and Rebecca. I was a newborn baby. Her smile is so much like Meadow's. The first time I met her, she looked super beautiful and clean. I been seeing stories of why they never talk to her. Its because she has a drinking problem and got arrested over a DUI. I don't know if its true because the media makes lies all the time. Meadow told me she's still in Hawaii. Maybe I could make a visit. I have to see her sometime in my life. Jasmine's a great mom to everybody but I need to see Rebecca. She really missed everything and I could talk to her all day about it. I picked up my camera and turned on the recording. Another home video happening. I set it on the end table as it started recording. I smiled. "Hey, fam its me. Welcome to the new video! I'm here with my family scrapbook, looking through pictures of my family. My sister gave me this so I could see the memories they had. Here's a picture of Alyssa and her as little girls. They look so cute. And these are pictures of us at our vacation in Bahamas. I look good in that bikini by the way. There's another of me surfing with Phil and Stew. Surfing runs in this Cali family. I know I wasn't present in the early years with Alyssa and Meadow but I'm still your big sister. I still love you no matter if I'm miles away. There's one when we went to the ice cream shop. We had a ton of delicious flavors! I would love to go back to the Bahamas. Wait...what? Are you serious? Phil is just like me messing with our siblings. He placed a picture of Skip with whip cream on his face as a prank. Its kinda cool! Ok, I'm done. I'll come back with more. Bye! Love you!" I said, turning off the recording. I looked back at the me and Rebecca picture. I wanna see her much. I closed the book and left it on the end table. My brain clicked. I'll just book a flight to Hawaii. That way, I'll see her again. I speeded upstairs to find my laptop in our bedroom. I booked the flight for 3 days.

*****next day*****

After finishing up my video shoot, I needed to get ready for Hawaii. I packed my duffle bag because I'm only there for three days. I changed to my beach wear because its summer and Hawaii must be so hot.

 I changed to my beach wear because its summer and Hawaii must be so hot

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I arrived to my private jet and settled in my seat. The scrapbook was still in my bag. I could show her pictures of them and myself. The only thing we could do is catch up on each other. I pulled out my headphones and listened to music. I texted Bryce while the plane rose to the sky. The song I listened to was my single with David Guetta called Don't Leave Me Alone. I freaking love it! We stopped texting as somebody called me. It was Skip. I smiled and answered. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Dizzy Liz!" He said. I chuckled. "What's up? Why you called?" I asked. "Just asking how are you." He said. I nodded. "I'm great. And if anyone come to my house, I'm not there." I said. "Why?" He asked. "In a jet on the way to Hawaii. I'll be there for three days to visit me and Meadow's mom." I told him. "What? That's cool! I bet you miss her." He said. I sighed. "I do. I only met her one time and it was three years ago." I said. "Awww! Hope you guys rebuild your relationship. By the way, how's taking Phil to get his wisdom teeth?" He said, adding chuckles to the last part. I laughed. "Trust me, it was super funny! I'm now making home videos of me and my family so I recorded it. You'll see it!" I said. "Yes! This is gonna be good!" He laughed. "Don't tell him I showed you. He feels embarrassed." I said. He chuckled. "Secret safe with me." He said. I nodded. "K, bye bro!" I said. "Bye Liz!" He said. I hung up.

*****two hours later*****

The jet finally landed and I got out with my bag around my shoulder. An Uber was waiting for me. I got inside and the driver drove off. I found Rebecca's address so I'm heading in the right direction. I looked out the window, admiring the beautiful scenery of Hawaii. It felt like I was still in LA but different. The ride went to a stop. I grabbed my stuff and closed the car door. In front of me was the house. I inhaled a shaky breath. Its ok to be nervous, I mean I'm meeting my mom after four years now. I walked up to the doorstep. Two beach chairs were left and right. The door was opened a little. I opened it all way and came inside. Her house was anything but perfect. A window's broken, some parts of the floor is wet and has a hole underneath.
The living room is incredibly messy with a plastic couch, spill of dirt and flowers from a vase and dust everywhere. The end table had nothing but beer bottles and two pill bottles. I walked in the kitchen and quickly covered my nose in disgust. The dishes were dirty, smell of marijuana filled the air. A hookah stick was on the dinner table. Somebody must've been smoking. I stepped out of the kitchen. "Hello?" A voice said. Omg. I went back to the entrance and stood there. I didn't wanna look like I broke in...though it looks like someone had. A woman came from the bedroom. I studied her face. She was exactly what I described. It was her. Mom. I sighed. "Hi." I said. Surprisingly, she looked super nice while living in a dump. Her eyes widened. "Li-Lizzy?" She whispered. I smiled. "Yes. Hey mom." I said.

To be continued...

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