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"Hello, Madam please be awake!" I yelled running into the Hospital Wing holding a unconscious Bee in my arms.

"Yes yes, I'm awake now, what is the problem?" A soft voice asked then Madam emerged from behind a corner and as soon as she saw Bee, she picked up her pace and rushed over to me.

"She passed out. She collapsed right in front of me." I said quickly, not wanting to waste any time by talking.

"Well what was going on, no one just passes out for no reason." Madam said and pointed to a bed and I walked over to it and laid Bee down.

"She- she was really stressed- and it looked like she was having an intense panic attack." I said, remembering the frightened look on her face while being cornered by Lee. I'm going to kill him later on- can't forget that.

"That would do it. She is going to be okay, Fred. I'm just going to give her some fluids to wake her up and give her come medicine. Go downstairs and eat some food then come back up here and collect her. She should be okay for classes but if she complains of a headache or dizziness tell the teacher she needs to leave."

"Okay-" I hesitated to leave Bee. I trusted Madam with her so I did turn around and forced myself out of the room. I went down to the Great Hall for breakfast and sat down to my twin, everyone had their eyes on me.

"Where's Brooke? Is she okay?" Lee asked me and I shot him a dirty glare and didn't respond to him.

"Fred! What happened to her!" Ellie said and pushed my shoulder, annoyed and worried.

"She passed out because some dumb fuck was stressing her out and made her have a panic attack." I glared at Lee the whole time k talked and he swallowed harshly.

"How was I stressing her out?" He mumbled.

"You cornered her-" I snapped and cut myself off before I went too far. "Don't get close to her, she doesn't like it."

"What did I do?" He asked, clearly confused.

"It's not you mate, just keep your distance." George said in a much calmer voice than me.

"Is she out for classes?" Ellie asked me, taking the attention away from the conversation we were just having, and made me soften my glare and looked over at her with a normal expression.

"Yes." I mumbled and took a bite out of the apple I just grabbed while El was talking. After that, George decided to change the topic all together and started talking about the tryouts for quidditch this year. Bee, El, me and George, were all guaranteed a spot because we have been playing for two years, this year.

After about 15 minutes and 10 minutes till our first class, I left the three friends and went back up to the Hospital Wing. When I got there, I saw Madam standing over the bed where. We was sitting up. As soon as she saw me, a big smile took place on her face.

"Good, you're here, classes start in 9 minutes." Madam said and Bee huffed.

"I still have to go?" She whined and I softly chuckled at her baby like behaviour.

"There is nothing medically wrong with you Ms. Park, therefore you are fine to go to all of your classes for the day. And plus, who would want to miss the first day of classes?"

"Me." Bee muttered under her breath. "Fine, let's go then. I'm starving." She hopped off the bed and walked up to me. Madam waved us off and we both walked out of the room and went into the hallway and made our way down the hall.

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now