Captain and Ms. America

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It felt like a long time after trying to kill Thanos again. Everybody recovered from that day. I was back home yet still thinking about what Thor did. I knew he couldn't kill him that easy meaning there's more to what we could do to stop Thanos. I wanted to go see Nat. We talked much after that same day. It was nighttime and I finished cleaning dishes after me and Bryce ate. He came downstairs dressed. He smiled. "Liz, I'm going out." He said. I looked at him. "Looks like you're going to the club." I said, smirking. He chuckled. "It does. You wanna come?" He said. I nodded my head no. "Nope. I figured of staying here. I don't feel like clubbing." I said. He looked at me in awe. "I'll be back ok?" He said. I nodded. He kissed me and left. I took a deep breath.

After his car left, I walked outside. I'll go see Nat anyway. I super speeded to the tower. I walked inside to see her behind the desk. I don't wanna surprise her so I hid behind stuff. "Here to see Nat?" A voice said. I jumped and saw Steve behind me. "What's wrong with you people scaring the hell out of me?" I whispered/yelled. He chuckled. "I'm sorry." He said. I sighed. "I wanted to see how is she. She sounded pretty down after what happened involving Thor chopping Thanos's head." I said. "He's right. You have a kind heart." He said. I smiled. "So do you." I said. He thanked me. "So, you're just a bionic hero?" He said. I scoffed. "I haven't done anything heroic." I said. He smirked. "You helped attack Thanos by surprise." He said. I sighed sadly. "But the stones weren't there. He destroyed them. I don't think he won, its just there could more to stopping him. You know it wasn't easy the first time." I said. He nodded in agreement. "Wished you were there." He said. I chuckled. "Why'd you wish I was there? You didn't knew me then." I said. He walked up to me. He had beautiful blue eyes. Much better than Brian's no offense. "I kind of knew you...from a band." He said. I smiled. "TSM? Yeah." I said. He smiled. "You sure you like to work from home?" He teased. I smirked. "Steve Rogers, are you flirting with me? Or is this making conversation?" I teased. We looked into each other's eyes. His hand intertwined with mine's. I so really wanted to kiss him. Call me freaking crazy because I have a boyfriend. A crush on Steve Rogers was like having a crush on somebody who could save me from drowning. "I knew you fell in love before." I said. He sighed. "You did?" He said. I smiled. "It was with Peggy Carter." I said. "You don't care that I loved her?" He said. "Steve, I loved somebody before. He made me happy till...he did things men shouldn't do to women." I said. "Like what?" He asked. I huffed. "I don't wanna say. Any time I think of it, it hurts too damn much." I said. Tears formed in my eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed my hair. I took a deep breath. "He disrespected me...physically. I was only 15." I whispered. We parted. "Well, its over. And if its not, I'll hurt anyone who hurts you." He said. I wiped my eyes. "You'd do that for me?" I said. He smiled. "We're the Avengers. And we're a team." He said. I smiled widely and kissed him. I immediately let go shocked and awkwardly. He looked surprised too. He shrugged and kissed me. I melted in the kiss. His hands were on my waist and I caressed his cheek. "This is awkward." Nat said. We looked and saw her. She smirked. "Were you watching?" I asked. "Maybe." She said. We parted and blushed slightly. We went inside her office and talked with her. Tears formed in her eyes over missing everyone. They're like family to her. I never seen Nat become so emotional before. But only when she thought Fury died from getting shot. She has strong love for all the Avengers. I admired that. This made me shed a tear. "Nat, they're the best family you ever had. I promise we'll get them back. I'm not feeling left out by the way- she cut me off. "So don't. You're apart of the family too. You always been remember? After this fight, our family will finally go home. I know you're trying to figure it out Lizzy...but its true. You are an avenger after the first came. Whatever answers you'll find, you're still family." She said. I smiled. Our emotional moment ended when somebody was shown in the cameras. It was freaking Scott aka Ant-Man.


Scott explained to us that he came back thanks to...apparently time-traveling. I believed him because my own daughter came to see me from the future. The others were shocked to hear that but I was fine. We also managed to get Bruce on board and Tony didn't believed it. I understood he now has a life as a father and married man but this could help stop Thanos once and for all. We returned back to the base and Scott opened Quantum tunnel from the trunk of the car. I looked at it. "Never expect time travel could open from a van." I said. Scott nodded. "Yeah, but trust me this will work pretty well." He said. He was in his Quantum suit because Bruce will test the machine on him. I nodded and turned my attention to Steve. "Breakers are set. Emergency generators are on standby." He said. I smiled at him. He returned the gesture and kissed my cheek. He stood by Bruce who was working on the machine. "Good. Blow the grid, I don't wanna lose tiny here in the 1950s- Scott cut me off. "Excuse me?" He said. Nat smiled. "He's kidding. You can't say things like that." She said. I chuckled. "Its just a-a bad joke." He stuttered. "Real nice Banner." I said, chuckling. He sighed. "I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here, either its all a joke or none of it is." He said. He told Scott it's ready and Steve wished him luck. In an instant, he was sucked through the hole. Bruce did some typing. "On the count of three, two, one..." He said. He sucked back from the hole. This time as a little kid. Too many chuckles filled my mouth so I hid them. "Uh guys, this doesn't feel right." He said in a child voice. "That's Scott?" Nat said. "Yes its Scott." He said. Bruce did more typing and he was sucked in the van and brought an older man. I laughed quietly. I'm sorry guys, this is becoming too funny. "Can you bring him back?" Steve asked. "I'm working on it!" Bruce said. He banged the machine and Scott was sucked again and came back as a little baby! "That's a baby." He said. I kept laughing. "No that's Scott." Bruce said.
"As a baby!" Steve argued. "He'll grow!" Bruce said. "Bring Scott back!" He told him. Nat went to pull the warning switch as he did typing to bring real Scott back. In a second, baby Scott was sucked and came back as grown Scott. "Somebody peed my pants. I don't know if it was baby me or old me. Or just me me." He said. Eww, but he was a baby though. We looked at Bruce. He smiled. "Time travel!" He said. Steve gave him a look which made me laugh. I did the same while chuckling. "I see this as an absolute win." He said.


Outside, I sat on the bench with Scott on my phone while he had a taco. That made me happy because I ate before I got here. "You're referred to as Electra right? Or you also have a real name?" He asked. I nodded. "Electra's my superhero name and Lizzy Walker's my real name." I said. "Ohhhhh. You're Captain's girlfriend. I saw him kiss you." He said. I scoffed. "We're not dating." I said. "So, friends with benefits?" He said. I shrugged. "Guess so." I said. "What do you hate about Thanos?" He asked. I sighed. "Well he's a terrible villain who took infinity stones so he could wipe out half the universe. I joined the team because I'm just like them. But I need answers as to how I became superhuman. Or more." I said. He smiled. "I solemnly promise you'll get the answers you deserve and we'll save Earth." He said. I returned the gesture. "Thanks Scott." I said. Suddenly, there was a gush of large wind. It blew strongly it knocked the food off his taco. I couldn't laugh cause the wind blew my hair forward. I pushed it back and followed Scott's gaze. A giant spaceship was landing. Two people came here. Nebula and Rocket. "Hey yumi, where's big green?" He asked, referring to Bruce. I greeted Rocket and waved at Nebula. She waved back. "In the kitchen. I think its awesome." Scott said. Nebula walked passed him and spoke in a walkie-talkie. "Rhodey, careful on the reentry there's an idiot in the landing zone." She said. I chuckled quietly. Just like that, Rhodey landed here which made Scott jump. He was in his war machine suit. "Sup, regular sized man. Hey Electra!" He said. I smiled and waved. He walked inside. I got up and followed him. I turned and noticed Bruce giving Scott his taco. That's so sweet. While that happened, we had more work to start on the Quantum tunnel.

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