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Brooklyn's POV:

"If you cry then I cry." I said, my voice shaking and cracking.

"Well then I guess you're going to cry." Cameron burst out into tears and hugged me, tightly. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"We will meet up okay?" I cried. "I promise. We will have a girls day."

"We have to go love, the train is about to leave." Fred told me and I stepped away from Cam and wiped away my tears. I said bye to Cam one last time, then her, James, Bella, Katie, and Cedric, walked away from us. I turned back to Fred and he kissed my forehead then turned me around and I stepped onto the train.

El, George, Lee and Leo already found a cabin so Fred and I joined them. I took the window seat and leaned against the wall and put my legs on top of Fred's thighs. He rubbed my ankles with his fingers as I sighed.

The train began rolling and I turned my head around and watched as my school faded away. Till it was gone. Never to seen again. Well that might be a lie. I will see it once my kids graduate.

I will be so old then.

I wonder if my kids would be like me.

"What's on your mind?" Fred asked me and everyone looked over at me. Did I look sad or something? I am sad. But I don't want to look like it.

"This is a weird thought, but I was thinking, would my kid have sex at 15?" I asked.

"I was thinking that too!" El exclaimed and the twins laughed at us. "I don't think I would want my daughter or son to have sex at 15."

"Neither would I." I laughed.

"Not something you can really ask them where they're older." Fred chuckled.

"Yes it is." I said, "you could just say, 'dear, have you been fucking anyone at school?'" I laughed.

"Maybe don't say 'fucking' doesn't really sound... adult like." Ellie giggled. "Oh, y'know what else I was thinking?" She said, "we need to have at least one kid born in the same year, that way they will be besties."

"Yes!" I cheered. "And you two too." I said to Lee and Leo. They would be the best trio ever.

"How many kids do you want?" Leo asked me and Ellie.

"I want a max of two." Ellie said.

"I don't know how much I want. I really want twins though. Maybe another one as well." I shrugged. "Oh, and of course Daxton as well."

"How many kids do you guys want?" El asked Lee and Leo, "if you guys are having kids."

"We talked, and we think we want one." Leo smiled.

"Wait, so are you guys moving in together?" I asked in joy. Both boys nodded their heads yes and I smiled in happiness.

"How many kids do you guys want though?" Lee asked the twins.

"I'm set on a max of two." George grinned.

"Three for sure as well. And I'm totally rooting for twins." Fred had the same grin on his face as his twin.

"He has that stupid look on his face but he won't give me a fucking baby." I huffed and everyone began laughing at my words.

"Not yet." Fred chuckled and I rolled my eyes. I knew that, but that doesn't make me want a baby even less.

The train ride went by faster than I wanted. AndI didn't even fall asleep this time. This is literally the first time that has happened.

The train whistle blew, inditcating that the train had pulled into the station. That is when a thought hit me. I won't be seeing Fred in a month or so.

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