Coming Home to Mama

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"Ow! That hurts!" He growled. Breanna giggled, touching his nose. Jace swapped her hand away and massaged it carefully. It is 7:30am and this just became a crappy morning. Their fighting better stop once we bring Bella over. We discussed instead having her for a few months before inspection. She'll obviously get used to it. Today was visiting her foster home and meeting her for the first time. Breanna wrapped her backpack around her. "Mom, why we haven't ate breakfast?" She asked. Bryce groaned. "Because we forgot to cook. Don't worry, mommy could stop for In and Out Burger." He told her. Jace cheered. "Yes!" He whispered. I handed him his backpack. His medicine was still in my purse and he'll need it after breakfast. "Mom, is our big sister gonna live with us? Have you adopted her yet?" She asked. I almost spoke until Jace smacked his lips. "They haven't adopted her yet, genius. Right Mom?" He said. I nodded in agreement. "Yes, but once she packs her bags she'll spend more like two months with us. Then they'll check to see if everything's ok..." I trailed off. Bryce smirked. "It will be and she can be adopted!" He told them. She smiled brightly. "Will you tell her about us? What's her name?" She asked. Jace hummed in response. "What is her name?" He asked. "Bella. That's her name." I answered. They nodded in understanding. I checked my phone clock. It's almost 7:47. "Cmon guys, let's go!" I said. They said goodbye to Bryce and hugged him. He kissed their foreheads as they went to the door. I waved and followed behind. We got inside my car. Thoughts rolled back in my head. Once we adopt Bella, she'll be riding next to me while they're in the backseat. Like a real normal family in a car. I smiled warmly and drove off. The kids listened to music from the radio but played on their Nintendo's. I raised an eyebrow. "Remember guys, leave those in your backpacks unless you're having recess. Got it?" I said firmly. They nodded while glued to the game screens. I playfully rolled my eyes as I pulled up to the In and Out Burger drive-thru.

The kids were eating their breakfast and me too. Bryce is probably cooking for himself at home. We finished and I restarted the engine to drive to their school. Kids were still walking in with their parents. "K! Have a good day, cuties! I love you!" I said, smiling. They returned the gesture and kissed my cheek. "Love you too!" They said. Jace opened the door, making them get out. I watched as they shut the door and caught up with the kids at the entrance. I carefully backed away and start on the road back home. I opened the door and shut it behind me. "Is that you baby?!" Bryce yelled from upstairs. "Yeah!" I yelled back. I breathed a breath of relief and walked upstairs. He was watching TV in our bedroom. "Kids at school?" He asked. I quickly nodded. "So relieved we got there fast." I said calmly. He smirked lustfully. "I know what you need." He teased. I was confused until I studied his lustful smile. My brain clicked. I madly blushed. "Uh huh." I agreed. He motioned me to change my clothes. I did the same with him. The door was closed as we began our hot and heavy hour.

******two hours later******

We showered and watched our favorite shows on Disney+. At 11, we're heading off to the foster home where Bella is. Memories flooded my brain about myself was adopted. I had a wonderful family and been happier since ever. Hopefully, Bella will feel the same once two months is over. I completely understand that life isn't a bowl of sweet tarts. Bryce patted my shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Lizzy, are you ok?" He asked. I sighed sadly. "Can I be honest with you?" I asked. He quickly nodded, kissing my forehead. "Yeah! I'm your husband. You can tell me anything." He said softly. I inhaled a deep breath. "Is Bella gonna like us? Or hate us? Of course we haven't met her yet but impressions mean a lot. What if she'll think we're too Hollywood? And we only care about looking good on camera? We can't screw this up at all. I want to keep her forever, I really love to see my eldest daughter bond with my little daughter. This does feel scary a little." I explained. He smiled and caressed my hair. "Cmon, Lizzy! You're an amazing mom. You put your kids first before our careers, teach them to be respectful and remind them how beautiful and important they are. After Bella comes here, we're gonna give her the same amount of love. I won't lie that there will be bumps on the road but I'm here for you and them always. Remember this is baby steps. Ok? I promise you." He said. I smiled and we kissed passionately. Wow, what would I do without my man? We parted and cuddled closer. My phone buzzed. A reminder notification popped up.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Where stories live. Discover now