| S I X T Y - F I V E |

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The next few days were amazing. Well as good as it could get, for now.

Arthur came back home, scarred, but healed. On Tonks' birthday, Remus proposed to her, and she said yes. I was so happy for her. Tonks is such a nice and caring woman and deserves the best.

I felt as if I was free again. I didn't have to be scared. It was weird how it all went away. I wasn't scared of being with other men in a room.

I'm just going to be straight up and say it;

The sex and Fred and I were having, was bloody brilliant. Like it was amazing. We were back to normal with it.

He has me on my knees for him. Begging for him. Teasing for him. Submissing to him. Screaming his name. Moaning his name. Calling him daddy. Being, and I quote, 'his little slut.' 

So the week ended well, and so did our extended winter break. I had to wake up earlier than I wanted to this morning so we could apparate to the school early in the morning so we could get to class.

"Fred- it is 6am. 6am. The only way you are getting me out of bed is- well you aren't." I groaned. I stuffed my head in a pillow and he sighed. "So piss off and go finish the school year without me."

"You think I can last five months without you love?" He chuckled. "That's cute. Now get your pretty ass out of bed."

"No thanks. I like it right where my 'pretty ass' is." I said. I felt his hand grasp onto my leg and he literally pulled me off of the bed. I went falling onto the hardwood floor and I groaned. "You fucking dick."

"That's not what you were calling me last night." He chuckled. "If I remember exactly, you were calling me daddy. Am I right?" He cocked. He is too full of himself. He is right, but too in control.

"It's too early for your shit." I grumbled and got off of the cold floor. I climbed back into the bed and pulled the covers over me. "Now go away."

"Princess get out of the bed." He sighed again and I flipped him off then stuffed my face back into the pillow.

"Bye." I said, but it came out muffled because the pillow blocked my mouth.

"Okay, whatever you say. See you in the summer." He said. I heard the sound of him grabbing his bag and wand then the sound of the door opening and closing. Like he was actually going to leave without me. He will be back any second.

I laid still and tried to fall back asleep, but I was just waiting for Fred to come back into the room. He needs me. Who else can he have sex with. Well there is Angelina- no, remember all of the stuff he said in the bath the other night. He meant every word. I know it.

I laid in bed for a couple of minutes and listened to the faint sounds of the kids saying bye to the adults downstairs then the sound of the front door opening and closing. Then I heard one cracking sound. That would be Ellie with Mione and Ginny. Then another. That would be George taking Ron and Harry. Then I heard one more.

Wait! That would be Fred! Fred just fucking left without me!

I jumped out of the bed, threw on a sweater and leggings, grabbed my backpack, wand and phone then bolted down the stairs. I looked around the front enterance and saw he wasn't standing there.

He left without me. I went to the living room where all the adults were. "Did he seriously leave without?" I asked and they all nodded. "Wait- actually?" I couldn't believe it. He would leave me that quickly?

"He said you didn't care." Molly said and frowned. "Something wrong dear?" She asked.

"No, I- I will just leave then." I said and frowned. my mum walked up to me and hugged me, Molly, Tonks, Lupin and Sirius all hugged me goodbye then I went back to the enterance.

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now