| T H I R T Y - N I N E |

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the train ride back home was pretty awkward

Fred and I barley said anything to each other, I could feel him looking at me, and once I looked back, we atarted into eachothers eyes but I broke the rope that was tied to our eyes

now the train was pulling into the station and El and George started saying their sappy goodbyes 'I should probably say bye to Fred, after all we are still friends

I wanted to be more than friends with him, and he wanted the same thing, but like I said, everytime I looked at him I saw a cheater, and it broke my heart

I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder then walked off the train "oh dear, did Fred tell you" Molly asked 'oh ya, she thinks we are dating' "you are coming to the World Cup with us, well except me, not really a fan"

"I- I am" I stuttered

"yep" George said than patted my back "can't wait, Irish are playing"

"well we best get going, say your goobyes" Molly announced

I turned around and walked up to Fred, I pulled him into a hug and I felt his familiar strong arms wrap around, I got on my tip toes and brought my mouth to Fred's ear "I'm going to get pasted it, I promise" I knew that he knew what I was saying because a small smile appeared on his face "goodbye Freddie" he kissed the top of my head then I pulled away

"bye princess- I mean Bee" he said, I kissed his cheek one last time then walked over to my mum

"tell me about the break up" she said as she put her arm around me and walked out of the station


we arranged that I would be with the Weasley's for a week, a day at there home, and the other 6 at the World Cup

some how my mum knew that me and Fred broke up, I didn't even have to tell her

I spent the first week home telling my mum about him, and I cried a lot when I did, I missed him so much, but did he miss me was the real question

the rest of summer was fun, we went shopping, got our nails done, hair done, and went shopping some more

I begged my mum not to send me to my dads and eventually she gave in a called off the arrangements (I told her about all the fights with my dad, except I didn't tell her about when he called me slut)

"ready Brooke" my mum asked me

"do we really have to apparate, it hurts like hell" I whined

"yes, now if you want to see your friends I suggest you hold on to my hand and let me apparate" my mum sighed, I obeyed and took her hand in mine "3... 2... 1" then we were gone, a second later we were right infront of the Burrow

Molly walked out with a huge smile on her face "Brooklyn, so nice to see you, and it is great to see you too Jule"

"hi Molly" I said then walked into her arms and let her give me a bone crushing hug

"will you be staying for dinner" Molly asked my mum, I turned around and saw my mum give a warming nod "great, oh that works out well, because it's your birthday today so we can have a birthday dinner"

"oh you don't have to, really" I said nicely

Molly shook her head and smiled "no need, now I think my twins might be happy to see you, so get on and go see them" she said then kissed the top of my head

"okay, see you later" I smiled then walked into the Weasley's home

I loved their house, it was so welcoming, so full of love, my home was too but I mean this house was full of so much different types of love, there was 7 kids after all, but only 4 went to school, Percy graduated last year

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