| S I X T Y - F O U R |

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At the words the man just said, I started panicking.

I don't wanna go in there. My mum and Molly walked in and went to the side where they were supposed to go sit. Fred was going to walk in too but stopped when he saw I wasn't moving.

"C'mon princess." He said.

"I don't want to go in there." I said and shook my head no and Fred sighed and walked up to me. "Please." I begged.

"You have to love." He said and put his hand on my shoulder. "Then this will all be over. We will never ever talk about it again. You won't need to scared. It will all be better." He assured me.

I still didn't want to go but I didn't want to fight with him. So I nodded my head okay and he placed a little kiss on my forehead then he let me walk into the room, in front of him.

The room was filled with people on either side. The 'voters' I guess you would call it. The judge was sitting in a chair, that was high enough that everyone could see him. There was two spots in front of him where I'm guessing I was supposed to go.

Behind where those two spots were was my mum and Molly on one side, and on the other side was a few people who was probably with Jesse. I gave Fred one for look then walked over to my spot where Eric was waiting for me.

Fred walked over to his mum and sat down beside her. Eric said hello to me again and smiled and I did the same. A couple of seconds later Jesse walked in with a girl and the girl went to go stand with his family members.

"Court is in session." The judge said. "Today we are brought here for the rape case of either Brooklyn Snape or Jesse Danes." Did he just either? I was the one who got raped. What the hell is this guy talking about? "It seems that there is two stories here so I will listen to each of your statements then take it up with the others and see what happened. Mr. Danes, may speak now."

"Thank you Sir." Jesse said and smiled. "Two weeks ago I was raped by Brooklyn." He said and gasped. I was taken aback. Did this fucker just say he was raped? I froze in place and listened to what he had to say. "I was first cornered by here in a store, I was simply trying to help her with something and she ended up following me around the store."

I turned around and looked at Fred, who looked mad- like he could kill. He looked over at me and he shook his head. I turned back around and looked down at the ground. "When I was walking down the street I saw her on the ground, crying. So being the kind person I am, I walked up to her making sure she was okay. Once I helped her up she basically threw herself on me. She began kissing me as I pushed her off of me. Telling her I have a girlfriend and that I wanted her to stop."

This is all bullshit. Is he seriously saying all of this crap?

"S- she started pulling at my pants and-" Jesse paused and a tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm sorry." He said in a cry that sounded almost real.

"It's okay, take your time." The judge said and, who I'm guessing was Jesse's girlfriend, stepped forward and started rubbing his back.

"She managed to pull my pants down- and started pushing me back and I tripped over my feet and fell back. She then got on top of me and just- raped me. I tried pushing her off of me but she wasn't moving. I was begging." He cried.

There was other sobs from his side of the room. A woman who might've been his mother, was crying, and so was his girlfriend.

"Eventually, after she- well finished on me, I quickly managed to get away and left her in the alley. I don't know what happened after that." He finished and wiped the tear from his face.

"I'm very sorry that that happened Mr. Danes." The judge said. What the actual fucking fuck is happening?! I was the one who got raped! Me! Not him! Me! Oh my fucking god! I was the one!

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