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The rest of October I tried to push away the pain in my heart every time I saw Fred close to Angelina. They were getting super close in a short time.

Though I never got it confirmed, I knew they were dating. Ang was with Fred every minute, and she never let us two be alone. Not like I wanted to be with him.

It felt as if I was alone. Whenever I had panic attacks, he wasn't there for me. Whenever a boy got too close to me, he wouldn't come up and help me calm down. I know I can't expect him to solve all my problems, but he could at least be there for some times.

What pained me the most is when I walked down into the Common room late one night, and saw Fred laying on the sofa with Ang in between his legs, giggling softly as he whispered to her, making her cheeks glow red.

But even after I saw that, I never stopped liking him. It only made me jealous. The worst feeling ever.

So I decided to help myself not feel the pain, is too stop talking to Fred. Stop seeing him. And try not to think about him. It would be better that way.

Friendships don't always last. Even if they have been going strong for almost five years.


"Brooke, you need to get out of bed. It is the last day of the long weekend. You should have some fun." Ellie sighed, on Sunday morning. I have stayed in our dorm for two days living off of water and food she brought up for me.

"I don't feel good." I mumbled. She put the back of his hand on my forehead and frowned.

"You feel fine." She said and crossed her arms over her chest. "What is actually wrong?"

"Don't laugh, but I have really bad cr-"

"Cut the bullshit, you know you can tell me anything." She huffed and sat down on my bed.

"I can't face Fred. It's too painful for me. I can't deal with seeing him with Angelina. I'm getting jealous over them and that's crude of me." I blurted out. "They're dating."

"I don't know. I haven't gotten a straight answer- but the way they act..." Ellie trailed off when she saw I got sad. "Let's hang out with the girls then. We deserve a girl day."

"Yeah, okay." I smiled, a true smile.

"Go get your sexy ass into some sexy clothes and lets run this bitch!" El yelled to hype me up and I laughed. I quickly put on cropped mint green long sleeve and leggings then went back out to El.

"It's not sexy-"

"But hot, now let's go eat." She linked arms with me and practically dragged me down to the Great Hall. I was finally in higher spirits.

As I walked down the Gryffindor table, I heard someone call out my name.


"Oi Bee, are you gonna sit with us." Fred said and I ignored him. "Brooklyn?" I just kept on walking. He got up and came after me, much to Ang's dismay. "Brooke, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Weasley." I snapped and tried to walk away but he grabbed onto my arm. "Let go, can't you see I don't want to talk to you."

"Why not? I just want you to sit with us." He said but didn't drop my arm.

"I think your girlfriend won't approve." I chuckled. "I'm making this easier for me Fred. I can't do this and you know I can't so let go of me."

"What's going on here?" Ang's annoying voice asked as she walked up to us and Fred let got of my arm.

"Nothing, I was just going." I said and took a step back.

Ang, however, walked up to me. "Stay away from him, you're not good enough for him." She whispered in my ear.

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now