Mom & Daughter Day

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******That same night*****

Bella POV
Somehow I fell asleep after coming from school. Maybe I was too exhausted. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait to finish class. Fighting Aria is only because she bad mouthed Hayden. I refused to think he's an old creep or stalker. He truly understands me and I understand him. This may sound like I'm in love but I'm not sure if he'll want us to be official. Yes we're dating but aren't using labels. Lizzy brought me dinner that Bryce got while picking up Jace and Breanna. After closing the door, I set my plate on the bed and noticed a new backpack on the dresser. I was confused. What is that? It looks really cute though. A note was attached on it. I picked it up and read the note.

You deserve something that's more your style and makes you you. No girls should have nicer backpacks than you.❤️❤️❤️

My eyes widened. She got me this cute backpack with her own money? Why did she do this? She didn't have to. Tears fell from my eyes. I smiled warmly, picking up the backpack and wrapping it around my shoulder. Nobody ever done this for me. I'm always doing things by myself. I wiped my eyes and put it back on the dresser. My food was still freshly hot. I sat on the bed and started eating. I turned on the TV. I really feel very thankful for her giving me this. No joke, not everyone can be so kind. The door opened a little. It seemed to be nobody except their puppy Brian. He barked softly, running to my bedside. I looked at him in awe. "Aww, hi cutie! What are you doing here?" I cooed. He licked my cheek which made me giggle. A pink sash was wrapped around his neck, meaning he must've came from Breanna's room. Brian cuddled on my leg. I smiled and rubbed his fur. "You're feeling ok?" A voice asked. I looked up from my plate to see Bryce near the doorway. "I was wondering where he was...until Breanna told me they were doing dress up." He said. I slightly chuckled. Brian continued cuddling on my legs. He sighed. "You know there's no justifications for getting in a fight." He told me. I nodded and laid against the headboard. "Nowadays, actions speak louder than words." I said. Bryce sat beside my leg where Brian is. He smiled. "Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. There's people who think fighting solves anything but it creates more chaos. People are gonna say anything, you can't control that. You just have to have thick skin. The girl who was saying horrible things to your friend is probably jealous because maybe she don't have enough friends nor got one. She was reaching for attention instead of respect." He said. Hm. I haven't thought about it like that. I looked down, letting tears fall. He looked at me worriedly. "You ok? I understand words can hurt. I used to be picked on when me and Lizzy were teens like you. It was really hard for me...until she reminded me only our fans, family, friends are ones who'd never put you down." He told me. Brian climbed onto my stomach, licking my tear stained cheek. I took a deep breath and sighed. "When I was younger, kids used to bully me a lot in adoption. They said all kinds of things like you're nothing, you suck or no one will ever adopt you cause you're trash. You all seem so happy together without anything awful attached...until I came." I explained, whispering the last part. He pulled my chin up gently. "Don't ever think like that. We're so blessed and happy to have you Bella. Whatever happens, it won't change how we feel about you. I don't know if you heard but Lizzy was adopted. She told her story on—I cut him off. "Online? Yeah, I know. I've listened to her story many times and didn't think how far you'd come from being adopted to being an artist, finding your birth family. It's crazy." I admitted. He chuckled. "Life works strangely. We keep moving forward though. Bella, you're nothing but a wonderful gift. You're a good person. A lot far from trash. Don't listen or believe anything they say. You're more than the word 'adoption.'" He said. Everything he said made me cry a lot. I quickly hugged him. He was a little surprised but hugged back. I inhaled a deep breath. "Thank you...Dad." I whispered softly. His eyes widened, covering his mouth in shock.


Lizzy POV
When Bryce told me Bella called him Dad, my heart skipped a beat. This is too beautiful! I could've called Meadow about it and the family should know about her before the media. I'm patiently waiting for the day she calls me Mom. That's all I want her to look at me as. It doesn't change being grounded for getting in a fight at school. Hm, I need to have more hours with Bella whether before school or the weekend. My brain clicked. Yay!! This will be great! Even though she'll miss one day, let it count as still being grounded. "Mom!" Jace called. I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I poured syrup on his pancake. "Oh! I'm sorry, baby. Go ahead and eat." I told him. He nodded and picked up the spoon. Breanna looked at me. "You ok mom?" She asked. I smiled softly and nodded. Bryce patted my back for comfort. Bella arrived in the kitchen with the new backpack wrapped around her shoulder. It finally brightened my day! She smiled nicely. "Good morning, everybody." She said. We looked at each other in shock and back at her. "Good morning!" We said, smiling. The kids weren't shocked but returned the gesture. Breanna looked at her backpack in awe. "Your backpack is so pretty, Bella!" She said softly. Bella playfully squeezed her cheek. "Thanks." She said. I took a moment and studied her outfit.
Nothing worth concerning me.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Where stories live. Discover now