Girl Scoring Records

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"Have a good day! Love you!" I said, whispering the last part. Bryce winked and smiled. Bella returned the gesture, kissing our cheeks before opening the door. I waved as she closed it and went to school. He drove from the parking space and back to the house. We dropped the kids off on time, having to hear name callings, fighting over the bathroom and trading insults. We breathed a breath of relief and flunked ourselves on the couch. He sighed happily. "I'm so relieved!" He said. I nodded in agreement. "Me too! One whole day without no fighting or whining. Music to my ears." I said. He hid a chuckle. We snuggled close and wrapped his arm around my neck. Since the kids are at school, what could we do right now? I hummed in response. "Anyway, anything to pass the time?" I asked. Bryce smirked. "Do you remember the cool shit we done at eighteen?" He asked. I was confused until my brain clicked. Oh yeah! Memories filled my head. It was super awesome with our friends. Pranks, challenges and or Truth or Dare! I laughed. "So freaking crazy! I'd love to do it again!" I said. He scoffed, crossing his arms. "I'm always beating you at those games." He said. I raised an eyebrow in shock. Excuse me? Did my husband say he beats me at all games? I fake smiled and patted his head. "That's so sweet, babe. We all know I'm the devious girlfriend and wife in this family. I beaten you at Pie Face Showdown, Twister, and Bean Boozled challenge—he cut me off. "Ok! Ok! I got it!" He said irritatingly. I smirked and got off the couch. "Don't think I'm easy because I'm a girl. I'll whip your ass sweetly." I sassed. He laughed hysterically and hopped off the couch. "Naw! I'll challenge you!A challenge of Pranks! Whoever wins round five wins the challenge. Let's settle this!" He said. We shook hands on the deal. I smiled confidently. "In. Totally in!" I said. Growling came from his stomach. This really meant he's hungry. He huffed, rubbing his belly. "I could really go for a burger hon." He mumbled. My brain clicked. Prank idea! I looked at him in awe. "You know? We hadn't had soup in a while. I'll make you some." I told him. He nodded and flunked himself on the couch. "Thanks babe!" He said, smiling. I hid my devious smirk and went to the kitchen to make the nastiest soup.

After finishing my prank, I stirred the bowl thoroughly and walked to Bryce who chilled watching TV. He saw the bowl and smiled. "Yes! Thank you baby!" He said. I laughed, giving him the bowl. "No problem. Enjoy." I said, whispering the last part. I turned my attention to the TV. In a matter of two minutes, he screamed and spit the things out. Giggles fulfilled my mouth. He kept spitting and wiping his mouth disgustedly. "What was in that soup?!" He asked frantically. I laughed a little hard. "Relax! Just a prank." I told him. His eyes widened as he pulled a caterpillar from his mouth. I covered my mouth with shock and laughter. He dropped the caterpillar in disgust. "You planned a freaking nasty prank?" He asked, full of disbelief. I laughed and nodded. "Hm, tastes like sweet vengeance." I said. Bryce picked his tooth, pulling out two dead ants. I couldn't control my laughs! It's entirely gross yet too hilarious. He groaned disgustedly. "What was in the soup?" He asked. I smiled innocently. "Just ants, caterpillars, relish, olives, rotten meat and Brian's poop." I told him. He suddenly gripped his stomach in terrible pain. My worries are if he'll puke on the floor. I smiled sheepishly. "Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded his head no and rushed upstairs to the bathroom. Sounds of puking echoed through the house. I stuck my tongue out in disgust. I practically got him good so I know he's coming back for revenge.


Our battle continued through the morning and it was more fun than our pranks before. It led to the final round in which this Queen won! This proved girls are really smart at anything. Especially pranks and challenges. Bryce was slightly mad at first but accepted because cmon, I'm his wife. We picked up the kids later on. Jace was playing video games while Breanna rode her hoverboard around here. The door of Bella's room was half-opened. I discreetly peeked in case she's working on homework or talking on the phone. She smiled widely, dancing to music with headphones. I chuckled as she danced everywhere. Maybe I could surprise her. That would be funny! Once she flunked herself on the bed, I came in. Bella took off her headphones, smirking. "Were you just spying on me? Dad says you're good at it." She said. I smiled innocently and shrugged. "Guess so! Any homework?" I asked. She breathed a breath of relief. "Nope!" She quickly said. I laughed, rubbing her hair. "Listening to music huh? Are you still singing though?" I asked. She smirked and belted out Michael's song Loving You.

