| E I G H T Y |

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We want Brooklyn!

I turned around and looked at Fred with fear. But my gaze moved when I saw something move to the side of him, and it was wasn't El or George.

I didn't move, I planted my feet to the ground and didn't move. Fred walked up to me and took the paper out of my hands and read it.

"George, get Ellie inside." Fred said in a calm voice, "and get the Order." George nodded his head and grabbed El's hand and brought her back to the store.

The fire was building up even more, then, with one loud crack, the roof to the shop, collapsed. I jumped forward into Fred's arms and began crying. I can't believe this is happening. My shop literally fell down!

"It's okay, let's get inside." He whispered. As we stepped away from the fire, a saw another movement. Then I saw the tip of a wand.

"Crucio!" The voice yelled, the shot was being casted at Fred. Without thinking, I threw my body in front of Fred and let the spell hit me. Fred stumbled back and I ended up tripping over my own feet and hit the ground. "It's the one." The voice said again.

"Ah, we finally see each other again." A female voice said. I couldn't see who it was, but I had a feeling that I knew the voice. Fred grabbed my arm and pulled me up then stepped in front of me and raised his wand, but not knowing where or who he was pointing to.

"Now now Freddie boy, no need to raise your wand at me." The figure stepped out of the shadow and revealed its self.

It was Bellatrix.

The Bellatrix.

A death eater.

"Just give me the girl." She spoke and gave Fred a crooked smile.

"No." Fred said, with no fear in his voice.

"Why are you gaurding the prize? Let me see her." Bellatrix said. Fred didn't move and I didn't either. "Let me see her or I will kill you."

I quickly stepped to the side and showed myself, but I still did have my hand in Fred's. The death eater took a step forward and I took one back.

"Come here girl." She said, she still had her wand raised to Fred, so I let go of Fred's hand, and walked over to Bellatrix. "My my, aren't you a pretty one." She said, the tip of her wand dragged down my cheek and went down to my neck. "How is that cut of your's? The one on your torso."

"It's fine." I said through gritted teeth. She grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it up, showing the faded scar on my torso, where her dagger hit me.

"I see." She hummed and put the shirt back down. I watched her lower her wand from me, and it wasn't pointed at Fred anymore.

I kicked her shin then stepped back. I quickly brought my wand up to her, "stupfiy." I said quickly, but she dodged my spell and moved to the side. Her hand went behind her back and pulled out her dagger.

The next thing I knew, I felt cold metal slice into me.

"No!" Fred yelled.

I felt blood raise then fall from my mouth, then my body fell back and hit the hard, stone, ground.

Fred's POV:

I have no clue where the knife hit her, but I watched as her legs gave out on her and let her body fall back.

I didn't give a fuck if I could get killed, I ran up to Bee and saw blood dripping out of her mouth. "No!" I yelled again, I got down on knees and put my hand to her throat and felt a faint hearbeat.

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now