Music Has a Story

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Yay! A new project with my best girl!! I smiled, cheering quietly. "I'm freaking excited PK. We never done a song together before and the world will be shook. This is for your album?" I said. She chuckled. "I know and yes. The song should be acoustic, talking about the struggles we dealt growing up in hopes it'll help anyone going through it or had." She said. My brain clicked. There is a few songs I written about my old life in my songbook. One of them has a crazy feeling in the stomach that I'd like to pour out. Honestly it described the struggle after I birthed Jace. I smiled sadly. "There's one I written...that's about my struggle. I rather discuss it when we hit the studio." I told her. She sighed. 'Really? I'm so sorry, Liz." She muttered. I nodded my head no. "It's fine! I'd love to share it with our fans." I said. "K, you have time today? At 11?" She asked. I laughed. "Sure! The kids are in school so I'm coming." I said. She inhaled a deep breath. "Hope you get there fast. LA traffic is fucking insane." She said, hanging up. I nodded in agreement and checked myself in the bathroom mirror. So thankful I got up early. Bryce is visiting his cousins but I'll be picking up the kids later. I grabbed my keys before heading downstairs to get my songbook and going to the car. It's been a long time and this big part of my story will finally be shared. LA traffic wasn't too bad. I arrived to the studio where Paris sat on the couch looking through her phone while the producer was using the equipment. She looked up and smiled. "LW!" She squealed. I chuckled. "PK!" I said. We hugged for a minute. "How are you? How's Bella? Is she doing alright?" She asked, smirking. Paris is the only one aware of the rebellious phase Bella's in. She understands because she used to be that girl. I should know, we're best friends. We parted. I scoffed. "Very well actually. Good grades, dressing less provocative and no attitude." I said. Paris noticed my songbook and frowned. "Are you sure?" She asked, referring to the song. I nodded. "Yes. Absolutely." I quickly said. She smiled sadly as I flipped a few pages, searching for the song. We began working on it for the past three hours.


It was 1:50. Our work isn't finished yet and I need to pick up the kids. She hugged me softly. I hugged back. "Let's reschedule on Tuesday." She said. I smiled warmly. "Yeah. Thanks PK." I whispered. I shook hands with her producer before leaving the studio. My phone buzzed. Surprisingly, it's Bella. I mentally groaned loudly. What could've happened today? Doesn't matter because she won't leave my punishment cage after. I sighed and answered. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, Mom! Is it ok if Jayla come over?" She asked. I hummed in response. "It you have homework?" I said. She giggled. "Yup. Just one subject." She told me. Paris smiled and came beside me. I returned the gesture. "Alright, I'm coming." I said. "Yay! Love you! Bye!" She said and hung up. Paris chuckled. "What was that about?" She wondered. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Studying with her friend here." I told her. She nodded in understanding and hugged me. I hugged back. Two paps took pictures from a far. We parted. "See ya Liz!" She said. I waved, running to my car. Phew! Kids are much work than being an artist. I drove on the way to Breanna and Jace's school.

The kids were in the backseat as I parked near Bella's school. She came out with Jayla and opened the car door. "Move, you two." She told them. Jace winked flirtatiously. "Hello princess! What's your name?" He asked, referring to Jayla. She chuckled. "I'm Jayla! Hi Mrs. Dunham!" She introduced. I smiled. "Nice to meet you! Jace, scoot over." I said. He smirked while scooting so she could have room. Bella hopped in the passenger seat next to me. I turned on the engine and drove from the parking lot. Jace continued flirting while Breanna ask her a million questions. Bella was making sure she wouldn't get embarrassed. Thoughts flowed in my brain about the song me and Paris's working on.


Bella POV
Worst. Car ride. Ever. My annoying siblings bothering my friends like I knew they would.
Hopefully it won't happen on Saturday when all of them come visit. I haven't asked Mom though.
I'm afraid she'll go Mama Bear because she's well...Mom. Dad would be overprotective if any guys are invited. They hurried upstairs as we walked into my room. I closed the door and breathed a breath of relief. "Thank god!" I whispered. Jayla chuckled. "Cmon, I think they're cool." She said. Cool? You don't know the opposite of that word. I fake smiled. "If only you knew the half of it." I said sarcastically. She laughed but shushed me with her finger. "Where's your parents?" She asked. I looked at her confusedly. "My Dad is visiting my cousins and Mom's probably in her room." I told her. She cheered quietly. "Great!" She whispered, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. What the hell?! Is she insane? My jaw dropped. "Jayla! Put those away! We're just studying, remember?! I meant that!" I whispered/yelled. She scoffed. "No, we could do this in your bathroom or basement. They won't ever know because these are vape sticks." She told me. I'm gonna pull the curtains if she don't put those away. Any of them can walk in and see. Besides my health doesn't need to get worse. I groaned and rubbed my forehead. "Jayla, I'm not smoking while my siblings are next door. Did it ever occur to you that I can't because of my health?! It can kill anyone with epilepsy too! You need to stop doing this. It'll hurt you way more—she cut me off by dropping the pack on the bed. "Hurt me? Hurt me?! I'll tell you what hurts! My birth mother chose herself over me! That's why I got adopted because she hated me a lot. You don't know what that feels because yours love you though you're not related to them. This is all I have." She growled angrily. I gulped shakily. "You have me, your brother, the girls. You are not alone." I muttered. She said nothing but grabbed a cigarette and the match. Her life has literally been hell. I understand because I been there. The dark memories fulfilled my brain. Tears fell from my eyes. She dropped the cigarette and hugged me. I hugged back tightly. "I'm sorry Bels. I completely forgot. We both know how life can be fucked up." She whispered. I nodded in agreement. We parted. "Let's start over. You can stop this. I didn't even liked my first time smoking on my birthday." I said. She covered her mouth to giggle. "Wow." She mumbled. I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed the cigarettes. She watched as I dropped them in the trash can. "It would be easier to burn them." She added. Clearly, she never paid attention in science class. I hid a chuckle. I opened my backpack and pulled out our homework. She did the same. We opened the textbooks and did exactly what we're here to do.

Two hours later, Mom surprised us with chicken permasean for dinner. I never had chicken permasean and it's delicious! Dad got back in time to eat. Jayla stayed in my room while I went downstairs to ask Mom about our friends coming over. She was eating with Dad on the couch and watching TV. I cleared my throat. "Mom?" I called. They looked up from the food. "Yeah sweet?" She said. I fiddled with my fingers nervously. " it ok if I invite the rest of my friends on Saturday to go swimming? In the pool?" I asked. Dad raised an eyebrow. "Will boys be here?" He asked firmly. I rolled my eyes annoyingly. Mom giggled and nudged his arm. "Of course babygirl as long as there's no funny business." She told me. I was stunned for a minute before cheering happily. "Yes! Yes! Thank you!" I cheered and hugged them. They laughed, hugging back. "You're welcome princess." They said in unison. I excitingly raced upstairs to tell Jayla and ring up everyone on groupchat. I'm about to have a lit pool party!

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Where stories live. Discover now