| E I G H T Y - S E V E N |

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Brooklyn's POV:

It was a whisper. That's all it was.


Was he just saying that? Did he actually say yes? I should've asked him. But we fell asleep, I needed sleep and so did he. I will ask him later, once I get his message.

Why haven't I gotten his message after three hours. I was pacing back and forth. Tugging at my hair due to stress. Why haven't I gotten his message.

The question kept on running through my mind.

I'm not waiting for the fucking message. That's it. I grabbed my wand, it's all I needed, and disapparated from the shack. When I opened my eyes I saw that I took myself to the Gryffindor Common room. It's the same.

I saw a group of first years hurdled in a corner, shaking and sobbing. What the hell are they still doing here. When they saw me step before them, they shot back, one girl whimpered. "No no, it's okay. I'm going to get you somewhere safer. This place could collapse." I explained and tried to sooth them. Though I don't think they believed me. "Do we all know where the library is?"

"Yes." A few of them said.

"Can you follow me?" Nods were my response. As they slowly took a step forward, I saw two kids in the back. A girl was on the ground crying and a boy, who looked the same age, had his arms around the girl, hugging her. "Hi, what's your name?" I asked the little boy.

"Mac." The little boy said.

"What's her name?" I then asked.

"Athena." Mac answered.

Mac and Athena.

"Hey Athena, I know you're really scared right now and I want to help you." I said gently, she looked up at me and rubbed her eyes. "Okay?" She slowly nodded her head yes. Mac helped her up from the ground and held her hand as they both followed me.

The halls were empty. And destroyed. Over a year ago I was here to tech a sex Ed class and now my childhood home is being destroyed. I successfully got all first years to the library. Most of them were in better moods already. Since where I took them, wasn't a war zone.

I looked among the crowd of kids, spotting Mac and Athena again. Athena was sitting on the ground next to him, still holding his hand, his mouth was moving, showing that he was talking but I couldn't hear a sound from them.

"Ms. Are our parents going to save us?" A boy tugged on my shirt.

"I'm sure they're on their ways. For now you need to stay in this room. No one will hurt you, okay?" Another wave of yes'. Once making sure they were all okay, I set off again. Fred's going to yell at me but right now, I don't care. I haven't heard word in a while, I have a right to panic.

My heart raced as I heard yells and casts ring through the air. As I walked down a broken staircase, I saw bodies on the ground. No one I knew. Mostly Death Eaters. I had no clue where to go, but out of the corner of my eye I heard a voice I recognized too much, filled my hearing.


"Well we'll well. Little Brooklyn is finally around with no protection." Her cold hand grabbed onto my wrists and I flinched. "Freddie isn't here to save you?" He sharp voice whispered, right beside my ear.

I stayed silent, trying to keep my breathing steady, no tremble, no wince.

"In fact... if I saw correctly... the last time I saw him... he was the one... under the exploded wall." It felt as if my heart stopped. My breathing hitched. She's lying. She's trying to get to me. "He... well-" she chuckled, "he didn't look that well."

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz