How to Train Your Daughter

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Bella raised an eyebrow. "How do you have it?" She asked. I crossed my arms and fake smiled. "We have lots of things to talk about. Kids, keep watching TV while we speak to Bella alone." I told them. Breanna nodded, sitting beside Jace. We walked back upstairs. She followed behind as we came to her room. "Ok! Enough games! Give me my phone!" She growled. My eyes widened. That attitude needs to quit. Bryce growled, pointing at her. "Watch your mouth young lady! You are the problem here! Why are you talking to strangers on Instagram?!" He growled. She looked at us confusedly. "Strangers? What are you talking about?" She asked. I hummed in response. "Would the name 'Hayden' ring a bell?" I sassed. Her jaw dropped. Bella rubbed her hair in shock. "You went through my phone?! The fuck is wrong with you?!" She shouted. Bryce immediately closed the door so the kids wouldn't hear. I growled angrily. "Check that attitude! You lied to me when I asked you about that man apparently! You made me believe your sister was lying! I'm also pissed you snap naked pictures for him to like you! It is disrespecting to yourself and that is all he wants, Bella." I growled. She nodded in disagreement. "No he isn't! He loves me so much and we know everything about each other. We talked for a year. Hayden understands me more than anyone." She said softly. I groaned and took a deep breath. "Bella, you don't really know him. You haven't even seen him to face to face. You got to believe me because my best friend's sister dated somebody online. He was so dangerous and only wanted to take advantage of her. You really think Hayden's all that he said to be?" I said in a serious tone. Bryce sighed sadly. "Sweetheart, it's true. We love you so much and we want you to be safe. Hayden is a stranger- she cut him off. "HE'S NOT! HE KNOWS ME AND I KNOW HIM! ALL I AM TO YOU IS JUST SOME TROUBLEMAKING CHILD YOU CAN'T STAND!" She screamed angrily. Tears fell from her eyes. Mine was coming but I held them inside. I mentally hoped she wouldn't doubt my real love for her. She was my first thought when we talked about adoption. I inhaled a deep breath and crossed my arms sternly. "Bella, you are past the word 'troublemaking'. That shows how much we love you and wanna protect you. Fourteen year old girls should never snap naked pictures for anyone or anything. You are grounded next week. Delete these pictures and delete this man off your phone or we'll do it." I growled through gritted teeth. Bella snatched her phone off my hand. Our jaws dropped. Hell no! She did not snatch something from me. Bryce raised an eyebrow. "Did you just snatch your phone off Mom's hand?" He asked. She scoffed, rolling her eyes. Ok. Accepting consequences? You got it. I took her phone back and shoved it in my pocket. "Thanks to your attitude, your phone is confiscated now. You'll get it back once you earn our trust back...or at least mine." I said, growling at the last part. We left the room and Bryce shut the door. He patted my back for comfort. Tears were beginning to escape. My eldest daughter lied and she doesn't even cared. Now we really gotta keep an eye on her since this old man is trying to contact her. I went downstairs to accompany the kids. He followed behind. "You know she needed it. You done a good job." He whispered in my ear. I wish I could smile confidently and agree. I don't feel exactly like it.

We prepared dinner later and still Bella wanted to eat in her room. She deserve time to cool off after that loud outburst. It'll take time for her to earn back my trust. We discussed if Bella behaves next week, we'll give her phone back and stop talking to this online creep. Jace sighed. "Mom, Dad is Bella ever gonna eat with us?" He asked. Bryce nodded. "She will son. Right now she needs time to herself because we...." he trailed off. I smiled sweetly. "We had a serious discussion earlier." I told him. He nodded in understanding. Breanna raised an eyebrow. "Would I happen to be right about the boyfriend?" She asked, smirking. They low-key chuckled. Ok. I believe their nosy genes came from me. We quietly giggled. "Apparently, yes but it's got nothing to do with you." I assured. Breanna coughed, wiping her mouth. "Eww! Something's in my sandwich!" She whined. Bryce took the bread off and studied the snack. He looked disgusted. "It looks like saliva." He told me. Our eyes diverted to Jace who suddenly stuffed his face with lots of food. My jaw dropped. "Did you? Are you..." I trailed off. Jace got up and ran upstairs in speed. Breanna rushed to the kitchen to spit the food in the sink. "You better run Jace!" I growled a bit loud. Bryce couldn't stop chuckling and went to help our daughter. I dealt with attitude, online creeps and the last thing I want is germs.

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