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I arrived home after hanging with Paris. I'm really pumped for my dress-picking, hair and makeup with my lady friends. Giggling and laughing were heard. Jace's friends probably here for the sleepover. The noise came from upstairs. I ruffled my hair and walked up to our bedroom. He was fast asleep. Wow, the boys must've worn him out. I took a shower and changed to my pjs. I'm sure I need a nap after a long morning. Before I shut my eyes, my phone buzzed. I groaned softly and saw a reminder. Jace and Breanna have their doctor's appointment for shots. Oh man. Breanna really hates shots. Jace isn't scared at all. Tomorrow is my dress-picking so somebody needs to take them there. It could be Bryce because he already picked a tux. My brain clicked. I grabbed my laptop and reopened the page. The time for their appointment is officially at 2pm sharp because dress-picking is around 11pm. Bryce stirred awake. He saw me and smiled sleepily. "Hey babe." He said. I chuckled. "Hi. I see you're very exhausted." I joked. He smiled, facing the roof. "It was great! I really bonded with my son. We played a game of zombie monsters. I pretended to be the monster that eat their brains." He said. I laughed. "Great. I'm marrying a zombie." I muttered. He snuck behind me and kissed my neck softly. "I won't eat your brain if you give me warm kisses." He flirted. My cheeks burned red. I turned off the laptop and tackled him on the bed. He chuckled as we began making out. "Baby?" I whispered. "Yeah?" He mumbled. "My dress-picking is tomorrow and so is the kids's doctor appointment." I told him. He parted from me. "Why? Are they ok?" He asked worriedly. I rolled my eyes and giggled. "No! Getting blood drawn, remember?" I said. He nodded in understanding. I sighed. "Breanna will be super fussy and crying." I said. Bryce chuckled. "Duh! But she got nothing to fear because her daddy's here." He assured. I smiled warmly. We kissed passionately. The door knocked repeatedly. I got off the bed and opened the door. His eyes widened at my presence. "Mommy!" He said, tackling me for a hug. I chuckled and hugged back. "Hey baby boy! I missed you cutie." I said. We parted. He pouted. "I'm not a baby, mommy." He growled. I laughed. "Sorry." I told him. Bryce hummed in response. "You're not?" He asked. He nodded his head no. I smirked. "Guess you'll be fine for your doctor's appointment with Breanna." I said.
He groaned. "She's gonna cry again, I know it. She always cry when we go." He said. I bent my knees to his height. "Sweetie, she won't cry because we'll all be with her. Promise you'll be a good big brother and hold her hand?" I said. He quickly nodded and smiled. "I gotta get back. We're watching Thor: Ragnarok." He said, running out. We laughed and closed the door. "When's the time though?" Bryce asked. "At 2." I quickly said. He nodded and flunked himself on the bed. I just hope he will handle the crying and whining tomorrow. I smirked. "Speaking of Breanna, who's picking her up?" I asked. Bryce smiled confidently. "Me. I'm here if you ever need me." He said softly. We kissed passionately. We parted, hugging each other. "I'm excited to see you in that beautiful dress. Hm, you are hot." He flirted. I laughed and playfully punched his arm. "Sure you can handle the boys?" He teased. I rolled my eyes. "I can handle you." I sassed. Bryce scoffed and crossed his arms. Hopefully, he'll handle their doctor's appointment well.

Morning rolled in and I quickly rolled out of bed to do my morning routine and shower. Today was my dress-picking!! I'm gonna find the dress I desire. The kids wasn't awake yet which gives me the advantage. In a second, they opened the door and jumped on our bed. Or it didn't. "Good morning, mommy and daddy!" They said, smiling. I returned the gesture. Bryce soon woke up and smiled sleepily. "Hey angels! Hungry for breakfast?" He said. They cheered. "Yay!" They shouted. I'm sure Jace got the loud persona from me. I giggled. "Alright. Let's go!" I told them. They hopped off the bed and walked out. I raised an eyebrow. "You know the drill?" I asked. He quickly nodded. We continued to get dressed and come downstairs. The kids were in the living room watching TV. I went to the kitchen to grab ingredients for breakfast. Bryce pulled out the tray of eggs with a frozen bag of sausages. We began cooking and discussing wedding plans. He already found a sexy tux and I can't wait to see it. Breakfast smell filled the kitchen. Jace raced to the kitchen counter with Breanna following behind. "It smells good!" She said, giggling. I nodded in agreement. "Not only you're getting food, make sure you shower." I told him. She was confused. "Why?" She asked. We looked at each other nervously, knowing she could freak about the shots. I smiled sheepishly. " you and Jace are- Jace cut me off. "We have a doctor's appointment to get our shots." He told her. Her eyes widened. She screamed fearfully and ran out of the room. We growled silently at him. He shrugged. "Least she's not crying." He said and made his way to the couch. "I'll go. Cook the food." I said. He got near the stove as I walked upstairs to her bedroom. I knocked softly. "Breanna? Cutie, it's mommy." I said and opened the door. She was faced down on the pillow with blankets covering her. I sat beside her and rubbed her hair. "There's nothing to be scared of." I said. "They have sharp tools that could make me bleed!" She whined. I laughed hysterically. "Bleed? Baby, that doesn't happen. One pinch and it won't hurt at all. You have to believe me because I been there and so have your dad. It'll be nothing and you'll be very used to it. Jace is and he's not scared anymore." I said. She pulled herself from the pillow. "Really?" She asked, sounding hopeful. I kissed her forehead. "Absolutely. Jace will hold your hand if you get nervous too." I assured. Breanna smiled warmly. "It's just when Sabrina took me to a doctor's appointment, she was high and told me it's a needle that makes you bleed." She explained. My insides boiled up with an angry passion. How dare she do that? Kids are freaking impressionable! Guess she really needed rehab. When she was drinking, she made a terrible influence on her. I hugged her. She hugged back. "She's wrong. Very wrong. Doctor appointments are needed to make sure you stay healthy and happy. It's helpful. The best part, you get cute bandaids of Paw Patrol or a lollipop." I said. She smiled widely. "Lollipop?!" She said. I laughed. "Yup! But ask daddy." I said. She grabbed my hand tightly. "Let's go!" She said. I pulled her back gently. "Mommy has to go to her dress-picking today. Your aunts, grandmas and my closest friends will be there. Don't you want mommy to find her wedding dress?" I said, smiling. She smiled and nodded. I got up from the bed and motioned her to come. We ran downstairs to see a batch of breakfast created. My eyes widened. "You ok princess?" Bryce asked. Breanna nodded, grabbing a seat beside Jace. He gave them their plates and made ours. I smirked lustfully. "A man in the kitchen. Turns me on." I said confidently. He grappled me in his arms seductively. I chuckled and kissed his lips. The kids's eyes widened. "Eww!" They whined in unison. We laughed and started eating.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Where stories live. Discover now