| F O R T Y |

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A/N: chapter 40 already!

we walked down the rows of tents and vendors, seeing kids and adults of all aged run around with huge smiles on their faces

"here it is, well, goodbye Amos and nice meeting you Cedric" Arthur said then walked into out tent

"bye Ced" I said then hugged him "have fun at the game" I smiled once more till Fred pulled me into the tent "seriously"

"what, dad whats to show us around" Fred said, clearly lying

"this place is cool" Harry said as he and El and mione walked around the tent (all three of them were raised by muggles and had no clue that magic tents were this big on the inside)

while Arthur was talking to Harry, the 4 of us went to check out the bedrooms as Ginny and mione made some tea

"right then, girls in that room, boys in this one" Arthur instructed

"but dad-" George whined

"no, I don't care that you want to sleep with Ellie, you are not doing anything with her under my roo- tent" Arthur said then walked out of the room

"ya right, it's more likely for Fred to fuck Brooke than for George to me" El mumbled

"what! why do you think that" I asked

"you guys did fuck in the middle of the Great Hall last year" she smirked

"I'm going to kill Lee" Fred said

"come'on El, lets go get our stuff put away" I put my hand on the other girls shoulder then spun her around and walked out of the room


"so what should we do, the game starts in 6 hours" Ginny asked as she sat down on the sofa

"good you asked" Arthur said "I think you all should go find your friends, I know Luna is here, and the Barns, of course the Diggory's, and Malfoys if anyone of you kids are friends with Draco"

"I'm going to find Luna" Ginny said then grabbed her phone and ran out of the tent

"we should see if Wood is here" Ellie said

"why he will probably pressure us for this years quidditch, speeking of that, who's the new captian" I asked

"I thought it was Harry, but he said no, my next guess is you or Angelina" Ron said, I flinched at Angelina's name, and Fred noticed, he put his hand on my back and rubbed it "you should ask him when you see him, he is totally here, that boy is obsessed with quidditch"

the 4 of us said bye to Arthur and walked out of the tent and into the busy crowd, I held Fred's hand so we wouldn't get separated, George was carrying El because she already got knocked over by someone

"ah, my 4 favourite quidditch players, long time no see" Oliver Wood said

"hey Wood, how's your summer been" I asked

"great, I sent in my application to be on the Harpies, get the news anyday now" Wood talked about his career for a couple of minutes, not bringing up school quidditch at all

"I thought you were going to attack up with quidditch tips" George laughed, Wood raised his eyebrow then pulled all of us into a corner that only had a few people in it

"well, don't tell anyone, but, there will be no quidditch this year at Hogwarts"

"why is that" I asked

"can't say" both me and Fred frowned at him "you better get going if you want to place bets" he looked over at the twins "are you placing bets"

"sure are" George grinned "your right we should get going, see you around Wood"

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