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I immediately stepped back from Fred and he turned to face his girlfriend.

Girlfriend. I'm so stupid. Why did I just kiss someone who is dating another girl?

"What the fuck are you doing bitch? Get away from him." Angelina spat at me.

"I- I'm sorry." I mumbled and look down at my feet in embarrassment. What the hell did I just do?

"I told you to stay away from him. Have you been messing with him while I was gone?" She hissed and walked up to me, getting all in my space.

"Talk to him. I'm outta here." I muttered harshly then turned around walked away from both of them as tears rolled down my cheeks. I just had my first kiss- with someone who has a girlfriend.

Fred's POV:

"Why the fuck did she kiss you?" Ang snapped at me and put her hands on her hips, but I was facing the way Bee just walked off to. I need to go talk to her.

"I- I need to go, I'll talk with you later." I said but she stopped me.

"Are you just going off to find Brooklyn?" She asked and I stayed silent. "She doesn't like you Freddie. She has told you already. She was about to kiss Ryan. She likes him, not you. Which is good, because that way we don't have her in our way."

"I know she doesn't like me Ang, but I need to go talk to her. I will be back later, I promise." I said and walked away from her before she could stop me again. I walked down the dark hallways out into the courtyard and down to the Black Lake where I knew she would be. She always goes there when she is upset.

Sure enough, she sat on a rock near the water, her knees against her chest with her head bowed down, I could hear sobs come from her.

"Bee, get back inside. You're going to get a cold in this weather." I said but she didn't look up at me, or listen to me.

"Go away Fred. I don't want to talk to you." She muttered.

"We aren't going through this again. You need to tell me what is going on. You can't kiss me then go back to not talking to me. You were so close to telling me what the problem is."

"There isn't a problem." She said and looked up at me as she wiped her tears away. "You should go be with Ang, it's New Years, have to start it with someone you like."

That's why I'm here, dummy.

"I don't want to be with her right now, I want you to talk to me." I sighed and she frowned.

"How about you talk then?" Her mood changed quickly as she spat the words at me and crossed her arms over her chest, warming herself up. "Why don't you tell me why you just forgot about me? Gave up on me? Left me so you ould be Angelina?"

"I never left you. You left me." I said, confused as hell.

"I never left you Fred." She chuckled. "You changed. You changed a lot. As soon as you got partnered with Ang, she became apart of our friend group. She took you over. You were never just with us anymore, she always had to be there."

"That is not true."

"When is the last time we hung out together just alone? Not since that night I told you about my dad- in October. She doesn't trust me. I don't trust her. Your whole mood has changed because of her. You never prank anymore, and you are way more focused in class-"

"Isn't that a good thing, maybe I want to boost my grades."

"Or it is because you are more focused with Angelina. You never were with us- and you didn't mind that at all. You always told me you were meant to be the dumb twin."

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang