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I walked back to the Common room, still in shock over everything that just happened. Snape is my father. It has all been one big lie.

The Common room was empty, the fire was burnt out and everyone was in bed. But I wasn't tired at all. I could go back to my dorm, but the others might still be up. I highly doubt it though. I walked quietly up the stair well and walked into the boys dorm.

Shit. The lights were off and all three boys were asleep. I was about to back out of the room, but I ended up waking a boy up.

"Bee?" Fred whispered and sat up. "Are you just getting back now?"

"Yeah." I whispered and all of a sudden, sorrow washed over me. But I mean, why would I not be sad? I just got told a lot. A lot I wished I knew before now.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked a second later and I shook my head no. "Come here." I walked over to his bed and got into it and sat crissed crossed, facing him. "What's wrong love?"

"It's stupid." I kept my voice down so I wouldn't wake up George and Lee.

"Just tell me." Fred sighed.

"Y'know my dad?" I asked and he nodded his head yes. "Well he actually isn't my dad."

"What do you mean? Then who is?"

"Snape." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"You're joking- right?" He asked me with a hint of laughter.

"No." I mumbled as more tears escaped my grasp.

"No, don't cry. I'm sorry. I'm not making fun of you." He quickly leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me.

"I- it's not that, it's just- I took in a lot tonight. And I don't know how to react to it." I pushed my head into his shoulder as I tried to keep a sob in. I really didn't want the other two to wake up and see me like this. I'm not a huge fan of crying in front of people. The only people who have actually seen me cry hard, is Ellie and Fred.

"You take your time." He rubbed my back with his hand and held me tightly, in a comforting way. I stayed in his embrace for a couple of minutes, neither of us said a word to each other, I just tried to catch my breath silently.

"You need your sleep. You can stay here if you want." Fred whispered, breaking the silence. I nodded my head yes and mumbled a muffled 'okay'. He let go of me and I looked up at him, water still welling up in my eyes. He wiped them away my running his thumb under both eyes then wiped the water onto his PJ bottoms.

I moved over to the side of him and laid back and he did the same, giving me blankets. I didn't even care if I was getting too comfortable, I moved over to Fred and wrapped an arm around his waist and put my head on his chest. He gave closer back by wrapping his arms around my waist as well.


"Let's go loverbirds, time for school." George called out as he grabbed his school bag. The door opened and El walked in.

"Oh thank fuck. I was so worried when I woke up and saw Brooke wasn't in her bed." She sighed and Lee snorted in laughter.

"Didn't even know she was here till we both woke up. I have no clue what time she came in last night or how she ended up sleeping with Fred." Lee responded.

"Brooke, get up. You need to get changed." Ellie said sternly and I grumbled and turned my head to the other side, so I wasn't looking at her. "Fred, you too. Get up."

"Five more minutes." He mumbled.

"No, now." Ellie said but neither of us said anything. The room went silent and that only meant two things. The three of them gave up, or they were talking to each other through their eyes. And it happened to be the second one, this morning.

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now