| S I X T Y - S I X |

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A/N: I can't believe I'm writting this but....

Time to take a field trip to Paris- oui oui.

Oh my god *face palm*

So the rest of the week was filled with; boys being dicks. Getting harassed. Grabbed. Touched. Cornered. Fred beating the living shit out of boys. Me beating the living shit out of boys. Ellie, George, Lee and even Leo once, doing the same. Oh and Taylor got in a nasty fight with a Slytherin. He got cut and had to get stitches.

They were getting hurt because of me. And it made me feel so bad.

But they always told me that they were doing it to keep me safe. That meant a lot of detentions. McGonagall would usually let us off with a warning, but Umbitch.... That is a different story.

Now it was the start of a new week. Monday.... Yay! Said no one ever.

I sat beside Fred and across from a snogging Lee and Leo. I groaned and picked up a piece of bread and threw it at the two. "Okay- now I get why you don't like watching Fred and I kiss." I groaned again.

"Thank you." Lee smirked but turned back to kiss Leo. I grabbed the french toast off of Fred's plate and threw it at Lee. It hit is face and Leo started laughing. "You bitch." He growled.

"A hot one too." I winked and Fred, Lee, and Leo all rolled their eyes. Fred grabbed my french toast and bit into it. "Hey!"

"You threw mine at the two L's." Fred said.

"Because they were being gross." I whined. Fred pretended not to hear me and kept on eating. "Dick."

After I ate my new piece of french toast, Fred and I went to our morning classes.

Luckly today, I didn't cause a scene in class but I did punch a Ravenclaw outside of the classroom. He pulled up the back of my skirt and I punched him before Fred could. "Don't even do that again." I growled.

The boy was pushed up against the wall, his face bloody and his body shaking.

"Understand?" I asked.

"Y- yes." He stuttered. I let go of him and he ran away. I turned back to Fred and saw he was talking to the Ravenclaws boy group. Fred pointed his finger in the opposite direction of me and the boys all walked away quickly.

"Let's go before Umbridge finds us. Plus we are going to be late for Charms." I sighed and we both walked away. Almost all of the girls in our school loves me. They are all so happy that I can stand up for myself and I'm not afraid to punch a boy.

"I have a better idea." Fred smirked and I did too.

"Lets go." I smiled. What time is it? It's time to get railed by Fred!

We quickly got to the common room and we went up to his dorm then closed the door and silenced it. Fred was quick to push me down on the bed and start kissing my neck as he undid my tie.

I could already feel him hard over me and I knew he has been horny for awhile now. I moaned and arched my back as his mouth latched onto my nipple and began sucking on it. When Fred wants to fuck quickly- he goes fast.

I unbuttoned his blazer and peeled it off of him then reached down for his belt. He was already on his knees, pulling down my skirt then panties. When he got back up, I pulled his belt out of the hoops on his trousers then unzipped his trousers.

"Ass in the air princess." He whispered in my ear. I listened and got on my hands and knees then lowered my chest flat on the bed but kept my ass up. I heard the sound of Fred pulling his trousers down then boxers.

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