| S I X T E E N |

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"last class for year 4" I sighed sadly as I walked down the halls of Hogwarts with Fred

"I know love, it's sad, but aren't you happy about holiday" he asked squeezing my shoulder

"I guess, where are we going"


"ugh" I whined, I haven't talked to my dad in 3 days, ever since the whole common room thing

"I know I don't want to go either"

"so we can-"

"no we are not skipping, lets go" he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dungeons

"okay class has started, grab the stuff you need for the potion then get to work"

"do we partner" Fred asked

"what do you think Weasley" my dad snapped, Fred quickly looked over at me with a scared look on his face

"it's fine he's just in a mood" I smiled then grabbed his hand pulling him over to the cupboard

we successfully made our potion and didn't blow it up, we handed it in and he gave us a 3- which I got mad about "what the hell, 3- out of the fricken year we have on made 5 potions that didn't blow up and your giving us a 3- bull shit"

"language Brooklyn"

"I don't give a fuck, we deserve a 4-"

"fine, go sit down now"

Fred and I chatted for the rest of the class, watching people mess up there potions, there was 5 minutes of class left when Snape called Fred into his office, when he called him into a privet room Fred's face dropped "it was nice knowing you" he whispered then walked into the other room

I turned around and started to talk with Ang for a few minutes till I heard my dad and of course everyone else did "I know you are going to screw this up!"

I couldn't hear Fred's response because he wasn't yelling but my dad kept on yelling "so what does this mean, you are just going to shove your tongue down my daughters throat!" everyone turned around and faced me

"what is he talking about" a boy said"

"erm-" I tried to say but was cut off from my dad yelling again

"not true- I walked into the fricken common room to hear Brooklyn moaning!"

"did you 2 hook up" a girl asked smiling

"what, no we didn't" I said, my face was getting really red

a second Fred pushed open the door and walked out, his face matching the shade of his hair, I got up and he quickly grabbed my arm as he walked by taking me with him, we walked out of the classroom and down the hall "what the hell happened in there" I asked wanting answers

"you dad thinks we're dating, he hates me, thinks I'm using you, and you deserve better, oh ya he also wasn't that happy with the whole moaning common room thing" he said, his face was fading back to it's normal colour

"oh my god- oh my god" I said pacing up and down

"calm down Bee"

"we can't go back in there"

"I agree with you but why can't you"

"everyone thinks we fucked, we could hear everything my dad yelled

"let's go" he said quickly, we walked back to the common room and watched a movie till it was dinner time

"we aren't going to be late to our last dinner!" Ellie yelled at me, I was in my wardrobe trying to find a good outfit

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now