| E I G H T Y - F O U R |

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August 23rd 2003
(Book 7 Movie 7)

"I have been after this girl for how many years." Voldermort spoke in his cold tone, "she has been my target for so long. Ever since I knew of her powers. This girl hs been out of school for a year yet, I still can't get her. All of you are useless!"

The Malfoy Manor was cold, dark, unfriendly. "You, my boy, you are friends with the girl." He talked to the young boy.

"Yes My Lord." The boy said.

"How would you like to do a task for me?"

"I would be honoured."

"See, this boy is how old? 20? And he is more loyal than any of you." All of the Death Eaters gave the Dark Lord a sorrowful look.

"We will go for the Ministry tomorrow, get the information we need, and begin this war. You, my boy, you will take the Poly Juice Potion of someone Brooklyn knows, and you will bring her to me."

"Yes My Lord." Taylor grinned and looked down at his Dark Mark. "Anything for you."


"Yes! Oh my god Freddie right there!" I moaned into the sheets, my hands fisting till my knuckles were white.

"Princess, I don't have the charm on, you better lower your tone." Fred warned me but I didn't want to listen. Fred putting his hand over my mouth really wasn't an option since I always bit him, I don't like when he covers me.

"Nooo." I whined and groaned, feeling little and bratty.

Fred pressed his thumb to my lower lip and I opened my mouth a little, letting Fred push his thumb in my mouth, shutting me up, and continued to heavenly thust into me.

"Oi! Fred! You got to come help with the tent!" George said and hit his fist on the other side of the old wooden door of Bills room.

"Not right now Georgie." Fred huffed, not bothering to slow down his pace.

"Yes right now." George argued.

"I'm a little busy at the moment." Fred replied through gritted teeth.

"Get your fucking dick out of Brooklyn and come out here right now before I come and drag you out of the room myself." George warned.

"Fuck off." Fred said. I giggled a little and Fred looked down at me and smirked. George's hand hit against the door. "Just lemme get her to cum."

"Fredrick Weasley!" Molly screeched from the other side of the door and thats when Fred finally pulled out as my face turned pale. I pulled on Fred's shirt and fixed my panties as Fred pulled up his boxers and sweatpants, Molly then walked into the room.

"Oh my goodness." She sighed, "look at the both of you, you're a mess. You're not even dressed yet and marked up in hickey's! The wedding is in three hours!"

"We'll just shower." Fred shrugged.

"Not together you won't." She huffed and put her hands on her hips. "Both of you go get ready, Fred go put up the tent."

"Just let me change." He replied.

"No, go do it now." She said, Fred looked down at me, then began to walk out of the room. "Brooklyn go shower and do something about those marks." She said to me then turned out of the room.

So you may be confused on what is going on. So I'll fill you in.

I'm 19 now! Birthday was last week and I got amazing birthday sex. Um, it's been a year since I graduated. I've lived with Fred, George, and El for a year. El and George did not get married in May like they were supposed to, and I learned it was because of me and because I was basically getting hunted by Voldy. My mom and Snape got married. El's and mine shop it doing great. Kalen is engaged to the girl he told me about at that party we had in January. And Fred still hasn't proposed. All caught up now.

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