'Instead of going out to some restaurant, I'll stay home in bed
I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do
I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do'

Her voice sounded crazy wonderful. I smiled and applauded. "Beautiful! So good!" I said. She chuckled shyly. "Thanks Mom." She said. I studied the features of her room. Nothing but same as when she first arrived. It really needs a change. I thought about decorating after she's adopted. My brain clicked. I mentally slapped myself. She'll be adopted anyway, we could decorate the room. I smiled excitingly. She looked at me confusedly. "Why are you smiling?" She asked. I scoffed. "No I'm not! Just thinking." I lied. She nodded, still confused. Disney+ played on the TV. "Excited for Spring?" I asked. Bella looked up from her phone. "Yes! Thank god! One week of freedom and no more annoying kids." She said, smiling. I nodded in agreement and laughed. It involves our surprise for their spring break. They'll be so freaking happy! It needs to be on camera. "Can we hit the beach? Or go to NYC? Fly to the Grand Canyon? Go to Cuba?" She randomly asked. It made me giggle. I smiled. "Sweetie, relax! We'll have something for spring break!" I promised. She cheered excitingly and hugged me. I smiled warmly, hugging back. We parted. "Ok! I'll let you plan our destinations!" She joked. We chuckled as I got off the bed. I kissed her forehead. "Alright, babygirl I'm going." I told her. She nodded, putting headphones on. I closed the door quietly. Breanna walked out and wore a Minnie Mouse headband. I looked at her in awe. We bought it during our summer vacation at the Caribbean. I'm more excited to tell our news!! She smiled. "Mom, I'm excited for spring break!" She cheered. I nodded in agreement. "Me too. It'll be lit!" I said. She cheered. "Are we going somewhere else?" She asked. I shushed her with my finger. "Relax hon. We'll let you know sooner or later." I assured. She nodded in understanding and went to Bella's room. Ah, sister bonding. So cute! Today is Monday so spring break starts on Wednesday for their schools. I rushed downstairs in order to find Bryce. "YES! GOT IT!" He cheered. What's going on? Why did he scream? He sat on the couch with his laptop on the end table. I chuckled. "You ok babe?" I asked. He smiled widely. "I planned our week vacay!" He told me. Excuse me what? I motioned him to quiet because the kids will hear. "Where are we going?" I asked. Bryce bent to speak in my ear. "DisneyWorld in Florida!" He whispered. Yay! I always wanna go to DisneyWorld and take the kids there too! I cheered happily. We laughed, hugging each other. "It's scheduled on Wednesday for spring break so we need to pack. That means we should tell them now." He said. I nodded in understanding. "As for Bella, I'm thinking of decorating her room as a surprise before we adopt her. She deserves that!" I said. He smiled sweetly. "Of course we can." He said, kissing my lips. I sighed happily. "Ok, let's do this. I'm so excited!" I whispered/yelled. He chuckled.

An hour later, we called the kids down and waited in the living room. Bryce paused the NFL/DisneyWorld commercial. It's the actual surprise! They looked at the TV and back at us confusedly. "Ok, what's happening?" Bella asked. Jace groaned. "Yeah! I almost beaten the zombie King in the game!" He whined. The girls rolled their eyes. I smirked, motioning Bryce to replay the commercial. He unpaused the TV. "What are you gonna do, Cap?" The anchor asked. His face turned to the camera. "I'm going to DisneyWorld!" He told him. Bella covered her mouth in shock as if she knew the surprise. "We're going to DisneyWorld!" We said, smiling. They cheered happily and jumped around. I laughed a little hard. They hugged us tightly. We parted, kissing their cheeks. Bella screamed a bit happily. "When do we go?" She asked. "On Wednesday so we got two days to pack. Pack your toothbrushes, flosses, anything you need! Go ahead!" He urged. Within seconds, Jace and Breanna rushed upstairs to pack their things. Bella hugged me. I smiled and hugged back. "Thank you! I love you!" She whispered. My heart warmed completely hearing those words. "Love you too." I whispered. She parted and went upstairs. Can't wait to go to DisneyWorld with my husband and loving kids.

Better or Bad (Sequel to Lizzy Walker - Adopted Story)Where stories live. Discover now