| S E V E N T Y - F I V E |

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The last week of school is my favourite time of the year. Teachers don't give out homework and sometimes the teachers wouldn't even teach a lesson, they would just let the students do whatever.

Hence, why I'm talking with my friend's in Transfiguration and not doing work!

"Okay, so right after class we are going to Hogsmade where Rose will fit us for our dresses. Then tomorrow we have a gown fitting. Friday, Astoria booked nail and hair appointments for Prom." Ellie told me and wrote stuff down as she talked. "Rose said come whenever, but the gown fitting is at 5pm sharp."

"Did you hear that?" I asked Fred, who was talking with George and Draco. Fred shook his head no and turned his attention back to the other boys.

I sighed and got a sticky note and wrote down;

Fitting, 5pm.

Then peeled it off the pad and grabbed Fred's chin and turned his head so he was looking at me. I then stuck the note onto his forehead and kissed his cheek.

Fred rolled his eyes and grabbed the piece of paper and stuffed it into his pocket and turned back, again, to Draco and George.

"He is totally going to forget about that." I sighed and El chuckled. "How many minutes are left in this class?"

"It's done... now." She said and the bell rang. I pushed out of my chair and grabbed my phone and wand from the desk. Both El and I said goodbye to our boyfriends then headed off the Hogsmade.

Another thing about the last week of school is, the teachers don't really care if you wear uniform or not, it's too late to take points away.

After a 15 minute walk, we got to Hogsmade and walked through the busy crowd of people. We went to the Leaky Couldron where Rose was staying and walked into her room like she told us to do.

"Perfect, and good timing too." Rose cheered and hugged her niece then me. "I have a fair amount of dresses for each of you to try, then if you like a dress but it doesn't fit right, then I will work my magic on it." She cheered and El and I slightly laughed.

Rose is such a upbeat, happy, person. She is always thinking on the postive side. That's what I love about her.

It honestly didn't take long to find my dress. It was perfect for me.

It was a sky blue that was cut into a V at the neck, is had a sparkly mesh on the outside of it to make it look even prettier. The dress went down to the floor and hid my feet from view. The back just had a small zipper and thin straps hooked over my shoulders to hold the dress up.

"That is perfect for you Brooke!" Rose exclaimed, "Light makeup with it, curl your hair and maybe a little prom tiara and you will be golden."

"That's funny, but I didn't even get voted for for Prom Queen." I laughed and El chuckled, but I didn't notice that. "So do I have to wear heels?" I asked. I don't have the best balance in high heels and if I can get away without them, then I will.

"Oh hun, have you seen the height differance between you and Fred?" Rose laughed and handed me silver heels. I sighed and sat down and put them on me. I got up and wobbled a little but then I was fine.

"You look hot!" Ellie clapped. I took the dress and shoes off and put my clothes back on then Rose put my dress in a bag and put El's in a bag.

"How much?" I asked Rose.

"Think of it as a teaser for your new shop." Rose smiled and I hugged her.

"Are you sure?" I double checked.

"Totally." She smiled. Shortly after, Ellie and I left the pub and went back out into the streets. Ellie left to grab something from a book store so I stayed outside and scrolled through my phone.

Soulmate- Fred WeasleyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя