| S I X T Y - N I N E |

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After Daxton said that, everyone went quiet.


"Hehe." I laughed nervously under my breath. McGonagall, who was the only teacher in here, smiled at me. I quickly walked over to my friends and Fred followed.

"What-" Lee began to say.

"-The-" Leo said.

"Don't finish that. He repeates words sometimes." Fred warned and George closed his mouth.

"Is this why we have barely seen you last week? You had a baby?" George asked.

"El- lie." Dax cheered and I passed the kid to my right where El was sitting. "Hi."

"Hey little one." Ellie smiled. George stared at her than me.

"Don't give her baby fever." George pointed his finger at me.

"Already have it." Ellie hummed but kept her eyes on Dax.

"Explain please." Lee spoke up.

"This is Daxton, Dax for short. He is my godmothers son and she is in the Order. So the Order has to go somewhere and I guess I was the only option. I have him till the end of the week." I explained.

"He's so cute." Leo smiled. "How old is he?"

"Two." Fred said.

"Are you helping her?" George asked.

"Yeah." Fred shrugged. "She's a mess without me."

"Am not." I protested.

"Love, you were on the ground crying, while Dax was next to you crying." Fred laughed.

"We were caught up in our feelings." I huffed and all of my friends laughed. "Try raising a kid at 17. Then let's see who's laughing." I stuck my tongue out at them. I took Daxton back and put him on my lap.

Fred put some food onto my plate for me and we all broke out into conversation as Dax played with his fingers.

"So practice is tomorrow still?" El asked me.

"I hope. I just need someone to watch Dax-" I began to say.

"Us!" Lee and Leo yelled.

"We will do it." Leo said.

"For free." Lee added.

"Please." They both said.

I looked over at Fred and he shrugged his shoulders. "Sure." I smiled. "Everybody needs two gay uncles in their lives." I laughed.

"Thank you." Lee sang. "We are going to have so much fun Dax."

"Otay." Dax smiled, not having a single clue on what was happening. "Can I ha- ve some mama?" He asked and reached for my plate and I sighed and threw my head back.

"Daxton." I groaned.

"Fine- I wi- ll j- ust ask dada." He huffed.

"Dude." Fred said.

"What the fuck?" George asked, I covered Dax's ears before he could hear George swear. "What the hel- heck did he just call you two."

"I'm a aunt." Ellie cheered and took Dax away from me again and he started giggling.

"I don't know why he calls us that." I groaned. "It's not a big deal."

"He thinks Fred is his dad. Amd you are his mum." Lee hissed. "That is a big deal."

"Whatever. Just drop it." I said and shook my head.

"Oh, you have to go to your dads right now." Ellie said. "He came over to our table and said so."

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now