| E I G H T Y - T W O |

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The rest of the week buzzed by and now, I was apparating to Kings Cross station to see Ginny away, just like a I promised her, then after Fred and I were heading back to the flat, George and Ellie were going to see some wedding stuff since their wedding is at the end of May.

The whistle went for the train, telling the students to get on for their journey back to Hogwarts. "Don't be dumb, and write to me- or call me." I said to Ginny and hugged her. "Just tell me when you want me to sneak you out for a night and I will be there." I whispered and Fred shoved my shoulder. "Just kidding." I mumbled then turned to Ginny and mouth 'not'

"Totally, bye." She hugged me tightly then ran off to the Dean Thomas and got in the train.

When I looked over at Harry, I saw he was looking at the couple with a sad expression. I knew he liked Ginny, they kissed a few times last year, but then Gin ran off with Dean. "Just wait for her Harry, it will be worth it." I whispered to him and he nodded his head slowly, knowing who I was talking about. He climbed onto the train with his other two friends then I turned to Fred.

"Ready?" He asked me and I nodded my head yes. He held my hand and moved me closer to him then grabbed his wand and I moved my grip to him hand and we disapparated from the station.

We landed in the dark and gloomy streets and I gasped. What the hell happened here. All the shops were closed. Every single one. No one was walking around with their friends and family, talking. There was no sun in the sky, dark scary clouds covered it. However, Knockturn Alley was full of dark witches and wizards.

Fred quickly brought me into the shop then closed and locked the door behind him. We made our way up the stairs then went into the flat and he also locked the door there too, just in case. I walked over to the table and and picked up all of the mail we missed and picked up a letter from McGonagall.

'Dear Brooklyn,
I'm so happy to hear that you are willing to do this class. It takes place next week and you will be the last class of the week, so Friday. We have put word out about this class to students over break and a lot of kids had signed up already.
If you could meet me at the Three Broomsticks tomorrow at 11am that would be great, you don't need to write back, only write if you need a different day or time.
See you then,
Prof. M. McGonagall'

I put the letter to the side and decided to not write back because that would be a good time. I followed Fred into our bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes. As soon as I was in just my bra and panties, a thought struck me.

We are in the flat- alone.

"Hey Freddie." I said and looked over at him while he was stepping into his shorts.

"Yes, love?"

"Can you shower with me?" I asked and batted my eyelashes.

"Didn't you just have a shower last night?" He asked and pulled up his shorts.

"Please." I begged and reached my hand behind my back to unhook my bra. Fred looked like he was about to say no, but after I dropped my bra- his answer changed.

"Okay." He smirked and I quickly walked out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom and started the shower. I have not had sex in like a month and a few weeks, since all of December he was so caught up in his work that he didn't even touch me.

And I get it, work is more important than sex. But I really like sex and going a month without it is a lot. Then I was joking when I said no fucking at the Burrow, then I had to run my fucking mouth and got myself cock blocked for a week.

I just want his dick in me.


Fred walked into the bathroom a couple minutes later and I was already naked. I got into the shower and he stripped out of his clothes and joined me. He washed my hair for me then I got body wash and put some in my hands then began to rub my hands over my body, trying to seduce him. I could see him get even harder as he watched me rub against my body.

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now