[ Chapter 22 ]

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(Y/n) sat back in her chair drinking a butterbeer when she felt hands wrap around her. She looked up to see big brown eyes. A smile finding its way to her face as she turned around giving Angelina a hug.

"When did you get here?" She asked, giving Lee a small wave as he made his way to sit next to Wren.

"Just a few moments ago, bumped into Lee on the way in. Scoot over." She said planting herself on (y/n)'s side. "I've never been inside the Leaky Cauldron before. Gives mum the frights."

"I don't blame her," (Y/n) said with a laugh. "Tom is wonderful, but it doesn't have a homey feeling. So, what's new with you? Your letters didn't say much."

"Yes, Angelina please enlighten us with what you did all summer," George spat out. A forced grin on his face as he leaned back in his seat. Angelina gave him a small glare before turning her attention on (y/n).

"You know what, it's getting stuffy in her with all the idiotic testosterone, come one (y/n) lets catch up outside."

Before the young girl could even question what was going on, Angelina had pulled (y/n) away from the group and out the door of the Leaky Cauldron, saying a quick goodbye.

"What in the bloody hell was that about?" (Y/n) asked, her head slightly tilted as she looked up in confusion. Taking a seat on the nearest bench.

"George Fabian Weasley is a git and I feel stupid for even admitting to him that I had feelings for him. Who does he think he is?"

"Hold on, I think you need to backtrack a little bit. I'm confused."

"Well, you know George and I have kissed."

(Y/n) nodded as she placed her hands under her chin. "Quite a few times if I might add."

Angelina shook her head, shaking off the blush that was forming on her cheeks. "I confessed that I liked him at the end of last year. When you had gotten petrified we became closer. It was nice, and then he kissed me. You woke back up, and we never had found time to talk about what had happened. That was until I sent him a letter."

"Okay, I'm still not following."

"Well, you would think that when one confesses, and the other person kisses you that you'd end up together. So, I asked what that made us, and he responded with nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

"Are we talking about George? The same George Weasley that has adored you for as long as I can remember. Fred and I use to always joke about when you guys would get together," (Y/n) said with a small laugh.

"He said that we were young, and he was poor and couldn't give me the stuff I need. I told him that was rubbish. Obviously I don't care about those things. Why would I? I like the stupid git. So, I told him if he really cared about me he should act like a man and do something about it, and stop being a little boy."


"What?" The girl asked, shrugging her shoulders as she continued talking. "Look, I didn't mean it I was just upset about how frustrating he's being. So, words were said on both parties, and now I don't know what to do."

"George is one of your best friends Angie, I think you need to talk to him face to face. Come on let's head back inside, and if he doesn't get off his arse I'll force him up," (Y/n) said standing up from the bench and looping her arm with Angelina.


Luckily for (y/n), George had agreed to talk to Angelina, and they were able to lay out their problems and apologize. To her distaste they agreed to just be friends. She was going to give it a few more months before George stopped being a git, and actually asked her out.

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