| S I X T Y - T H R E E |

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A/N: This song gives me Brooklyn vibes.

Here is the link to my S O U L M A T E spotify playlist that has songs on it that relates to characters and this book. Like it and follow my account! You can even listen to the songs while reading my chapters.


Highlight the link if it doesn't work and put it in your search bar and it should take you to the spotify account. Like it and it will be moved to your spotify account <3

The next week or so was okay. Sure I was still shaken up about what happened to me in town. But Fred was really helping me.

He was always with me and helped me get through my panic attacks. If I really didn't feel like doing anything one day, he would stay in bed with me and give me little kisses and whisper assuring words to me.

We did have sex a couple times throughout the week, but it was mostly calm and nice. Though the last time I let him go a little hard on me. We did also do the other things and I didn't really care how rough he was on me for that.

When the adults noticed out ring, Molly was very happy and so was my mum, my dad acted as if he was happy but we both knew he was not. The mothers also really liked how we had engravings on the insides.

But so did I. Like Everyday I looked at it at least 50 times. I read the same thing over and over again. 'I love you always princess'. And everytime I felt as if I could cry. It was the best thing I had ever gotten.

Ellie was also obsessed with my ring. And everytime she talked about it, I would just think that in the matter of a couple of months, hopefully she will have one on her finger too. But a engagment one.

So the winter break ended on a good note. Oh except for Arthur getting attacked in the Ministry one night. Yeah that was really bad.

Dumbledore let the Weasley kids, Mione, Ellie and I stay another week before returning to school, all of our school work would be put to the side. And plus, we barely do any work on the first week back.

So our break is extended. But not for a good reason so that kinda kills the mood.

"Brooklyn wake up." Ellie said. She must've said it a couple of times because she usually calls me 'Brooke' on the first few tries. "Wake your lazy ass up. It is 2pm." She hissed.

"Give me another hour." I groaned and rolled over.

"You've been asleep for 16 hours. We don't need to make that 17." Fred said and I opened my eyes. I looked over at him and saw he was walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and a toothbrush in his mouth.

I have seen this boy completely naked before. Multiple times. But it just hits different when his body is slightly wet and his ginger hair is damp and messy. And fuck- with the towel wrapped loosely around his hips, showing off his abs and V-line.

It could make me drop to my knees within seconds.

"Eyes up here love." Fred teased. I looked up at his face and Ellie giggled. I realized my mouth was also open so I closed it. He winked and turned around then went back into the washroom.

"You have fucking baby eyes." Ellie laughed.

"Leave me alone, I need to get changed." I huffed and got out of bed.

"Yeah, I bet Fred would love to see that. Seeing you change right in front of him" She giggled and made a stupid sex face.

"Yeah he would!" Fred yelled from the other room.

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