| F O R T Y - S E V E N |

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A/N: I'm changing Alex up and putting him in his 7th year. He got picked as a champion instead of Victor Krum (Is that how you spell his name?) + the pic above is Alex

"He's going to die!" I yelled as a very angry dragon shot flames at Harry. Harry however dodged it and ran behind a rock. The crowd broke out into cheering and clapping, some even got up to their feet to hoot and howl. But not Fred.

I was straddling his lap and I had my head pushed into his chest, so I was anchering him down. This was too much to watch, Cedric burnt his fucking eyebrow off and Alex almost got eaten.

"Relax Princess." Fred laughed and put his hands on my waist. "He's okay..." Fred trailed off which made me pick up my head and looked at the dragon pit. The goddamn dragon broke the chain and was now flying after Harry who was on his broomstick and was flying towards the school.

"Yep, he's going to die." I groaned and pushed my head back into Fred's chest. The crowd was quiet and everyone was trying to see Harry who was off in the distance. Yo might've not been able to see him but you sure as hell were able to hear his bloody screams of terror.

It was motionless for a second but then Harry came flying in and grabbed the dragon. He shot a spell at the dragon and it closed its eyes and fell against the ground. "Did he just kill it?" Ellie asked.

"Stunned." George said. El looked just like me, scared out of her mind.

"And to think you tried to enter." I mumbled into Fred's chest.

"Don't remind me, this looks whicked. I'm so jealous of Harry." Fred said as he ran his hand through my hair.

"If you somehow didn't die if you became a champion then I would've killed you." I said and picked up my head so I could properly look at him.

"Hm really? I think you would miss me too much to kill me." He teased. "All of me." He whispered and right away I knew he was talking about his bloody dick.

"Shut up." I blushed as I playfully punched his shoulder. "Seriously can't you have one conversation without thinking about sex?"

"Not if you're me." He smirked and kissed my forehead.

Everyone got up and made their ways back to Hogwarts to which I'm guessing my house is having an party for Harry's placing. I wasn't paying attention to what place he got because I was too busy scolding Fred.

We walked back into the common room and I saw people were already chanting Harry's name. I was not in the mood for a party. "I'm going back to my dorm." I said to Fred.

"I will be there after I congraduate Harry." He said and pecked the top of his head with his lips. I nodded my head okay then walked up to my dorm, I grabbed a loose shirt that was like a dress on me because it was Fred's and then grabbed a pair of under wear and began taking my clothes off.

"Mmm, I could get use to this sight." Fred groaned and walked up behind me and grabbed onto my ass. I was bent over, ass naked, stepping into my underwear. HIs fingers rubbed against my ass and he pushed his hips against me.

"Freddie." I said and pulled up my underwear and turned around. I also didn't have a bra on so I covered my chest with one hand and tried to grab my shirt with the other but Fred beat me to it and grabbed the shirt. "Give it."

"Take your arm away from your chest." He debated. I furrowed my brows and glared at him. "You don't need to hide anything princess, not like I haven't see anything."

"I know." I sighed and took my arm away from my chest. "Get me a new bandaid so I can put my top on?" I asked and Fred listened and walked to my bathroom to get what I asked for. Yesterday I had to jump into a thorn bush because Fred and I were making out by the black lake and my dad saw us. So I jumped into the bush and Fred, being smarter than me hid behind a rock.

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