Lexi Knows Everything

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Finally, Sunday is now relaxable. Why? Margarita, pasta and my lovely husband. Especially Brian who seem to sleep beside Bryce's lap. Guess he enjoys a peaceful Sunday. The kids occupied themselves quietly without chaos. Jace fell asleep after watching Loud House, Breanna showered and took a break from working out with mommy. You don't see kids do that with their moms nowadays. Bella is spending time at her friend's house. Today was very peaceful. Just what we needed after a psychotic week. I sighed happily, sipping my can. Bryce chuckled and carefully drank his corona. "Babe, I'm so glad this is us time. No more whining, fighting nor dealing with attitude." I said, referring to Bella. He smirked. "Sweet, she hasn't gave you any attitude this weekend." He said. Surprisingly, it feels amazing! We are getting more close as mom and daughter. There isn't thankfully no arguments or back-talk. I smiled happily. "I know! I'm so thankful because we are doing so well. We're bonding really good...the only thing she hasn't called me the M word." I said. He rubbed my back for comfort. "You know we can't rush these things. She'd have to adjust a little more like coming to Lexi's valentine party, meeting your sisters and everyone- I cut him off. I nodded in agreement. "Yes totally! Sometimes I hate the adjusting. We already are and all is super good. Nothing could go wrong now." I said. The door bell ringed, making me get off the couch. Bryce hummed in response. "Is it Bella's friend dropping her off?" He asked. I shrugged and opened the door. My eyes widened. Lexi smiled widely. "Surprise, Mrs. Dunham!" She cheered. Wow, it's been a long time since we last talked. Even after #L2M went separate ways. I returned the gesture and hugged her. She hugged back. We parted. "How are you?" I asked. She scoffed, crossing her arms. "How come you didn't tell me you have another kid?" She asked. By the time Bryce saw her, he heard the sentence. I gulped and smiled sheepishly.

We led her inside. She flunked herself on the couch and looked around. "Do you have champagne? Or margaritas?" She asked. He smirked. "Oh we got a couple." He joked. I rolled my eyes and handed her the wine bottle with a champagne fluid. She sighed happily, pouring the wine. "So, there's another kid you had so young? Why couldn't you tell me and the girls? We know about Jace but a daughter?!" She freaked. Bryce inhaled a deep breath. "Lizzy, explain." He told me. Lexi motioned me to explain. "How did you find out?" I quickly asked. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "You didn't catch the news. They mentioned about you mall shopping with a teenage girl. They ask questions like you have another kid or did you...." she trailed off. Bryce rubbed his hair frustratingly. He hates when paparazzi bothers the kids or make them uncomfortable. I groaned softly. "Lexi, we're adopting! That's the truth! We decide to adopt a teenager and her name is Bella. We were having mom-daughter time and the stupid ass paps took pictures in the mall!" I explained. "We have her for two months before inspection and the media's already hung up on her before we could tell our families and the media. This is shitty. Bella wouldn't be able to handle all the cameras or unwanted attention." He finished. Lexi giggled nervously. "I also found out because someone made a video of you guys in the movie theatre and talked about her." She added. Bryce huffed, downing his corona. I took the can and dropped it in the trash can. He looked up, rolling his eyes. He'll get super drunk instantly and the kids are home. She cheered happily. "At least you're adopting! How is she? I would love to meet her! Is she coming to my Valentine party?" She asked randomly. I shushed her with my hand. "Bella's fine and yes she'll be there. We're doing really well with her but she hasn't called me the M word." I said, turning to Bryce. It took a second until she realized what I meant.
"Whoa...I'm sorry but there's time." She told me. He laughed. I playfully rolled my eyes. Lexi chuckled. "Are they getting along though?" She asked. "Until yesterday. Just Breanna and her fighting over her phone because she mentioned about supposedly her boyfriend. I asked is it true but she truthfully denied and it was just her friends." I explained. Bryce didn't hear because I was whispering. He would drink more if Bella and boys are talked about. Lexi scoffed and giggled. "Truthfully? You believed I was dating Skip until he said Riley's name! Any girl would be lying about not dating someone. Did she blush? Did she acted like there wasn't anyone?" She whispered. Now that she said it, mom senses and my gut are tingling. Bella clearly said there isn't nobody. It feels like she was lying. No, she told me the truth. Did she really? So far she snuck off to a party, got in a fight and Breanna mentioned about someone she talked to. Bri never lies about anything except running with her phone. My eyes widened. I covered my mouth in shock. Lexi looked at me worriedly. "Lizzy, are you ok?" She asked. My gut was really true. Mom senses is not for ignoring, is for knowing what your kids are up to. I huffed. "I think my daughter just lied to me." I growled through gritted teeth. She oohed in shock. "Your house ain't normal." She muttered. No shit, Lexi. I'm gonna ask her one more time and this time she'll say the truth. I snapped out of my thoughts when Bryce spoke. "Babe! We need to pick up Bella!" He reminded me. I checked the clock on my phone. It's 2:30pm. I fake smiled. "Would you mind picking her up? We'll stay with Jace and Breanna." I asked. He nodded, kissing my cheek before walking out.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Where stories live. Discover now