| S E V E N T Y - N I N E |

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Living with Fred was perfect. I loved waking up with him, with no one else in the room. Just Fred.

I was determind to be able to make him a cooked breakfast by myself, but so far that hasn't happened.

His shop opened at 9am so we had plenty of time to be together in the morning, and with George leaving right after work, we had even more time to be together. I was even more clingy to him since I hadn't seen him in two months.

One thing I loved with just Fred and I in the flat, was loud sex.

There was no charm casted. No locking spell locked. I could be as loud as I wanted, and it only made Fred go even harder on me.

"Fuck!" I screamed as Fred pulled both of my legs over his shoulders and pushed even more of him into me, in a different angle.

"Fuck princess, you're so good. Keep on screaming." Fred groaned and pushed harder into me, making me continue to scream his name.

"Just like this." I moaned, "yes! Fuck yes! Right there! Oh my god daddy! Yes!" I screamed again and Fred growled and thrusted into me faster and even more harder.

It was now Monday, the opening day for Ellie and I. The sun was bright and at 9am, the streets were full of people.

I was still in bed when Fred jumped out of bed and threw his clothes, realizing he slept through his alarm and George already opened the shop.

He and George have still not hired a helping hand, and they will need to since I can't help them anymore. But Fred told me an ad was going into the paper tomorrow.

Fred kissed my forehead goodbye then left the room in his brown trousers and beige buttoned up shirt.

I laid in bed for a couple more minutes then forced myself to sit up and get out of the bed. Since no one was in the flat, not that I cared if Fred saw me naked, I just walked out of the room wearing nothing and walked to the washroom and grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth.

After brushing through my crazy bed hair and messy sex hair, I turned around and saw Ellie leaning against the door frame.

I squeaked and jumped back, but after I could tell it was El, I relaxed and took a deep breath. "What are you doing? Trying to kill me?" I huffed.

"Sorry babes." She frowned and ran her eyes over my body, "ooo someone had some fun last night." She giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, and that someone was me." I walked past my friend and stepped into my room and got my robe then pulled it on and walked back out to Ellie.

"Lucky, Molly walked in on George and I having sex Molly got mad at George for not locking the door. I've been too scared to do anything since." Ellie sighed and I laughed.

"Oh it's just Molly-" I began to say.

"With her sons dick in me!" Ellie yelled, but not in a mean way towards me. I laughed even harder.

"Yes, but I have had her and my mum, see me cum. Sirius, Arthur and Lupin, has seen my tits while I grinded against Fred. Sirius has also seen Fred fingering me, along with my mum and Molly. My dad has seen- lots of things, due to reading my mind. Lee and Leo walked in on me while I was laying naked on Fred's dorm floor after falling off the bed. And you- have seen some stuff too." I laughed and Ellie did too.

"I guess George and I have it easy."

"Or Fred and I have sex at the wrong time." I said and walked over to the cupboard where the cereal was.

"Pause right there. Get in your work clothes, we are going to breakfast, then we are heading to the shop." Ellie stopped me and explained. I then noticed she was wearing a white button up shit with a long black dress and flats. Her hair was up in a bun.

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora