| F O R T Y - T H R E E |

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Warning: ED (eating disorder)

for some reason eating became hard for me again

the the next week I began eating every meal and sometimes eating a little snack whenever I'm hungry

but now I found out that there was going to be a huge sale at a boutiqe in Hogsmade and I some how got roped into going to it with Ellie, Cam, Bella and Katie

that was going to be a problem because I didn't want to go there, see a dress that I think is perfect, check the size then see that it is like a hundred sizes smaller than I actually fit


"are you ready" Ellie asked me as we stood outside of the boutiqe "I can't wait, the dress that we will wear to the ball will be in there, I can't wait"

I nodded my head and fake smiled

we linked arms then walked into the store, it was filled with hundreds of Hogwarts girl who were looking for the perfect dress

I looked to my right and saw ball gowns, I look to my left and see party dresses and casual dresses, then I look straight ahead and see Yule Ball dresses (it was a temporary display)

Ellie ran to the dresses and started looking them over

I walked over to a beautiful purple dress, it had a mesh net in the back, and it was long and flowy ans had a sash along the front "not my style" I said to no one, I walked over to another dress, this was was silver, I instantly turned around and walked away from it "no way, not my colour"

"I have an idea, lets get dresses that are the same and see who it looks better on" Katie said

"sure" me and the other 3 girls said, we found 5 red dresses in our size then walked into the changing rooms to put them on

I put mine on and looked it over, I looked pretty, but I knew I wasn't going to get it because red didn't really look that good on me "ready!" Cam yelled, we all walked out of the changing room and looked at eachother "we look hot"

they looked hot

their dresses hugged their curves and made them look skinny, mine made me look fat, well I thought it made me fat but I knew Fred would say otherwise

we all changed out of the dresses and kept on looking, I walked over to a rack and saw a gorgeous ocean blue dress, it was perfect, it was short and dipped down at the top a bit, it was tight on the chest then had a little ruffle skirt on it 'don't get attatched, it might cost your left arm'

I looked at the price and saw it was in my price range, $300.00

I grabbed it then put it on, I turned around and looked in the mirror, it was beautiful, drool worthy, dazling

but I thought it made me look like a whale 'don't think that, this dress is perfect, just buy it that way your stuck with it '

I walked out of the change room and saw Ellie buying a dress, I walked up next to her and purchessed my dress "I'm so excited, you probably look smoking in the dress you got" El squeeled

"ya" I said quietly, we told the other girls we would meet them at lunch then left the store and walked back to our dorms to hang the dresses up so they wouldn't get crinkled

"let's try them on" Ellie said

"what if the boys see us" I asked

"they won't there out pranking" El said then picked up her dress and walked into our bathroom "go to the boys and use theirs, we will meet in the common room!" she yelled from the other side of the door

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora