[ Chapter 45 ]

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The unrealness of Harry making it through the first task was uncanny. Not that (y/n) didn't have complete faith in him, because she did. She just wasn't sure the depth of the tournament and that completely scared her.

She was now currently sandwich on the sofa in between a very drunk Lee and Wren.

"And that dragon went so high up in the wee sky," Lee said laughing as he moved his hands in a flying motion.

"I know, and it was so big! I want a pet dragon," Wren said, throwing his head back as he let out a chuckle. (y/n) bit the inside of her lip as she tried not to laugh at her two best friends.

"I think you guys are a wee bit drunk," (y/n) said joining in with their laughter's as she brought her cup over to her lip. She looked around the common room. It seemed like almost dying had kicked some sense into Ron as he was laughing with Hermione and Harry in a corner.

"Come dance with me (y/n)," Angelina said, stepping in front of her. "Alicia said she's too tired."

"Oh, so I'm just second best?" (Y/n) huffed as she folded her hands in front of her chest. A smile tugging on the side of her lip.

"Please, everyone knows I would choose you in a heartbeat," she said reaching her hand out and gripping (y/n)'s hand, sending a wink in the process. (Y/n) let Angelina drag her to the middle of the common room where they swayed to the beat of the music.

"This is nice," (y/n) said as she spun Angelina around.

"You're telling me. It's always nice when I can steal you away from the boys." (Y/n) nodded as she swayed to the music, allowing herself to be completely relaxed as she closed her eyes. It was moments like this that she came to appreciate everything around her.

"Hello ladies."

(Y/n) opened her eyes to see Fred and George standing in front of them. "I'm going to borrow this one," George said reaching out and pulling Angelina along.

(Y/n) sent a small wave before turning towards Fred. "I'll bet you five sickles they're going to get back together."

"There's no way. Angelina is still too focused on school," Fred said extending his hand out. (y/n) gripped it, allowing the electric pulse to vibrate through her body.

Fred smiled down at her before pulling her closer into him. "Dance with me," he said, allowing his breath to tickle behind her ear. She nodded weakly as she laced her fingers with his. The song, that was once upbeat turned into a mellow tone, and (y/n) felt herself relaxing in Fred's touch.

She knew in moments like this she could remember what being in love with Fred was like. Hell, she knew even in this moment she still loved him. Maybe a part of her would always love the boy with ginger hair and hazel eyes.

"You're staring," he said as he guided his hand up the spin of her back- just resting above her shoulder blades. "I like it when you do that."

(Y/n) smiled, fighting any blush that wanted to creep on her cheek. "I guess it just means there is something worth starring at."

"(Y/n)," Fred stated before dropping his hands and taking a step back. "Sorry, I don't want to cross any boundaries with you. I-"

(Y/n) nodded, understanding that loving each other would never be easy as trust no longer held them together. "I get it," she said- hiding the sorrow that laced on her tongue.  "But maybe in this moment we can forget about all the wrongdoing just this once," she said.

She took a step forward, allowing the fire whisky in her cup to take full effect. She guided her hands up Fred's chest before gripping his shirt and pulling his lips down on hers. He reacted instantly, sliding his tongue across the entrance of her lip.

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