| T H I R T Y - T W O |

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"love let's go, we need to say bye to our friends before they leave" Fred whined, I grunted in response "princess, get up"

"no princess here, leave a message at the beep" I mumbled "beep"

"Bee, get up, right now" I grunted again and sat up, not moving afterwards "well, what are you waiting for"

"I don't feel like falling" I protested

"what are you talking about" I got out of the bed, and the second I got up, my legs gave out and I fell into Fred's arms then looked up again "I'm not kidding when I say we need a potion" he pushed me back then put his hands on my waist and lifted me up "but right now we need to go say bye to Cam, Lee and Angelina"

we walked down to the Great Hall after I got dressed to bid our goodbye's to our friends

"put me down" Fred looked at me "I know I'm going to fall on my ass, but at least people won't guess" he loosened his grip around my waist and I slid down from his waist "just hold my hand"

"okay, but sit down, I don't want your legs to ache more than they already do" he opened the door and we both walked in together, I loved the Hall at Christmas time, it was so beautiful filled with colours and happy children, well except for the ones who don't get to go home for holiday 'I rather stay here than go home, this placeis more cozy'

"I'm going to miss you!" Cam yelled as she threw herself in my arms, I let go of Fred's hand and fell down, taking poor Cam with me "sorry didn't mean to full on jump" she got back up and offered me a hand

'there is no way in hell she will be able to help me up' "oh it's okay, meet you at the Gryffindor table" she smiled then skipped over to my house's table and sat beside James

I put my hands behind me and tried to push up, but I fell straight on my back "ya right, you will never be able to get yourself up love" Fred bent down and pulled me up, also lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around him

"this is much better" he chuckled as he walked over to our friends

"there you 2 are, we are leaving soon" Lee said, Fred put me down on the bench then took a seat next to me "and I wasn't planning on leaving without a goodbye"

"this one wouldn't get out of bed" Fred pointed a finger at me and I jokingly stuck my tongue out at him

"we have to get going" Ang spoke up "bye guys" she walked over to me and I think she was going to hug me "bye Brooklyn"

"my legs are still asleep" I lied, she looked me up and down then raised an eyebrow

she bent down and hugged me so I didn't have to get up "come up with better lies" she whispered so only I could hear "happy Christmas" she said aloud this time

"happy Christmas" I said shyly "bye Cami" Cam also bent down to hugged me and said something similar to me as Ang said, lastly was Lee, he was completly oblivious and just said 'happy Christmas'

once the 3 of them left the Hall the lot of us broke out into conversations "sorry you don't get to be home with your family El" I sighed, last year she didn't go home because her mum and brother got into a car accident, this year, well I don't know why she didn't go home

"it's okay, I chose to stay back, I wanted to keep Georgie company, like he did for me last year" Geoge flung his arm around Ellie and kept on talking with James and Fred

"oh I have something for you" El slipped me a paper and written on it was the number #12457 and another thing, 'page 34', I looked at her and she smirked "go to the library and say I need to find this book for my friend"

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