| T H I R T Y - T H R E E |

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Christmas break was honestly really boring

it went by so quickly, everyday was spent by us doing nothing, the librarian decided to go visit her family for the holiday so the library was closed which meant I couldn't get the book Ellie told me to get

for the present part of Christmas, I got Fred an Irish quidditch hoodie, broom care kit and a chocolate frog

he got me, a charm bracelet and a heart locket necklace that has a moving picture of me and him asleep on the sofa in the common room from the beginning of last year

(I cried when I saw the necklace)

"oh El, can you please tell me what the potions book is about, the suspense is killing me a little" I said before we walked out of our dorm room to go get the boys

"you will just have to see for yourself, all I'm going to say is the potion works magic, and it doesn't take long to make"

'why won't she just tell me' I double checked my hair then walked out of our dorm as well and to the boys, Ellie was standing at the door waiting for me "did you knock" she shook her head no, so I knocked

there was no answer

I knocked again

still no answer

"I swear to god if they left without us, we even woke up early for them, bunch of ass holes" El mumbled

"I don't think they left without us, George and Fred would know that we would beat them up" I laughed then knocked one more time "you have exactly one minute to make yourselves decent!" I yelled

we stood on silence for a minute "I don't hear any noise in there" El said, I reached out to grab the door handle when she pulled out her wand "won't the door be locked"

"please, they never lock their door, quite unsafe but oh well" I opened the door (it wasn't locked, it didn't surprise me but it sure did surprise Ellie) and walked in

"there asleep" she whispered "they must've forgotten to set their alarm clocks"

"not Lee" I pointed to his already made bed "must've left without them" I smirked and Ellie looked at me "oh this is going to be revenge"

Ellie nodded and grabbed one of Lee's pillows, she then walked over to George and smacked him with it "bloody hell" he mumbled "go away"

"no we are going to be late for breakfast, so wake up" El laughed, George sighed and got up "thank you" he walked into the bathroom and seconds later came out dressed "how do you change so quickly" she asked, looking amazed

"I don't put on makeup or care about my clothes" he grabbed her hand "let's go" he turned around to face me "good luck getting him up, your going to need it" he winked then walked out of the room with Ellie

I walked over to Fred's bed and kissed him on the forehead "Freddie get up" he simply turned over so he wasn't facing me anymore "Fred we are going to be late for breakfast"

"I'm not hungry"

"yes you are, now get up, I will be right back" I got off his bed and walked into his bathroom to grab a hair tie, when I came back out he was still laying flat on his back, asleep

'seriously lazy ass' I walked back over and sat criss cross on his bed beside him, then an idea popped in my mind, a rather brilliant one if you ask me

I leaned forward and started to palm Fred through his boxers, he grunted and his eyes fluttered open "Bee-" I took my hand away from him and smiled

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now